February 16, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Last Sunday after Epiphany
8:00 and 10:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist at
Psalm 50:1-6; 2 Kings 2:1-12; 2 Corinthians 4:3-6; Mark 9:2-9
Christ whose glory fills the sky; Christ upon the mountain top
O wondrous type! O vision fair; Alleluia, sing to Jesus
Celebrant: The Rev Deborah Little Wyman
Usher: Dean Henry
First Lesson and Psalm: Susan Buell
Second Lesson: Elaine Theriault
Prayers: Mary Vekasi
Chalice: Bob Theriault
Acolyte: Rita Redfield (8:00); Ted Fletcher (10:00)
Altar Guild: Joan Bromage
12:30 – Holy Eucharist
Ash Wednesday Services on MDI
St. Mary’s Chapel — 5:00 p.m.
St. Saviour’s — 12:00 noon
Sunday, February 19th – 9:00 a.m. Forum
Tails from
v v v v v v v v v v v
Church office hours:
Monday 8:30-2:30 at home (President’s Day)
Tuesday: 8:30-11:30 at home, 12:00-2:30 at church
Thursday: 8:30-11:30 at home, 12:00-2:30 at church
You may contact
If you have questions or need assistance at other times,
call Ted Fletcher (244-3115) or Mary Mitchell (244-9951)
MDI Episcopal Church Events
Thursday Lenten Study with Debbie Little Wyman will include readings, silent prayer, and reflection following the 12:30 Holy Eucharist. Please come when you can.
Westside Food Pantry will be open February 19 (12-1) at the Harbor House.
Net Tender deadline for submission of articles for the March 2012 issue is Sunday, February 26. Articles may be submitted before that date, but must be submitted no later than that date. You may give your article to one of your co-editors (Anne Wetzel or Jayne Ashworth) or send it via email to the Net Tender's email: stjohnandandrew@gmail.com
Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. The Rev. Debbie Little Wyman invites you to the Rectory Library for a group discussion. She will also be available in the Rectory Study from 10:30-11:45 a.m. on Thursdays for anyone wishing a private conversation with a priest.
Natural Causes Killed Victor: a folk opera, written by George Swanson, will premier October 26 and 27 (note change). The opera relates the suffering and death of
Congregational Pastoral Care. CPC teams are being formed. Through prayer, study of the book "Christian Caregiving -- A Way of Life", and practice of listening and caring skills, several members of St. Saviour's and St. John's are preparing themselves to be witnesses to the love of God to those among us who may be in need. If you would like to be part of this ministry please contact Deacon Jenny (812-2365)
Community Bible Study at the Neighborhood House Living Room in
Holy Eucharist - Wednesdays – 7:00 a.m. followed by breakfast. Healing service on the 4th Wednesdays.
Men’s Group with guest speaker “Diver Ed” Monet on Monday, February 20, 6:00 pm: Soup and sandwich meal. Don’t miss this opportunity for a wild and zany evening!
Building Global Vision. A study on Thursdays, from 6:30-8 p.m. led by David Underwood, on determining "What does God want to accomplish in the world through our church’" Come share this journey. Bring your booklet, bible, and any journaling that you have done!
The Bible Challenge –
http://thecenterforbiblicalstudies.org/pdf/Lent_to_Lent_Read_the_Bible_in_a_Year.pdf …for a schedule of readings that begins on Ash Wednesday (February 22) and ends on Shrove Tuesday (February 12, 2013). Or if you shy away from commitment to reading the WHOLE Bible in one year, you might begin more modestly this year, using part of this schedule, for example, (1) to read the entire New Testament, or (2) read one of the Gospels each day, or (3) read the whole book of Psalms. Then next year in Lent you can start the schedule over again, using more of the readings for those days. Invite family members and friends who aren’t church members to read with you. Your chances of following through with this commitment are better if you tell others, and ask for their support.
