Thursday, February 28, 2019

Three week email from St. Andrew & St. John

Events and News
from the Parish of
St. Andrew & St. John

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Worship Schedule

St. John the Divine

315 Main Street, Southwest Harbor

Sunday, March 3
Last Sunday after the Epiphany
10:00 a.m. – Eucharist
When morning gilds the skies (427)
Christ upon the mountain peak stands alone (129)
I come with joy to meet my Lord (304)
Lord, you give the great commission (780 – WLP)
Exodus 34:29-35
2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2
Luke 9:28-36, [37-43a]
Psalm 99

Celebrant: The Rev. Kathleen Killian
Usher: Karen
First Lesson/Psalm/Second Lesson: Margot
Prayers: Ellen
Chalice and Acolyte: Linda
Altar Guild: Dean
Coffee Hour: Gen and Ward
Vestry Member in Charge: Gen
Sunday, March 3 is World Mission Sunday. Episcopalians are invited to focus on the global impact of the Baptismal Covenant's call to "seek and serve Christ in all persons," and participate in God's mission around the world. As Christians, we are called to reach out across borders, across walls, across divides and to the whole of humanity. There are no geographical borders in God's world, there is only love, and love knows no boundaries. Currently, Episcopal Church missionaries serve in many international locales, including Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, England, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Israel/Palestine, Panama, the Philippines, Qatar, Romania, South Africa, and Tanzania.
Sunday, March 10
Lent 1
10:00 a.m. – Eucharist
Forty days and forty nights (150)
Now let us all with one accord (147)
Lead us, heavenly Father (559)
Deuteronomy 26:1-11
Romans 10:8b-13
Luke 4:1-13
Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16

Celebrant: The Rev. Kathleen Killian
Usher: Edie
First Lesson/Psalm/Second Lesson: Ellen
Prayers: Linda
Chalice and Acolyte: Rita
Altar Guild: Jayne
Coffee Hour: ___
Vestry Member in Charge: Edie
Sunday, March 17
Lent 2
10:00 a.m. – Eucharist
The God of Abraham praise (401)
Shepherd of souls (343)
Take up your cross (675)
Genesis 15:1-12,17-18
Philippians 3:17-4:1
Luke 13:31-35
Psalm 27

Celebrant: The Rev. Chuck Bradshaw
Usher: Dean
First Lesson/Psalm/Second Lesson: Pamela
Prayers: Ellen
Chalice and Acolyte: Linda
Altar Guild: Joan
Coffee Hour: Joan and Ted
Vestry Member in Charge: Gen

Weekday Healing Prayer and Eucharist at 12:00 noon on Thursdays


St. John's Calendar

The full St. John's Calendar can be viewed <HERE>


Sunday, March 3, 10, 17
        9:00 a.m. -- Forum
       10:00 a.m.  — Holy Eucharist
Tuesdays, 4:00 p.m. — Meditation
Wednesday, March 6, 4:00 p.m. – Ash Wednesday Services
Thursdays, 12:00 noon — Healing Prayer Eucharist
Fridays, 10:00 a.m. — Prepare Backpacks


Michele will be out of the office March 1-15






At St. John's


Meditation on Tuesdays at 4:00 at St. John's. Please join us for 30 minutes of shared silence and "prayer of the heart," an ancient meditative practice of the Christian tradition. All are welcome! We meditate sitting on chairs, though if you prefer to sit on the floor, feel free to bring a mat or cushion. If you are new to meditation, have questions or concerns, or would like more information, please contact Mother Kathleen.


Westside Food Pantry
The next distribution Sundays are: March 3, 12 Noon to 2 PM; and March 17, 12 noon to 1 PM at the Harbor House. 







From the Diocese of Maine{Diocese of Maine}

As a Parish of the Diocese of Maine, we are part of a church family that extends from Kittery to Fort Kent, and connects us to the rest of the Episcopal Church and the worldwide Anglican Communion.  We share ministry with our Bishop and with every worshipping community.
If you are not subscribed to the Diocesan twice monthly email newsletter, the DioLog, please click [here] to subscribe.  If you are subscribed, don't forget to open it and read it every time!  There is a lot going on in every corner of the Diocese, and you wouldn't want to miss anything.


