Friday, October 29, 2021

weekly email

St. Andrew & St. John
Sunday Worship
 Masks are required for in-door worship

On Sunday, October 31
10:00 a.m. – St. John's
The Rev. John Burton, Celebrant

 Keep in your prayers this week:
Elizabeth Ward, Bunny Watts, Anne Wetzel, Paul Haertel, Chuck Bradshaw, Ted Bromage, Jean Storace, Spencer Ervin, Geoff Schuller, Doris McCorison, Gail Leland, Jeremy Harkins, Michael Shook, Joyce and Jim Risser, Loretta Schmidt, Theresa Mitchell, Fred & Dollis Sprague, Sara Winchenbach, Richard Ramsdell, Dorothy & Jim Clunan, Bill and Barbara Loveland.

Episcopal Worship Services on MDI - starting on November 7
9:00 am - Church of Our Father 
10:00 am - St. Mary (summer location, still) 
11:00 am - St. Saviour's Parish
4:00 pm - St. John the Divine
The fourth Sunday of the month will be our island-wide service.
For location and other details on the services,


You are invited to send along the names of your loved ones who have died so that they may be remembered in our special prayers on All Saints' Sunday.  Call or e-mail the church office (244-3229 or by November 2nd.

It is stewardship season. Please return your pledge cards to the church office by November 14 or plan to put it in the offering plate on Sunday, November 21st at the ingathering so that it can be received and blessed at the altar as a part of our worship.
If you did not receive a stewardship letter and would like one, please contact the church office. Your support of the daily operations of the church is greatly appreciated.

You are invited to bring mac and cheese (see photo) for the backpack program. Please place your donations in the front pew by the piano or you may bring them to the church office during the week. Each week the backpacks are assembled and given to 20 children at Pemetic and Tremont Elementary Schools.

MDI Episcopal Church partnership joint Thanksgiving Project
 As a Partnership, the parishes of St Saviour's, St. Andrew & John, and Church of Our Father will team with the Bar Harbor Congregational church (BHCC) in their program of boxed food distribution at Thanksgiving.  Each church is responsible for a canned vegetable item: St. John's will provide canned peas (which the vestry determined will be purchased by 2021 Outreach funds so that collected food items this fall focus on an item for the children's Backpack program (see "Backpack Program" article.)
Each church can also assist with boxing and delivering food. Please contact BHCC, 288-3280.

November 28: Advent Wreath Making at St. John's at 2 pm 
Gather outside at St. John's at 2 pm on the first Sunday of Advent to make Advent wreaths with real candles and fresh greens. Hot cider to be served. This is a great activity for people of all ages! Consider inviting a young person in your life to join you in making advent wreaths to mark the weeks to Christmas Day. Questions?
Contact Dianne McMullan or speak with Edie Stanwood.  Sign up by using this form or calling the office at St. John's. Cost is $10 if you need both a wire candle ring and candles, $5 if you have either, $0 if you have both. Come join the fun! 
Please sign up by November 14 so we have appropriate materials prepared. 

St. Andrew & St. John has a new email address
please make a note of it
Copyright © *St. Andrew & St. John Episcopal Church*, All rights reserved. 

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 767, Southwest Harbor, ME 04679

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Worship Schedule & More from the MDI Partnership!

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Weekly News from the Parishes of
St. Andrew and St. John,
Church of Our Father,
& St. Saviour

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Worship With Us IN PERSON

Sunday, October 31

10 am at Church of Our Father: Holy Eucharist
Celebrant/Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Jenny Reece
Deacon: The Rev. Mary-Carol Griffin

10 am at St. Saviour's:  Lay led Morning Prayer
Officiant: Lee Garrett

10 am at St. John the Divine: Holy Eucharist
Celebrant/Preacher: The Rev. John Burton

Mother Holly is taking time for family this weekend and will be back in the office on Tuesday, November 2.
If there's a pastoral emergency, please call 207-244-8144.

