Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Events & News from St. John's




February 29, 2012



Sunday, March 4, 2012

Second Sunday in Lent

8:00 and 10:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist at St. John the Divine


Psalm 22:22-30; Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16; Romans 4:13-25; Mark 8:31-38


The God of Abraham praise; The Christ who died but rose again;

Take up your cross; Songs of thankfulness and praise


Celebrant: The Rev Johanna-Karen Johannson

Usher:  Karen Craig

First Lesson and Psalm:  Ann Cox Halkett

Second Lesson: Adam

Prayers: Elise Felton

Chalice: Bob Theriault

Acolyte: Rita Redfield (8:00); Ted Fletcher (10:00)

Altar Guild: Dean Henry



12:30 – Holy Eucharist


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Church office will be closed (March 1-18):

There will be no weekly e-mail for the next two weeks.

If you have questions or need assistance,

call Ted Fletcher (244-3115) or Mary Mitchell (244-9951)




MDI Episcopal Church Events



Lenten Study with Debbie Little Wyman—Every Thursday 1-2 pm beginning this week through the season of Lent, we welcome all to a time of short reading, silent meditation, and reflection. We will use Wondrous Encounters: Readings for Lent, by Richard Rohr, Franciscan priest and director of the Center for Action and Contemplation. Copies are available, and participants are welcome to take one home for use between meetings. Please come and go as you are able.

Westside Food Pantry will be open March 4 (12-2) and 18 (12-1) at the Harbor House.



Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. The Rev. Debbie Little Wyman invites you to the Rectory Library for a group discussion. She will also be available in the Rectory Study from 10:30-11:45 a.m. on Thursdays for anyone wishing a private conversation with a priest.



Wednesday Lenten Soup Suppers: Quiet evening prayer at 5:30; simple soup supper at 6:00; Lenten class (Celtic Christianity) at 6:30; February 29 – History of the Celts;  March 7 – no class; March 14 – Christianity and the British Isles; March 21 – The Celtic Christ; March 28 – Celtic Spirituality.



Holy Eucharist - Wednesdays – 7:00 a.m. followed by breakfast. Healing service on the 4th  Wednesdays.


Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori invites a focus on the Millennium Development Goals for Lent 2012.  “I invite you to use the Millennium Development Goals as your focus for Lenten study and discipline and prayer and fasting this year.  The Millennium Development Goals are truly reflective of several of the Five Marks of Mission.” A printed copy of her Lenten message is on the bulletin board in the undercroft and an audio is available at


The Bible Challenge – Bishop Lane invites individuals and congregations to join him in this challenge starting in Lent.  Following this schedule of daily readings, you will be able to read the entire Bible in a year, from Lent to Lent.  Read devotionally—not as an intellectual or academic exercise.  (Piety, rather than study.)  Each day’s readings include 3 chapters of an Old Testament book; one Psalm; and one chapter from the New Testament. Click… …for a schedule of readings that began on Ash Wednesday (February 22) and ends on Shrove Tuesday (February 12, 2013).  Or if you shy away from commitment to reading the WHOLE Bible in one year, you might begin more modestly this year, using part of this schedule, for example, (1) to read the entire New Testament, or (2) read one of the Gospels each day, or (3) read the whole book of Psalms. Then next year in Lent you can start the schedule over again, using more of the readings for those days.  Invite family members and friends who aren’t church members to read with you. Your chances of following through with this commitment are better if you tell others, and ask for their support. 

Ecumenical Lenten Services:  At 7:00 PM on the five Wednesdays of Lent there will be an opportunity to worship in five different churches in Ellsworth.  Each service will reflect the style of worship that is customary for the host church, and will include a message from a clergyperson who is the pastor of another local church. Each week there will be an offering which will be donated to the Church Discretionary Fund administered by the Emmaus Homeless Shelter.  The theme this year is “A Call to Repair & Rebuild Relationships:” With the world; With our faith; With the church; With the Lord and the Holy; With others, oneself, and community.  A time of fellowship and refreshment will follow each service.


February 29 – St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Junction of Rts #1 and #184    

                        Preacher: Pastor Joanne Douglass of Community of Christ Church

March 7 – Union Congregational Church of Ellsworth Falls, Junction of Rts #1A & #179   

Preacher: Rev.  Keith Bowie of Union Congregational Church of Hancock, UCC

March14 – First Congregational Church of Ellsworth, Junction of State and Church Streets

                        Preacher: Fr. Scott Mower of St. Joseph Catholic Church

March 21 – United Methodist ChurchHancock Street 

                        Preacher: Rev.  Sara Huisjen of Unitarian Universalist Church

March 28 – St. Dunstan Episcopal Church, State Street

                        Preacher: Pastor James Heard of Church of Life and Praise


Free Meals Available in our community:

Each Monday from 3-6 p.m. Everybody Eats provides a free meal in the parish hall of St. Dunstan’s Church, 134 State Street, Ellsworth.

Each Thursday from noon-2:00 The Common Good Soup Kitchen provides a meal at 566 Seawall Road in Southwest Harbor.

Each Thursday from 4-7 p.m. Soup Dinner at Holy Redeemer Church, 21 Ledgelawn Street, Bar Harbor.

Tuesday, March 13, 5-6:30 p.m. Free Community Dinner at St. Saviour’s Parish. Traditional boiled dinner of corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, plus homemade desserts.


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Keep in your prayers this week:  Tom, Helmut, Joel, Lois, Kay, Taylor, Mel and family. Pray for the safe return of Adam Holt, Tracy and Troy DeGolyer, John Ourisman, and Carl Reed, who are among our armed forces serving overseas, and their families.


Military Casualties (February 23-25)

Afghanistan: Timothy Conrad Jr., Joshua Born, John Loftis, Robert Marchanti II


Prayer for the Community of St. Andrew & St. John                       

Gracious God, we offer thanks for our parish, for your inspiration, and for the generous open hearts making accessibility for all a reality at St. John's. Guide us all, especially our Capital Campaign and Design & Construction Committees and Vestry, as we continue to seek funding for the planned expansion of the facilities. We thank you for the various trades and skills of those who work on the addition. Protect and guide them as they labor, that they may take pride in their accomplishments. Inspire us to share faithfully the love that you have revealed to us through the ministry and sacrifice of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.


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I spent Good Friday with the folks at St. Pal’s Chapel. There I talked with a young firefighter who has been volunteering at Ground Zero for several months. In the midst of his sharing he said: “If it weren’t for this place, I wouldn’t be able to smile.”

Sharon Moon, Diocese of Washington