The Rev. Thomas Brown
Elected 10th Bishop
of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine


On February 9, our diocese gathered in Special Convention, and elected the Rev. Thomas James Brown to serve as the Tenth Bishop of Maine. It was a spirit-filled and exciting day. But... where is he? What happens now?

In The Episcopal Church, a bishop is elected for the whole Church. So now, the whole Church must speak. First the Church, through the Presiding Bishop's Office, asks for medical and psychological testing. Once that testing has been accomplished, the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Maine and the Presiding Bishop's Office seek consents from a majority of Standing Committees and Bishops with Jurisdiction from every diocese across the Church. Some of that work is done electronically these days, but it may still take several weeks.

In the meantime, Bishop-Elect Brown is saying good-bye to the people of the Parish of the Epiphany, Winchester, MA, and preparing his household for the move to Maine. He will complete his work at Epiphany at the end of March. In addition, the Standing Committee of Maine is working with him on a Letter of Agreement. We anticipate that, by God's grace, Bishop-Elect Brown will be in the Diocese of Maine by late April. Bishop-Elect Brown will work with Bishop Lane for 6 - 8 weeks prior to the consecration on June 22.

The Office, the Standing Committee and the Transition Committee are already at work preparing for the consecration. The Service of Consecration and Ordination belongs to the Presiding Bishop and there is a lengthy protocol to follow. Planning has already begun and there is a meeting scheduled for next week. More information will be forthcoming as plans take shape.

As you can see, there's a lot going on. We ask your prayers for a smooth transition as we all follow the Way of Love.

The Rt. Rev. Stephen T. Lane
Bishop of Maine
The Rev. Maria J. Hoecker

 President of the Standing Committee





MDI+ Episcopal Churches:


Ash Wednesday Services
8:00 a.m. at Church of Our Father, Hull's Cove
12 noon at St. Saviour's, Bar Harbor
4:00 p.m. at St. John's, Southwest Harbor


Prayer & Supper around the Island

Lenten Worship and Supper: An opportunity to gather with brothers and sisters from all our island churches for a quiet evening worship followed by a simple soup and bread supper, 4:30 p.m. on the following Wednesdays in Lent.
March 13 – St. Saviour's, Bar Harbor
March 27 – Church of Our Father, Hulls Cove
April 3– St. John the Divine, Southwest Harbor

Come Home for Supper returns on Saturday, March 2nd. The suppers, held at various parishioners' homes from St. John, St. Saviour's, Church of Our Father and St. Mary & St. Jude, are a way for folks to become better acquainted and to increase the feeling of community in our island congregations through food, fellowship and fun! Sign up sheet is in the undercroft. If you would like more information or would like to host, please contact Rita Redfield, 244-4025.
Confidential Prayer Chain: Unlike our published prayer lists, prayer requests that come into the Prayer Chain remain private to the prayer chain itself, which will pray devotedly for one week unless an updated request is made. If you'd like to know more about this or our Pastoral Care Team, please contact our office administrators or Mother Kathleen.


St. Saviour's:

March on Mt. Desert Street will be held on Mardi Gras Tuesday, March 5. A progressive dinner starts at 5:15 with a short play by Connors Emerson students at the Abbe Museum; 5:30 Appetizers at the YMCA; 6:00 Salad at St. Saviour's; 6:30 Soup and Bread at Jessup Library; 7:00 Dessert at Bar Harbor Congregational Church. Free and Open to the Public.

Lenten Quiet Day at St. Saviour's  – Saturday, March 23, 8:30 AM – 2:30 PM.  You are invited to a quiet day of reading, prayer, meditation and worship focused on the Book of Lamentations and what it teaches us about sharing pain and grief with God and one another.  Light lunch will be provided and space will be limited; please make a reservation with Muffet at by March 14.  There is no cost, but donations to the Rector's Discretionary Fund will be gratefully accepted.

Church of Our Father:
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper will be held at Church of Our Father this year on Tuesday, March 5, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. If you would like to help, please contact Mike Bullard (266-5913).



MDI COFFEE HOUSE: Held on the first and third Tuesdays of the month from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the YWCA, 36 Main Street in Bar Harbor.  Refreshments, musical entertainment and conversation. Bring a friend with you! Need a ride?  Call Joan Bromage at 244-3227.

