Thursday, September 24, 2015

Events & News from St. Andrew & St. John




September 24, 2015



Sunday, September 27, 2015

Pentecost 18

8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. – St. John the Divine



Fight the good fight (552); Lo! What a cloud of witnesses (545);

Before thy throne, O God (574); Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing (344)



Psalm 124; Esther 7:1-6, 9-10, 9:20-22; James 5:13-20; Mark 9:38-50

Celebrant: The Rev. Kathleen Killian

Usher: Spencer Ervin

First Lesson/Psalm: Floy Ervin

Second Lesson: _____

Prayers: Spencer Ervin

Chalice: Elaine Theriault

Acolyte: Elaine Theriault

Altar Guild: Edie Stanwood

Flowers: Floy Ervin

Vestry Member in Charge: _____


Thursday Holy Eucharist – 12:00 noon

October 1 (Michael and All Angels)

The Rev. Kathleen Killian

October 8 (Morning Prayer)

John Ellison


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The Rev. Timothy Fleck, Rector (207-812-8362)

The Rev. Kathleen Killian, Assistant Rector (718-775-6069)

Stephen Sampson, Music Director

Michele Daley, Parish Administrator (244-3229)

Sr. Warden, Bunny Watts (244-3699)

Jr. Warden, Rita Redfield (244-4025)

The Church Office will be open Monday through Thursday






St. John:


Sunday, September 27, 9:00 a.m. – Forum: Vestry Dialogue

Monday, September 28, 5:00 p.m. – St. John’s Singers

Thursdays, 12:00 noon – Holy Eucharist

Fridays, 1:00-3:00 p.m. – Mahjong


St. John and St. Saviour:

OCTOBER NET TENDER: Deadline is Sunday, September 27th.

Please send articles to


From the Finance & Investment Committee

As we have done in the past, the Finance & Investment Committee (FIC) will be happy to accept requests for new budget proposals for 2016, so we can begin to put together budget recommendations to the Vestry this fall.

We encourage those of you responsible for any of our various parish ministries to communicate with me by email.  If you believe your present budget is workable for another year, I would find it helpful to know that, too. You should email me your recommendations for increases or decreases to the 2014 budget prior to October 1st. (please email requests to me at the following email address: 

The Vestry will conduct personnel reviews this fall and shape requests for personnel compensation changes.

By way of background, our budget for 2015 on the income side is $161,466 with expenses estimated at $177,613, leaving a budget deficit of $16,147 for our current calendar and fiscal year.  To date, we are running close to this projection so we anticipate a deficit of approximately $16,000 (last year our year-end deficit was $3,641).   We were aware that our deficit for 2015 would be higher given our commitment to hiring  the Assistant Rector  and the full year cost will be borne in 2016.

If you have questions or thoughts about the 2015 or 2016 budget, I invite you to join our FIC meeting to be held on Oct 13 at 5:00 pm where we will start the process of drafting the 2016 budget line by line.  If you plan to attend and could let me know, I’d be most grateful.

As ever, minutes of FIC meetings are available to all (through Michele Daley); anyone can attend FIC meetings (generally the second Tuesday of each month at 5:00 pm); and we report regularly to the Vestry and to the entire parish at the parish’s Annual Meeting.

On behalf of the entire Finance & Investment Committee, many thanks to each of you!


Liz Erickson, Treasurer



St. Saviour:

Live Country music featuring Nashville singer-songwriter Danika Portz! Friday, October 2, 7:30 pm. Described as a mixture of Mumford and Sons, Kacey Musgraves, and Katy Perry -- with a voice on par with Norah Jones -- Danika is lyrically grounded in country music, yet unafraid to think outside the box melodically. Recently returned from a tour of SW Asia with Armed Forces Entertainment, Danika performs in Nashville at the Bluebird Café as well as the historic Hotel Indigo, Douglas Corner, and Antique Archaeology (History Channel's American Picker's antique shop). She plays energy packed pop-country shows at festivals and fairs across the county. Danika is offering a special benefit concert in one of the best music venues in Maine -- St. Saviour's Episcopal Church.  Suggested donation $12 (students $6). Tickets available at the door or in advance at St. Saviour's or Galyn's Restaurant (17 Main St, Bar Harbor).  All proceeds will benefit the mission and ministry of St. Saviour's.


