Friday, October 19, 2018

Important Worship Update!

Dear Parish Family,

In an effort to continue to grow our presence in Southwest Harbor, as well as attend to the needs of the parish, our principal Sunday service will remain at 10am. Beginning in November and throughout Advent (11/4-12/23), a contemplative 8am Sunday service will also be offered. 

During the deep winter months, we will take a break from the 8am, which will resume after Easter, if not before, and until St. Andrew's re-opens. 

Forums and parish meetings will be held before the 10am service at 9am. 

A reminder too that a Healing Eucharist is available throughout the year on Thursdays at 12noon.

See you this Sunday 10/21 at 10am! 

With gratitude and blessings, 
Mother Kathleen+

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