Thursday, September 5, 2013

Events & News from St. Andrew & St. John Church







Sunday, September 8, 2013

Pentecost 16

8:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist at St. Andrew by the Lake

10:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist at St. John the Divine


God the sculptor of the mountains; Day by day, dear Lord;

God is love, and where true love is; God of Grace and God of Glory


Psalm 139:1-5, 13-17; Jeremiah 18:1-11; Philemon 1:21; Luke 14:25-33


Celebrant: The Rt. Rev. Stacy Sauls

Chief Operating Officer of the Episcopal Church

and retired Bishop of Lexington.

Usher:  Marilyn Mays

First Lesson/Psalm: Floy Ervin

Second Lesson: Spencer Ervin

Prayers: Ann Benson

Chalice: Chloe Hatcher

Acolyte: Ted Fletcher (8:00); Chloe Hatcher (10:00)

Altar Guild: ______ (8:00); Dean Henry (10:00)

Vestry Member in charge: Chloe Hatcher

Flowers: Ginny Agar

Coffee Hour: Dean Henry


Thursdays at 12:30 p.m.

September 12, 26 – Holy Eucharist

September 19 – Morning Prayer


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Office Hours:

8:30-2:30, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays

Michele Daley, Parish Administrator

Fr. Timothy Fleck will be at St. John’s (244-3229) on Tuesdays and Thursdays

and at St. Saviour’s (288-4215) on Mondays and Wednesdays

He can be reached at 812-8362 (cell) or 

Sr. Warden, Bunny Watts (244-3699); Jr. Warden, Mary Mitchell (244-9951)








St. John:

African Team Ministries, Inc.: A table has been set up in the undercroft with jewelry and craft items from East Africa. Last chance to view and buy these items will be Sunday, September 8. The purchase of these crafts will bring relief to children and those in need by providing: (1) Help in the care and education of African orphans in eight Anglican dioceses; (2) Provision of jobs for unemployed women as they make crafts, and are thereby enabled to care for their children and parents; (3) Resources for projects of refugee relief, health education, clergy and lay education and building repair as they occur. For more information see 


Spring Experiment Evaluation: An evaluation of the Spring experiment was mailed to all regular and attending members recently.  We encourage each person in your household to complete the survey and return it by its due date on September 10th. Extra copies of the survey are available at St. Andrew and St. John should you want one. Another opportunity to evaluate the Spring experiment will happen at the 9:00 a.m. forum on October 13.


Your input is needed for SASJ Budget:  In order to make sure that our budget reflects our mission and priorities as a parish, the Vestry and the Finance and Investment Committee are providing opportunities for any and all to weigh in on the distribution of money among the many ministries of St. Andrew and St. John in 2014.  Individuals and groups representing different ministries are invited to submit written requests and rationale for changes to the budget allotments for their ministries, or for potential new ministries.  These requests are due September 22; on September 29 between services we will offer an open budget forum, at which the FIC will make a brief presentation on the current (2013) budget, and all will be invited to discuss mission and budget priorities for next year.  If you have questions, concerns, or need to see a copy of the 2013 budget for reference, please contact Elizabeth Erickson, Treasurer.


Raffle--Seal Cove artist, Judy Taylor has donated a signed, original watercolor painting titled "View from Flying Mountain" for the Westside Food Pantry raffle.  The painting is matted and framed with archival glass.  Raffle tickets are sold every Friday at the Farmers' Market or from Susan Buell anytime!  Tickets are $5.00 each and 6/$25.00.


Church of Our Father:


Thrift shop is open Wednesdays 3:30 – 6:30 pm and Saturdays 9 – 12 noon.  They are in need good clean men’s and children’s clothing. Call their office at 288-4849 if you have questions.


Holy Eucharist is celebrated on Wednesday mornings at 8:00 followed by a light breakfast.



Community Events

You are invited to a Reception and Exhibit of Floy Ervin’s paintings at the Bass Harbor Library, 89 Bernard Road, Bernard, today, September 5th, from 4:00 to 6:00.


The Alcyon Center First Weekend—Friday, September 6

Quiet Day: from 9:00 AM–noon join a small group of people taking three hours of uninterrupted silence. At noon a lunch of homemade soup and bread is served with fruit for dessert. From 1:00–4:00 PM, three afternoon hours of silence complete the Quiet Day. All are welcome to participate in the Quiet Day silence and luncheon meal.

Soul Friends for Women: Women from near and far who have gathered for many times or who come for the first time are warmly invited to come to The Alcyon Center from 7:00–9:00 PM. There is no membership in Soul Friends; all women are welcome as Soul Friends for the evening. Our evening consists of listening to each other speak from our lived experience for the purpose of deepening our practice of the theme. There is no fee for the day.  Free will offerings are appreciated.