Free Meals in our community. Enjoy the great food, fellowship and warm hospitality!

  • Second and Fourth Sundays—4:30 at Bar Harbor Baptist Church, 46 Ledgelawn St. Bar Harbor. Childcare provided.
  • First Sunday each month starting May 6, 11:30-12:30, Seaside UCC, 8 Main St., Seal Harbor.
  • Common Good CafĂ©, 19 Clark Point Road, Southwest Harbor, Mondays, 11:00-1:00.
  • Mondays from 3-6 pm, Everybody Eats Free Community Meal, in the Parish Hall of St. Dunstan's Church, 134 State Street, Ellsworth.
  • Tuesdays from 4-8 pm. Open Table MDI, Bar Harbor Congregational Church, 29 Mt. Desert Street.  
  • Wednesdays from 3-6 pm – Welcome Table - First Congregational Church -  2 Church St., Ellsworth



Services at the Partnership Parishes:

St. Andrew & St. John

Sundays — 10:00 a.m.—Holy Eucharist

Tuesdays — 4:00 pm–Meditation

Thursdays—12:00 noon—Saint of the day & Healing Prayer Eucharist

Church of Our Father

Sundays—8:00 and 10:00 a.m.—Eucharist

Wednesdays, 8:00 am—Eucharist. 

St. Saviour's

Sundays—10:00 a.m. Eucharist

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:30am—Morning Prayer

Wednesdays, 12:00 noon—Saint of the day & Healing Prayer Eucharist


Keep in your prayers this week:

Ray McDonald, Michael Shook, Emilie Klusmeyer O'Connor, Jessica Stewart, Tom Lee, Carroll Fernald, George Swanson, Richard Ramsdell, Mike McFalls, Cassandra Crabtree, Beth Pfeifer, Eric Lange, Dorothy Clunan, Anne DeGolyer, Jim Risser, Bill and Barbara Loveland, and Win Short.






The Rev. Kathleen Killian, Priest in Charge (669-2029)
Stephen Sampson, Music Director
Michele Daley, Parish Administrator (244-3229)
Sr. Warden, Gen MacKenzie (244-7313)
Jr. Warden, Ted Fletcher (244-5225)
The Church Office is open Monday through Thursday 8:30 - 2:00 (244-3229)
Copyright © 2019 St. Andrew & St. John Episcopal Church, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you are a member or friend of St. Andrew & St. John Episcopal Church.

Our mailing address is:
St. Andrew & St. John Episcopal Church
315 Main Street
PO Box 767
Southwest Harbor, ME 04679

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Saturday, February 23, 2019

Sunday Forums

Dear Friends, 

Please join us for a forum this Sunday 2/24 at 9am. We'll reflect briefly upon the spiritual practices we've engaged in during Epiphany (from our Advent study, The Way of Love), and take a brief look ahead to Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday 3/6. 

We'll then open up a parish conversation with updates about the partnership. Worship begins at 10am and includes a special musical offering this Sunday. 

On Sunday 3/3, our beloved organist Stephen Sampson will tell us about his recent trip to India, sharing his experiences, observations, pictures, and a bit of music. As Stephen and I have been affectionately calling this forum, please join us for "Bollywood in the Basement!" at 9am. 

Looking forward to our being together, blessings, 
Mother Kathleen+



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St. Andrew & St. John Episcopal Church · 315 Main Street · PO Box 767 · Southwest Harbor, ME 04679 · USA

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Thursday, February 21, 2019

Weekly email from St. Andrew & St. John

Events and News
from the Parish of
St. Andrew & St. John

View this email in your browser

Worship Schedule

St. John the Divine

315 Main Street, Southwest Harbor

Sunday, February 24
Epiphany 7
10:00 a.m. – Eucharist
Holy, holy, holy! (362)
"Forgive our sins as we forgive" (674)
Lord, make us servants of your peace (593)
Love divine, all loves excelling (657)
Genesis 45:3-11, 15
1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50
Luke 6:27-38
Psalm 37:1-12, 41-42

Celebrant: The Rev. Kathleen Killian
Usher: Sandy
First Lesson/Psalm/Second Lesson: Margot
Prayers: Ellen
Chalice and Acolyte: Ted F/
Altar Guild: Margot
Coffee Hour: ____
Flowers: ___
Vestry Member in Charge: Ted F.