Church of Our Father:

The Waste Not, Want Not Thrift Shop is open Saturdays from 9 am - 12 pm, Wednesdays 3:30 pm - 6 pm. We are accepting, good clean clothing & linens. Leave donations in Church Parish Hall. Call for more information 288-3674


St. Mary & St. Jude:

Prayer Shawl Ministry: Thursdays at 10:00 a.m.



The Window Dressers’ Project fabricates thousands of window inserts in communities across Maine to help weatherize homes, keep vulnerable residents warmer, reduces greenhouse gases and lower fossil fuel costs.  The MDI Community Build will be October 12-16 at Bar Harbor Congregational Church.  Volunteers will gather to assemble and finish window inserts fabricated by Window Dressers in Rockland.  If you can help for part of this time, please contact Pastor Rob Benson or Tony St. Denis at Bar Harbor Congregational, 288-3280.


Singing for Those at the End of Life: Saturday, October 24, 8:30-4:00 at Maple Hill Farm, Hallowell. Kathy Leo, founding member of the Hallowell Singers, will be the keynote speaker. Don’t miss this great opportunity to expand your knowledge and resources to establish and nurture a bedside singing group. Network and sing with others who comfort and support the ill and dying at bedside through music and song. FYI:


Bereavement Support Volunteer Training, Wednesdays, October 7 - November 18, 3:30 - 7:00 p.m., Hospice Volunteers of Hancock County, 14 McKenzie, Ellsworth. HVHC Bereavement Support Volunteers provide support to grieving individuals and groups. This training prepares participants to facilitate support groups and provide one-on-one support to grieving individuals. Training topics include: Introduction to Hospice Philosophy; Understanding Grief; Enhancing Listening Skills and Communicating with Compassion; Spirituality and the Grieving Process; Group Facilitation; Effects of Grief on Children and Families; Boundaries and Self-Care. Fee for training is $75. FMI 667-2531; or email us at by September 28.


Hospice Patient Care Volunteer Training, Thursdays, October 8 - December 10, 3:30 - 7:00 p.m. HVHC, 14 McKenzie, Ellsworth. Hospice Patient Care Volunteers provide direct non-medical service to individuals living at the end of life and their caregivers. This training is provided to prepare Patient Care Volunteers for service. Training topics include: Introduction to Hospice Philosophy & Care; Compassion and Communication; Spiritual Aspects of Death and Dying; The Hospice Team, Individuals & Family; Hospice Caregiving: Illness and Ethics; End-of-Life Caregiving: Comfort Care; Bereavement: How We Grieve; Funerals & Memorials; Practical Matters, Policies & Procedures. Fee for training is $75. FMI 667-2531; or email us at by September 28.


At Home Mount Desert Island, a program of Washington Hancock Community Agency, is a member-based, volunteer supported program designed to provide older residents of Mount Desert Island with core services, empowering them to continue to live independently in their homes for as long as they are able.  Responding to members’ requests for services across Mount Desert Island is based on the willingness of residents of all towns on Mount Desert Island to volunteer. You may obtain information regarding volunteering from Program Manager, Kara Janes at 374-5852 or


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Keep in your prayers this week: Jamie Li, Malcolm Hughes, Adam Harkins, Nancy Kincaid, Trevor Agar, Herb Hasenbalg, Jack Weisner, John Cronin, Sarah Flynn, Trisha Roy, Bob Theriault, Ron Martin, Joseph and Kimberly Pratt family, Lydia Thayer, George Swanson, Jennie Cline and Sharon Dayana Salazar, our sponsored child in Costa Rica.


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