New Worship Schedule Starting in November:
            9 am at Church of Our Father
            11 am at St. Saviour 
            4 pm at St. John the Divine (moving to 5 pm for the summer months)

This schedule allows Mother Holly to worship with you in a celebration of Holy Eucharist all but one Sunday a month while keeping her Sunday schedule manageable across the three parishes. 
Our shared, island-wide Episcopal worship services with St. Mary's and St. Jude's will be on the 4th Sunday of the month at 10 am during the program year in different churches that can host larger worship services. 
We will continue to have a lay-led prayer services but now only once per month and on a predictable schedule because of the new service times: 
         1st Sundays of the month will be Morning Prayer at 9 am at Church of Our Father
         2nd Sundays will be Morning Prayer at 11 am St. Saviour's
         3rd Sundays will be Evening Prayer at 4 pm St. John the Divine
All other Sundays will be services of Holy Eucharist, and Mother Holly will be the celebrant unless otherwise noted. You can always look to the online calendar to see the service schedule:

Covid Precautions

Masks are required indoors to protect the most vulnerable:
younger children, the immunocompromised, and others who have not yet been vaccinated.

Pre-registration is not required, and social distancing is encouraged.
We will be keep a list of those who attend services,
should contact tracing become necessary.
Holy Communion will be offered in one-kind only (Bread).
If you or a close contact tests positive for Covid, please let Mother Holly know so we can support you in your recovery and communicate with the community as necessary about their possible exposure to the virus while maintaining confidentiality and pastoral privacy.
If you are interested in being a lay leader of worship on Sundays,
please contact Mother Holly and the parish administrator of your church. 


For the complete worship schedule in the Episcopal churches of MDI through September please visit: 

Sunday Worship with the wider church ONLINE

The Episcopal Church on MDI has returned to in-person worship in all four Island parishes. For those unable to attend in-person services at this time, Online Worship is available this morning at St. Luke's Cathedral in Portland and at Washington National Cathedral:

Worship at 10:00 am with St. Luke's Cathedral, Portland (Livestream)
Worship at 11:15 am with Washington National Cathedral (Livestream)

Midweek Holy Eucharist on MDI
Wednesdays at Church of Our Father at 8 am

Using the readings appointed for the day in the Book of Common Prayer, 
we will have a service Holy Eucharist.
On the first Wednesday of the month, we will use a Rite I liturgy.

Weekly Sermons and More

If you missed a sermon offered by Mother Holly or want to hear it again, 
you can watch a recording of it by visiting the
MDI Episcopal YouTube Channel.

This past Sunday's sermon:

The Rev. Dr. Mark Jefferson of Virginia Theological Seminary at St. Saviour's Church Mark 10:46-52 "Take heart; get up, he is calling you." Sermon begins at 2:05.
Please Wear Your Name Tag to Church
Remember that wearing your name tag at worship is helpful to each other, Mother Holly, supply clergy, and to visitors! If you would like a new name tag, contact your Parish Administrator.
Assisting at Services
We are in need of support for our worship services: Acolytes, Greeters/Ushers, Lectors, Intercessors, Altar Guild, Coffee Hour/Lemonade on the Lawn Hosts, and officiants for Morning Prayer.If you would like to help at any of our services, please contact the parish administrator of your church. Thank you!
Pastoral Care Requests
Holy Communion: If you are unable to attend an in-person worship service and would like Holy Communion brought to you, please contact the church office (contact information is at the bottom of this email). We will arrange a time for the clergy or Eucharistic Visitors to bring the Sacrament to your home or hospital bedside.

Hospital Visits: If you or a loved one is in the hospital, please let Mother Holly know. She is glad to come visit you in the hospital or call you during your stay. 
Diocesan Convention:
Resolutions, Elections, and Thanks

Click here to view a one-page recap of the 202nd annual diocesan convention
held on Saturday, October 23, 2021.

Thank you, Delegates!

Congratulations to Ted Fletcher, elected to Provincial Conference Lay Deputy.

Thank you to Rita Redfield who led the diocese in prayer at Convention.

You are invited to send along the names of your loved ones who have died so that they may be remembered in our special prayers on All Saints' Sunday, which is Nov. 7.  
Email them to the parish administrator of your church on or before Tuesday, November 2nd.
Wednesday, November 3: Outreach Meeting 

Following the 8 am Eucharist, folks will gather to discuss the ongoing Partnership Outreach efforts that are underway: Thanksgiving Baskets (our fall theme of addressing local Food Insecurity) and Holiday Gift Cards (our winter theme of Joy, also a local project).

After a final update on the Operation Christmas Child project and checking in on Thanksgiving Baskets and Holiday Gift Cards, the Outreach, Mission, and Evangelism committee of Church of Our Father (OME) will continue their conversation from last month about their 2022 budget.

