Wednesday, May 31, 2017

CORRECTION:  Wrong Article in Net Tender

Update and Correction
from the Parish of
St. Andrew & St. John

Correction to Net Tender

Fr. TIm wrote two versions of his monthly newsletter article.
 The one intended for inclusion in the Net Tender
was to have begun with this paragraph:

As I write, we find ourselves once again (or perhaps still?) in a time of transition and trying new things.  We have expanded our outreach to our neighbors by partnering with the Common Good Café for community suppers.  We are making our buildings available to more community groups, even when that occasionally means we are inconvenienced.  And we are in conversations with our friends and neighbors about a possible new relationship among the other Episcopal parishes on this island and our clergy.

St. Andrew and John
are NOT in the midst of calling a new person
to lead our music ministry!

Apologies for the confusion!

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