Weekday Healing Prayer and Eucharist at 12:00 noon on Thursdays


St. John's Calendar

The full St. John's Calendar can be viewed <HERE>


Sunday, February 24

        9:00 a.m. -- Forum

       10:00 a.m.  — Holy Eucharist, The Rev. Kathleen Killian, Celebrant

Tuesdays, 4:00 p.m. — Meditation

Thursdays, 12:00 noon — Healing Prayer Eucharist








At St. John's


Meditation on Tuesdays at 4:00 at St. John's. Please join us for 30 minutes of shared silence and "prayer of the heart," an ancient meditative practice of the Christian tradition. All are welcome! We meditate sitting on chairs, though if you prefer to sit on the floor, feel free to bring a mat or cushion. If you are new to meditation, have questions or concerns, or would like more information, please contact Mother Kathleen.


Westside Food Pantry

Our third Sunday distribution was light in numbers, but when added to a heavy first Sunday, we saw an actual increase in vouchers distributed over last February, as well as January.  For February 2019 we distributed $16,480 worth of vouchers to 384 neighbors: 282 adults, 102 children.  That's a .09% increase over last February.  The vouchers were distributed to 213 west side households.  There were 7 new households registered make up of 14 children and adults.


I want to thank Steve of Old Dog Baking Company for supplying four dozen loaves of bread in February for our neighbors.  Steve has made a commitment to supply bread each month.  Yesterday's bread was baked on the day before and was still warm!  You will be able to buy Old Dog Bread at Sawyer's Market this spring.


I want to report that we received over $9,000 in contributions to help our "shutdown" neighbors last month.  $8,000 of that was from a single contribution.  It was a very gratifying response from the neighborhood to our Coast Guard and Park Service neighbors.


Overall, this year's Annual Appeal results have been running ahead of last year's.  What I remain most grateful for are the supporters of the Pantry who faithfully give year after year.  Giving for our neighbors-in-need is very gratifying to both the giver and the receiver.  I also appeared before the Southwest Harbor Medical Center Committee last Tuesday to make an appeal for their support of our work and was very warmly received.


Finally, as always, it is you, our faithful volunteers who make this work a reality.  You never fail to give your full presence to our neighbors who sit and stand across from you at the voucher, registration, check-in, and pantry tables.  You have done so much to break down the barriers between "giver and receiver" in this work.  We are truly and simply neighbors helping neighbors.  Thanks yesterday to Ellen Brookes, Ken Brookes, Beth Renault, Sandy Wilcox, Gloria Higgins, Dianne McMullen, and Dean Henry.


With deep gratitude for this work with you,


The next distribution will be Sunday, March 3, 12 Noon to 2 PM, in Harbor House. 






From the Diocese of Maine{Diocese of Maine}

As a Parish of the Diocese of Maine, we are part of a church family that extends from Kittery to Fort Kent, and connects us to the rest of the Episcopal Church and the worldwide Anglican Communion.  We share ministry with our Bishop and with every worshipping community.
If you are not subscribed to the Diocesan twice monthly email newsletter, the DioLog, please click [here] to subscribe.  If you are subscribed, don't forget to open it and read it every time!  There is a lot going on in every corner of the Diocese, and you wouldn't want to miss anything.


The Rev. Thomas Brown
Elected 10th Bishop
of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine

The Rev. Thomas James Brown was elected to become the 10th Bishop of the Diocese of Maine at a Special Electing Convention in Bangor on Saturday, February 9. One of five nominees, Rev. Brown, is currently serving as Rector of the Parish of the Epiphany in Winchester, MA. He was elected on the 3rd ballot, receiving a majority of clergy and lay delegate votes representing 60 year-round congregations and 20 summer chapels. The other nominees were Rev. Kenneth Brannon, Rev. Rachel K. Taber-Hamilton, Rev. Anne Mallonee and Rev. Janet Waggoner.