See elsewhere in this email and in the monthly newsletter for information on how and what to contribute to the fall Thanksgiving baskets. All are welcome.

Friday, November 5: 
Baroque Concert Series at St. Saviour's Church in Bar Harbor continues with a concert at 12:15 p.m.

The third program in the new concert-series "Evening Music", presented by The Friends of Music at St. Saviour's, will take place on Friday, November 5 at 12:15 pm in the church at St. Saviour's. This concert will feature a recital on the clavichord played by Dr. Kevin Birch. Kevin will be playing a his very new clavichord, completed just last year, modeled on an instrument described by Michael Praetorious in his music-encyclopedia Syntagma Musicum of 1619. The program is entitled "The Orpheus of Amsterdam —  In Celebration of Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck" (in observation of the 400th anniversary of his death in 1621). Admission is free, but we are asking for donations in support of the Friends of Music; and all audience-members must wear masks.

 Further information is available by writing to St. Saviour's at

In Celebration of Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck 
"The Orpheus of Amsterdam"
featuring a new clavichord by Martin Kather (2020) 
after Michael Praetorius' Syntagma Musica (1619)

Sunday, November 7:
All Saints' Sunday Service with
Holy Baptism of Charlotte Judith Mace

Join us for an observance of All Saints and for the baptism of Charlotte Judith Mace, daughter of Donny and Taylor Mace and grand-niece of Tammy Bloom at St. Saviour's at the 11 am service. 

All Saints' Day is a traditional day within the liturgical year for baptism because of the celebration of the Christian community throughout time. Please plan to join us for church on this Sunday and to welcome Charlotte "Charlie" to the Christian community!

Vocations Webinar:
Deacons and the Future of Expanding Ministry?

Tuesday, November 9th
3:00pm EST
Offered by CEEP

This workshop will focus on on how deacons work, how they are trained, and what discernment might look like in the future. The session will start with a discussion on how a community of deacons can be utilized as a resource for the church and region. Next, we will pivot to the expanding options for Spanish speakers with a call to the diaconate. Finally, the Rev. Jac Essing, Deacon, and Rt. Rev. Doug Fisher, Bishop of the Diocese of Western Massachusetts will discuss how they are working together to create pathways for younger people to discern a call in the diaconate.
  • Panelists include: Jac Essing - Deacon, All Saints Episcopal Church; South Hadley, Massachusetts
  • Doug Fisher - Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts; Springfield, Massachusetts
  • Yoimel Gonzalez - Dean, Latino Deacon´s School, Episcopal Diocese of Washington; Washington, D.C.
  • Jared Houze - Rector, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church; Amarillo, Texas
  • Courtney Jones - Deacon, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church; Amarillo, Texas
  • Sue von Rautenkranz - Archdeacon, Episcopal Diocese of Washington; Washington, D.C.

Click here to learn more and to register. 

November 10: Observance of Veterans Day
Join us for Holy Eucharist with special prayers and music on Wednesday, November 10 at Church of Our Father at 8 am.
Before November 14: Drop off your canned vegetables for the joint Thanksgiving Project 
As a Partnership, the parishes of St Saviour's, St. Andrew & John, and Church of Our Father will team with the Bar Harbor Congregational church (BHCC) in their program of boxed food distribution at Thanksgiving.  Each church will be responsible for a canned vegetable item: St Saviour's: canned green beans and cans of cranberry sauce; Church of Our Father, canned corn; and St. John's, canned peas (which the SASJ vestry determined will be purchased by 2021 Outreach funds so that collected food items this fall focus on an item for the children's Backpack program - see St. John's email next week for details)..

Each church can also assist (boxing/delivering food) BHCC, if they are able.   The final day for drop off of the canned vegetables is November 18. Please bring the designated canned item to your church's collection area by Sunday, November 14. In terms of delivery at other times, call Doreen Willet – 266-8660, and she will meet you at BHCC at the appointed time.  
May the Lord bless everyone's effort in this activity of helping others at Thanksgiving!
November 21: Stewardship Ingathering on
Christ the King Sunday

The stewardship pledge cards mailed to the church offices and those put in the offertory plate through this Sunday will be received and blessed at the altar during the Eucharist on the celebration of Christ the King Sunday. Mother Holly will be celebrate at all three services this day.  

If you did not receive a stewardship mailing and you wish to, please contact the church office. 

