Wednesday, October 3, 2018

St. Andrew and St. John Weekly e-mail 10/03/2018

Weekly Email for St. Andrew and St. John, 10/03/2018

The Reverend Vesta Kowalski—October 7th, 8AM Service St. Andrew's (last Service for season) and St. John's 10AM service
St. John's service:
Usher—Karen Craig
Lessons—Ephron Catlin
Prayers—Ellen Gilmore
Chalice—Jayne Ashworth
Altar—Jayne Ashworth
Vestry Lock up—Karen Craig

St. John's Service October 14, 2018 will be 8AM only. This is Marathon Sunday. Runners finish line is near the church 9-930 AM.

Kathleen expects to return Monday October 8, 2018.

Kathleen's Father, William Bernard Killian, funeral was Sunday, September 30, 2018. His interment was Monday, October 1, 2018. Notes of condolences may be sent to St. Andrew and St. John, 315 Main St., P. O. Box 767, Southwest Harbor, ME 04679.

Please keep Kathleen's father, Kathleen and her family your prayers.

Gen MacKenzie
Senior Warden

Ted Fletcher
Junior Warden

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