In making the announcement, The Rev. Maria Hoecker, Rector of St. Columba's in Boothbay Harbor and President of the Diocesan Standing Committee said "We have been blessed by the Holy Spirit today with the election of Thomas Brown and the gifts he will bring as our next Bishop. We thank the Committees and all involved across the state for their prayerful, dedicated and faithful work, as well as the other nominees who were called to pursue this quest with us." 
In addressing the Electing Convention following announcement of the results, Bishop-elect Brown commented, "during the walkabouts it was so clear to me that the church in Maine is living the good news of Jesus Christ. I am humbled and overjoyed to accept the invitation to join the people of Maine as their bishop."
The Bishop-elect told the delegates, "I give God thanks and praise for this call, and the opportunity to continue building the church in Maine on Christ the solid rock. Bishop Lane and his family, along with the diocesan staff, and every congregation are in my prayers as they continue in the holy work of transition. To God be the glory."
Bishop-elect Brown received his Master of Divinity from The Church Divinity School of the Pacific. In addition to his service at The Parish of the Epiphany, he has served as Rector of St. Michael Episcopal Church in Brattleboro, VT and as the Director of Alumni/ae and Church Relations at The Church Divinity School of the Pacific in Berkeley, CA. Bishop-elect Brown has held many leadership positions in The Episcopal Church and in the Diocese of Massachusetts.
Pending consent of a majority of the bishops with jurisdiction and the diocesan standing committees, Bishop-elect Brown will be ordained and consecrated on June 22nd at St. Luke's Cathedral in Portland. Presiding Bishop, Michael B. Curry will officiate. Bishop-elect Brown will succeed the Rt. Rev. Stephen T. Lane who has served the Diocese since 2008 and will retire in June. The bishop-elect and his spouse, Rev. Thomas Mousin, will be moving to Maine later this Spring.
For more information, please visit
Almighty God, giver of every good gift:
Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those
who shall choose a bishop for this Diocese
that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your
people and equip us for our ministries;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.




MDI+ Episcopal Churches:


Ash Wednesday Services
8:00 a.m. at Church of Our Father, Hull's Cove
12 noon at St. Saviour's, Bar Harbor
4:00 p.m. at St. John's, Southwest Harbor

Come Home for Supper returns on Saturday, March 2nd. The suppers, held at various parishioners' homes from St. John, St. Saviour, Church of Our Father and St. Mary & St. Jude, are a way for folks to become better acquainted and to increase the feeling of community in our island congregations through food, fellowship and fun! Sign up sheet is in the undercroft. If you would like more information or would like to host, please contact Rita Redfield, 244-4025.
Confidential Prayer Chain: Unlike our published prayer lists, prayer requests that come into the Prayer Chain remain private to the prayer chain itself, which will pray devotedly for one week unless an updated request is made. If you'd like to know more about this or our Pastoral Care Team, please contact our office administrators or Mother Kathleen.

St. Saviour's:

Schubert Song-Cycle at St. Saviour's

The Friends of Music at St. Saviour's have rescheduled this concert of Franz Schubert's song-cycle Winterreise ("The Winter Journey") on Sunday, February 24, at 4:00 pm, performed by baritone Jeffrey Heyl and pianist Daniel Pyle.

Winterreise is a set of 24 songs, on poems by the German poet and soldier Johann MĂĽller, and set to music by Franz Schubert in 1828, the last year of his all-too-short life. They constitute a dramatic monologue, a series of meditations by a young man as he is journeying on foot in the heart of winter. He is leaving his home village, where he had formed a deep attachment to a young woman whom he hoped to marry, only to have her reject him in favor of another. As he wanders through the snowy countryside, the sights and sounds which he encounters trigger reflections on his grief and despair.

Jeffrey Heyl sings extensively in and around St. Louis, including Orff's  Carmina Burana, Brahms' Ein Deutches Requiem at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, the Beethoven 9th Symphony, Vaughan Williams' Dona Nobis Pacem & Mahler's Songs of a Wayfayer with Robert Hart Baker and the St Louis Philharmonic, and the midwest premiere of Mark Hayes' Requiem with conductor Kevin McBeth. He has appeared with the St. Louis Symphony with conductors David Robertson, Nicholas MeCegan, John Starguard and in Robert Kapilow's Summer Sun, Winter Moon where he sang the part of Raven with the composer conducting. In the past two seasons he was bass soloist with the symphony in Beethoven's Mass in C, Nielsen's 3rd Symphony and Weill's Flight of Lindbergh. Dr. Heyl holds degrees from the Eastman School of Music, the Hartt School of Music, & the University of Iowa. He presently teaches at Millikin University and Maryville University.