Please join together in this festive service and the offering of gifts
- time, talent, and treasure - to God. 
November 21: Advent Calendar Making
at St. Saviour's at Noon

Join Pat Samuel at others at St. Saviour's in this tradition of cutting and pasting together an Advent Calendar of Bible verses right after church in the Parish Hall. Take home kits available, too! 

This is a great activity for people of all ages! Consider inviting a young person in your life to church that day and to make a calendar to count down the days to Christmas. 

This year's kit (all materials included) will make up as a poster-style Christmas tree to decorate with scripture/thought for each day. Questions? Contact Pat Samuel. 
Please sign up by November 14 so we have appropriate materials prepared. 
November 28: Advent Wreath Making at St. John's at 2 pm 
Gather outside at St. John's at 2 pm on the first Sunday of Advent to make Advent wreaths with real candles and fresh greens. Hot cider to be served. This is a great activity for people of all ages! Consider inviting a young person in your life to join you in making advent wreaths to mark the weeks to Christmas Day. Questions? Contact Dianne McMullan or speak with Edie Stanwood.  Sign up by using this form or calling the office at St. John's. Cost is $10 if you need both a wire candle ring and candles, $5 if you have either, $0 if you have both. Come join the fun! 
Please sign up by November 14 so we have appropriate materials prepared. 
Slow down. Quiet. It's Advent. Coloring Calendars 
Jay Sidebotham coloring calendars will be available at all churches when they arrive. In years past, people have found coloring this creative calendar a relaxing way to center themselves and slow down during this season of preparation for the birth of Jesus Christ. 
November 28 at 10 am: Island-wide Worship
Our next shared, island-wide Episcopal worship service will be on Sunday, November 28. Stay tuned for more information! 

Booster Vaccine Doses: 
The latest from the Maine CDC:

"The U.S. CDC recommends that some individuals who received the Pfizer vaccine get a booster dose. This includes those who are 65 years and older, residents in long-term care facilities, and people ages 50-64 years with underlying medical conditions. People ages 18-49 with underlying medical conditions and those ages 18-64 at increased risk for COVID-19 exposure and transmission may also receive a booster. For more information, see this FAQ. To find a booster dose of the Pfizer vaccine, find a vaccination site offering the Pfizer shot."

Read the complete information at the Maine CDC website:

Covid Task Force Update

Our Covid Task Force of the Episcopal churches of MDI have started meeting regularly again due to the increase of cases in Maine. We reviewed our protocols: 
  • Masking for all regardless of vaccination status at all indoor gatherings
  • Social distancing will be marked within the worship space of all our churches
  • Refreshments will be only served outdoors (as has been our policy)
  • Ushers take care to encourage masking when entering the building and to maintain social distancing, especially during the distribution of Communion
  • We will be keeping a list of those who attend a service so we can do contract tracing should that be necessary. 

Youth & Family Formation

Children's Faith Formation at Home on MDI
Brad Berry and Chris Krenicki of Church of Our Father send home materials to support faith formation at home monthly for elementary and middle school aged youth. If you would like to receive these materials or be notified when in person events are happening here for youth in this age range, please be in touch with the parish office. Contact information is at the bottom of this email. 

Pray, Play, Connect: A Fun and Prayerful Space for 6th-12th Graders across the Diocese
All youth graduating 5th-12th grade are welcome! If you haven't participated in a diocesan youth event, this is a great opportunity to check one out. FMI: The Rev. Sara D'Angio White, Canon for Youth Formation here.

Let's Talk About It: Compline + Conversation for 9th-12th graders
Fourth Sundays from 7:00-8:30 pm Click here for the ZOOM LINK 
Youth have jumped right in and engaged on difficult subjects, such as school violence and racism. Adults are welcome; contact Sara D'Angio White here.

Adult Formation
Bible Study with the Rev. Stephen Muncie The Wednesday Morning Bible Study has resumed.  We will pick up our study of the Book of Exodus beginning with chapter 16. However, we will spend some time offering an overview of the beginnings of Exodus and the Moses story, the plagues of Egypt, and the deliverance at the Red Sea. All are welcome to attend. If you would like to be added to the class mailing list please send Fr. Steve an email here:  Email Father Steve.

Contemplative Prayer: How About Adding a Group Contemplative Prayer experience to your spiritual life this summer?