Musical Evening coming up...Dog Mountain, will be our musical guest on Friday evening, September 20th; 7:00-9:00 at the home of Dorothy and Jim Clunan. Jim Vekasi and Fred Benson's group will play and lead us in song--should be a lively evening!  The "Musical Evening" group has been gathering monthly for over 3 years.  We always host a musical guest, spend some time snacking and visiting, and then gather for some fun group singing. Everyone is welcome! For more information and directions contact: Susan Buell -


Swing Low, Sweet Chariot: Jazz, Justice, and the Journey of Tradition

Theodicy Jazz Collective is a group committed to making justice real through the creative, spiritual power of music. Part of that commitment is the teaching and sharing of ways to incorporate into our worship the jazz ideals of community, flexibility, and listening, to help the church thrive in our rapidly changing world. More information about them is available at 

St. Andrew Lutheran Church, St. Saviour Episcopal Church, and The BTS Center (formerly Bangor Theological Seminary) are sponsoring a workshop with Theodicy Jazz Collective for worship leaders and church musicians, and others interested in jazz and/or worship, exploring jazz, justice, and the journey of tradition.  We ask: how can we bring our worship into the creative tension between spontaneity and preparation, between structure and play? How do jazz ideals like listening, supporting, and improvising inform our understanding of Christian community? 

In addition to the workshop, Theodicy Jazz Collective will offer a public conversation and concert of music inspired by jazz, blues, gospel, traditional hymns, and world music. This music is a constant prayer, sometimes a cry of joy, sometimes a shout for action, sometimes a deep, silent hope.  It is truly soul music.

The workshop is Tuesday, October 1 at St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 175 Downeast Highway, Ellsworth. Participants are encouraged to bring instruments for an optional Jam Session beginning at 3:00, with the workshop beginning at 4:00 and ending with dinner. At 7:00, workshop becomes worship in a Jazz Vespers Service. The cost for the workshop and dinner is $35 ($25 for students). Scholarships are available. The Vesper service is open to the public at no charge. 

The concert is Wednesday, October 2 at St. Saviour Episcopal Church, 41 Mt. Desert St., Bar Harbor. The musicians will be available for a public conversation about jazz and justice at 6:15, with the concert beginning at 7:00. A free will offering will be received; after expenses, all donations received will be given to the Emmaus Homeless Shelter in Ellsworth.

For more info, contact The Rev. Priscilla Hukki at 207-667-7641or



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Keep in your prayers this week: Gloria Magruder, Sinclair Family, Bill Krueger, Boyd McFarland, Sarah Flynn, Joseph and Kimberly Pratt family, Ruth and Bob Zachary, Sachi Mallack, Carolyn Bowman, Martha Thompson, Karen Floyd, Lydia Thayer, Martha Masiello, Gary Dunlap, Penelope Place, Kay and Bill Barney, Matt Fisher, George Swanson, Jennie Cline, Julie Russell and Sharon Dayana Salazar, our sponsored child in Costa Rica. Pray for the safe return of Andy Young, who is among our armed forces serving overseas, and his family.

Give thanks for the life of Lois Frazier, who died Tuesday, September 3rd. Keep her family and friends in your prayers.


Dear Friends,

Thank you to each of you for your cards, emails, flowers, phone calls, words of encouragement and most of all your prayers. It is impossible to express how much all this means when one is blindsided by something like cancer. Many of you have asked what you can do, and we really appreciate your willingness and desire to help. Right at the moment, we have daily needs and food pretty well covered. We may need drivers as radiation replaces chemo…we will let you know. Our immediate goal is to adjust our lives to the reality of this uninvited guest and to learn to live well with the rigors of the medical world, while focusing on health and well being. My treatment may be the top priority for the next six months, but it is not “me” and it will not preclude my doing things that are important to me.


Now back to what each of you can do. Of course we value your caring, prayers and support. Beyond those important things, I would ask that you take a moment to look at whom and what are important to you. Is there someone you’ve meant to connect with, but just haven’t gotten around to scheduling? Is there someone that would value a visit, a ride or a phone call? Is there something that you feel called to do, but are ignoring? Is there something that you really want to do for yourself and/or someone you love, but have not “had time”? I would invite each of you to do something that will release the positive energy of God’s healing love into the world. That energy will do wonders for the world and, by extension, for you and for me.

With gratitude and love,

Sarah Flynn


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Our Eucharistic table is not made less special if all are invited, which is contrary to the understanding that I grew up with. Adjusting to the idea that everyone is invited to this most holy meal took me some time, but it has become one of the things I love most about the Church. Understanding that the true presence in the body of Christ is strong enough to survive inside someone who might seem less worthy requires more, not less, faith in its power. I am saddened that I cannot share in communion at my parents’ church, and that they will not receive in mine, but I would rather be in that position than the other way around.

Sean P. Hackett, Diocese of Bethlehem