Admission to the concert is free, but donations benefitting the Friends of Music will be welcome. The church is handicap accessible to all, and parking is available.



March on Mt. Desert Street will be held on Mardi Gras Tuesday, March 5. A progressive dinner starts at 5:15 with a short play by Connors Emerson students at the Abbe Museum; 5:30 Appetizers at the YMCA; 6:00 Salad at St. Saviour's; 6:30 Soup and Bread at Jessup Library; 7:00 Dessert at Bar Harbor Congregational Church. Free and Open to the Public.

Church of Our Father:
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper will be held at Church of Our Father this year on Tuesday, March 5, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. If you would like to help, please contact Mike Bullard (266-5913).



MDI COFFEE HOUSE: Held on the first and third Tuesdays of the month from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the YWCA, 36 Main Street in Bar Harbor.  Refreshments, musical entertainment and conversation. Bring a friend with you! Need a ride?  Call Joan Bromage at 244-3227.

Free Meals in our community. Enjoy the great food, fellowship and warm hospitality!

  • Second and Fourth Sundays—4:30 at Bar Harbor Baptist Church, 46 Ledgelawn St. Bar Harbor. Childcare provided.
  • First Sunday each month starting May 6, 11:30-12:30, Seaside UCC, 8 Main St., Seal Harbor.
  • Common Good CafĂ©, 19 Clark Point Road, Southwest Harbor, Mondays, 11:00-1:00.
  • Mondays from 3-6 pm, Everybody Eats Free Community Meal, in the Parish Hall of St. Dunstan's Church, 134 State Street, Ellsworth.
  • Tuesdays from 4-8 pm. Open Table MDI, Bar Harbor Congregational Church, 29 Mt. Desert Street.  
  • Wednesdays from 3-6 pm – Welcome Table - First Congregational Church -  2 Church St., Ellsworth
A Little Episcopalian History:

Reverend Absalom Jones  

First African American Episcopal Priest 

bsalom Jones was an abolitionist and clergyman. He was born enslaved to Abraham Wynkoop in 1746 in Delaware. Jones moved to Philadelphia after his master sold his plantation along with   Absalom's mother and six siblings. Jones bought his wife Mary's freedom and later his master awarded Absalom emancipation in 1784. In 1787, with his friend Richard Allen, they founded the Free   African Society, a mutual aid benevolent organization that was the first of its kind organized by and for black people. Jones was ordained a priest on September 21, 1802, faithfully serving the African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas in Philadelphia, a church which remains a vibrant congregation today.  



Services at the Partnership Parishes:

St. Andrew & St. John

Sundays — 10:00 a.m.—Holy Eucharist

Tuesdays — 4:00 pm–Meditation

Thursdays—12:00 noon—Saint of the day & Healing Prayer Eucharist

Church of Our Father

Sundays—8:00 and 10:00 a.m.—Eucharist

Wednesdays, 8:00 am—Eucharist. 

St. Saviour's

Sundays—10:00 a.m. Eucharist

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:30am—Morning Prayer

Wednesdays, 12:00 noon—Saint of the day & Healing Prayer Eucharist


Keep in your prayers this week:

Michael Shook, Emilie Klusmeyer O'Connor, Jessica Stewart, Tom Lee, Carroll Fernald, George Swanson, Richard Ramsdell, Mike McFalls, Cassandra Crabtree, Beth Pfeifer, Eric Lange, Dorothy Clunan, Anne DeGolyer, Jim Risser, Bill and Barbara Loveland, and Win Short.






The Rev. Kathleen Killian, Priest in Charge (669-2029)
Stephen Sampson, Music Director
Michele Daley, Parish Administrator (244-3229)
Sr. Warden, Gen MacKenzie (244-7313)
Jr. Warden, Ted Fletcher (244-5225)
The Church Office is open Monday through Thursday 8:30 - 2:00 (244-3229)
Copyright © 2019 St. Andrew & St. John Episcopal Church, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you are a member or friend of St. Andrew & St. John Episcopal Church.

Our mailing address is:
St. Andrew & St. John Episcopal Church
315 Main Street
PO Box 767
Southwest Harbor, ME 04679

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