Mother Regina Christianson and the Rev. Dr. Jenny Reece are gathering those who have or would like to learn a centering prayer practice every Friday at 1:00 p.m. at the Oranbega Retreat Center in Orland, Maine, starting on Friday, June 18. Beginners are always welcome, as are the more experienced, so long as they have "beginner's mind"!  If you are interested please call or email Jenny and she will give you directions to Oranbega. 207-952-2363.  Participation via Zoom will be available for those who live too far away to come to Orland for an hour on Fridays. To receive a link, use the above contact info. May your summer be richly blessed with prayer and meditation! If you intend to come to Orland in person, please call or text Jenny at 207-952-2363 for the schedule, as the meeting will be Zoom only on the weeks when she is absent and Mother Regina is leading the group.
Mother Holly's Office Hours
Sunday as scheduled and where needed
Monday at St. John's
Tuesday at St. Saviour's
Wednesday at Church of Our Father
Thursday where needed and sermon preparation

She is happy to schedule an appointment if you would like to see her!
Call the parish office or E-mail her

For pastoral emergencies, call her at 207-244-8144
and leave a message,
if you do not reach her immediately.


Bishop of Maine's Annual Address
The Right Reverend Thomas J. Brown

Support Your Church  
To facilitate stewardship, the Diocese of Maine has launched an online giving resource at no charge to the parishes. The Diocese will transfer the funds you give to your church or summer chapel using this online payment system. Simply select your church and set up your one-time or recurring gift or establish automatic weekly or monthly donations to the parish, either charged to your credit card or to your personal checking or savings account. You can also name your gift in memory or honor of someone through this site in the memo section. Congregation names begin with their town; chapels begin with "Chapel" followed by town and chapel name. Click here to visit the online giving portal of the Diocese.

As always, the church accepts other forms of donations. Contact the church office if you would like to request pledge envelopes for the future. 
Donate to Your Church

Devotional Materials to Support Prayer at Home 

  • Teen Simple Daily Devotional This resource is used by teens across the country. It walks you through simple daily devotionals (sort of like meditations). You could use it any day, to strengthen you on your faith journey.
  • Forward Movement has the daily office (morning prayer, noonday prayer, evening prayer, or compline) on the Forward Movement Daily Prayer website.
  • There is also a daily podcast, A Morning at the Office, with various people leading the prayers and reading the scripture lessons for the day.
  • The popular daily devotion Forward Day by Day is posted each day online, and it too is available as a podcast.
  • Hardcopies of the Day By Day readers are available by contacting the church office or stopping by when the parish office is open. 
Community Resources
Everybody Eats Free Community Meal is a project whose goal is to provide free, healthful and wholesome meals to the Ellsworth community. Visit their Facebook page at
Open Table MDI
 exists to inspire strong, loving, and inclusive communities by bringing people together to share in nourishing food.  For more information visit their website here
AA recovery groups, online and in person, in Downeast Maine can be found by clicking here
An AA group meets in St. Saviour's Parish Hall in small groups Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at noon, and on Saturdays, Mondays, and Wednesdays at 7 pm. 
Warning about email, phone and text scams. 

Neither the Rev. Holly Hoffmann nor any member of the church staff or leadership will solicit gifts, specifically gift cards, via email, phone or text directly. Neither will we ask if you are "free now" and request only an email or text response.  Always check the actual email address from the sender to see if it matches Mother Holly's email and do not respond to the email, text or call.   Please report these emails as phishing/scam attempts and block the sender or caller from your inbox or phone . If you are in doubt, or need more information, please contact the parish office. We will return your call.
MDI Episcopal Website
MDI Episcopal YouTube
The MDI Episcopal Partnership 

St. Andrew's and St. John's
PO Box 767
Southwest Harbor, ME 04679
GPS Location: 315 Main Street, Southwest Harbor, Maine 

207-244-3229       Email the Parish Office

St. Andrew's and St. John's parish office is staffed Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 9 am to 2 pm. 

Church of Our Father 
P.O. Box 186
Hulls Cove, Maine 04644
GPS Location: 91 State Highway 3, Bar Harbor, Maine

207-288-4849      Email The Parish Office

St. Saviour's 
41 Mt. Desert Street, Bar Harbor, ME 04609
207-288-4215   Email the Parish Office

St. Saviour's Parish office is staffed Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from noon to 3 pm, and Tuesdays from 8 am to 4 pm.

The sanctuary and parish hall of all churches are accessible.

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