Free Meals Available in our community:
Each Monday from 3-6 p.m. Everybody Eats provides a free meal in the parish hall of St. Dunstan’s Church,
Each Thursday from noon-2:00 The Common Good Soup Kitchen provides a meal at
Each Thursday from 4-7 p.m. Soup Dinner at
Each Friday from 11-3, Central United
Tuesday, February 21, 5-6:30 p.m. Community Meal at
Tuesday, March 13, 5-6:30 p.m. Free Community Dinner at
Shrove Tuesday, February 21 – 5pm – a Pancake Supper at St. Dunstan’s-
Mardi Gras Festival and Island Dining – Tuesday, February 28th at Sips in
email at diana@harborhousemdi.org
Keep in your prayers this week: Beverly, Loretta, Jimmy, Louanne, Tom, Helmut, Joel, Bob, Lois, Kay, Lois, Kay, Taylor, Mel and family.
Military Casualties (February 7)
Prayer for the Community of St. Andrew &
Gracious God, we offer thanks for our parish, for your inspiration, and for the generous open hearts making accessibility for all a reality at
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The Episcopal Church taught me that Jesus came to challenge, not just comfort; to overturn, not maintain; to love, not judge; to include, not cast aside.
The Rev. Canon Elizabeth R. Geitz, Diocese of
Hi to all and belated Happy Valentine’s Day.
It’s been a busy couple of days. We arrived in Cayambe on Monday afternoon and started work on Tuesday. As soon as we got here the surgery team was invited for a meeting with the mayor at the city hall; a friendly but formal event with local press, cameras, speeches and interviews. It was overwhelmed at one point by a thunderstorm that entered by the beautiful vaulted ceiling with artwork painted on it and the mayor relocated us all into his office where we had a great view of the central park, the church, and the rivers flowing in the streets. But it was dry in there at least. Good senses of humor all around and a lot of information shared on both sides.
It’s been breaking out in thunderstorms each day since, late in the afternoon, and chilly even when it’s not raining; partly cloudy most of the time otherwise.
Surgery team got up and running (not sure if flesh was cut before noon) and clinic team to small towns away from Cayambe, working in small clinics, or subcentros. It looks like we’ll be in subcentros most days, a different town each day except in one case. In some ways it’s easier than working out of a church building or school because they have some sort of infrastructure for us, but it’s disruptive for their clinic staff (the doctor on call fades into the background) and we kind of take over for a day. In a church or school we have to make do with less but at least we have more space, so it’s a tossup.
Tuesday we were fairly close to Cayambe, and some poor people as patients, but today there were many more, as we were farther out in a town with far more indigenous people. Very colorful clothing on the women, particularly the older ones; these skirts have many pleats in them, unlike the straight black skirts of the Otavalo women. Many layers, with embroidered blouses, sweaters and shawls. Hard to understand some of the older folks because even though they were speaking Spanish their accents were a little different, kind of a vowel shift as well as local idioms. Younger ones as usual are much easier and often help out the translator with what their parents or grandparents are saying. A few years ago we were in some villages where the older ones spoke only Quichua, and as a translator this becomes easier because the younger ones translate into a Spanish that is pretty clear and standard.
We’ve been getting back to the hotel after dark each night, cold and tired. Thank God for hot showers in this hotel to get the body temperature up again. Good food too. The hotel is kind of a local resort-type place; it’s right on the highway but it goes back from the road enough to be quiet, with nice grounds and gardens and even a pool but it looks pretty shallow and nobody has been seen to swim in it because it’s as cold as the air and it ain’t heated without plenty of advance request. So don’t think we’re pampered too much. The hot showers will have to do.
We’re not within walking distance of very much, but it’s a cheap cab ride for those who have had the time to explore in the evening. I miss being within a city and wandering around the parks and shops. But with this year’s scheduling we may not have much time anyway.
No major illness so far, but we can expect some gastro-intestinal excitement any day now. It’s usually for no more than a day or less though, for those who are blessed with it. Consider that a prayer request.
I’ll close this and try at least to send it. The hotel does have wi-fi and the mission bought a mini-laptop this year. We’ll see if it works. Times have changed. The first trip I took to
Chaou for now. Thanks for continuing to pray for us and for our patients too, who don’t really know what to expect.
PS By now a few articles should have posted on my blog with scenes from previous years. See http://fromoffshore.wordpress.com
Ted Spurling