Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Events & News from St. John's




NOVEMBER 14, 2012



Sunday, November 18, 2012

Pentecost 25

8:00 and 10:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist at St. John


We the Lord’s people; Signs of endings all around us;

Help us, O Lord, to learn; All my hope on God is founded


1 Samuel 2:1-10; 1 Samuel 1:4-20; Hebrews 10:11-14, 19-25; Mark 13:1-8


Celebrant: The Rev. Tim Fleck

Usher:  Dean Henry

First Lesson/Psalm: Ann Cox Halkett

Second Lesson: Susan Buell

Prayers: Patsy Fogarty

Chalice: Bob Theriault

Acolyte: Bob Stanwood (8:00); Elaine Theriault

Altar Guild: Dean Henry

Flowers: Ellen Gilmore


Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 22

9:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Christ the King

8:00 and 10:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist at St. John


Hail to the Lord’s anointed; My song is love unknown;

Let all mortal flesh keep silence; Thy Kingdom come


Psalm 93; Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14; Revelation 1:4b-8; John 18:33-37


Celebrant: The Rev. Lynn Orville

Usher:  Sandy Watts

First Lesson/Psalm: Patsy Fogarty

Second Lesson: Ellen Gilmore

Prayers: Ann Benson

Chalice: Elaine Theriault

Acolyte: Bob Stanwood (8:00); Spencer Ervin

Altar Guild: Margot Haertel


Thursday, November 15 and 29

12:30 p.m. – Holy Eucharist


Sunday 9:00 a.m. Forums:

November 18: Take This Bread, 2nd session (Tim Fleck)

(books are available in the meeting room for $15)

November 25: TBA


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Office Hours:


Michele will be out of the office from November 15-30


Michele Daley, Parish Administrator

Fr. Timothy Fleck will be at St. John’s (244-3229) on Tuesdays and Thursdays

and at  St. Saviour’s (288-4215) on Mondays and Wednesdays

He can be reached at 812-8362 or 

Sr. Warden, Ted Fletcher (244-3115); Jr. Warden, Mary Mitchell (244-9951)






St. John:

Christmas Fair: Saturday, December 8, 8:00 to 2:00. If you would like a wreath, there is a sign up sheet at the back of the sanctuary. If you would like to help, call Mary Mitchell (244-9951). There will be a luncheon; and baked goods, wreaths and other craft items for sale.

Christmas Flowers: St. John’s will be decorating the sanctuary for Christmas. If you would like to make a donation in honor of or in memory of friends or relatives, please send your checks along with the names you wish to remember to the church office. (Please designate “Christmas Flowers” on your check.)


St. Saviour:

Taizé service at 7:00 pm on Friday, November 16. The Taizé style of chant reflects both the simplicity of life of the abbey, and our community’s commitment to an all-embracing, ecumenical approach to ritual and prayer.


St. Mary and St. Jude:

Contemplative Evening Prayer, Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s Chapel.


Church of Our Father:

Holy Eucharist and Breakfast, Wednesdays at 7:00 a.m.; Healing Service on the fourth Wednesday.

Christmas Fair:  December 1 & 2.


St. Dunstan:

Christmas Fair: Saturday, November 17 - 9 am to 1pm - in the Parish Hall of St. Dunstan’s Church – 134 State Street, Ellsworth. Come do your Christmas Shopping and find a few things you can't live without for yourself! Decorations, jewelry, books, sporting goods, games, household goods, Christmas Basket Raffle - everything you need to make a great Holiday Season! Enjoy a delicious lunch to refresh you as well!


All MDI Episcopal Churches

Thanksgiving Basket Distribution 

Once again, the Bar Harbor Congregational Church will supply Thanksgiving Dinner Baskets to be distributed through the Bar Harbor Food Pantry and Westside Food Pantry.  Help is needed to pick-up the baskets in Bar Harbor and deliver them to the Southwest Harbor Fire Station on Monday, November 19th late afternoon, and help in distributing the baskets to our clients on Tuesday, November 20th from 10 AM to 12 Noon.  Please contact Dean Henry with offers of help at 664-8615, or  Thank you.


Episcopal Relief & Development:

The devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy, the far-reaching storm responsible for unprecedented flooding, power outages, fires and loss of life, continues to overwhelm eastern regions of the US and the Caribbean. Episcopal Relief & Development is in contact with partners in the Caribbean and along the US East Coast as they assess needs, formulate relief activities and minister to their affected communities. We stand ready to support our partners through the immediate relief and long-term recovery phases of their storm response. Your help is critical in providing assistance to those needing it most. Visit Episcopal Relief & Development's website,, for updated information on the aftermath of the storm and to assist those in need by making an immediate, convenient and secure contribution to Episcopal Relief & Development's Hurricane Sandy Response Fund. Thank you for your partnership and compassion, and continue to pray for those devastated by the storm.


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Keep in your prayers this week: Ruth Cary, Jonathan Appleyard, Tina Baker, Christina Baker Kline, Brenda Merritt, Bob Jackson, Julie Russell, Emmet and Betty Whittlesey, and Joel Sipes. Pray for the safe return of Shawn Reed, Adam Holt and Susan Falt, who are among our armed forces serving overseas, and their families.


Military Casualties (November 9-12)

Afghanistan: Daniel Carlson, James Nehl, Kenneth Bennett, Matthew Stiltz


Prayer for the Community of St. Andrew & St. John                       

Gracious God, we offer thanks for our parish, for your inspiration, and for the many generous open hearts whose donations will bring accessibility to all at St. John’s. Guide us all as the planned expansion of the facilities comes to reality. We thank you for the various trades and skills of those who work on the addition. Protect and guide them as they labor, that they may take pride in their accomplishments. Inspire us to share faithfully the love that you have revealed to us through the ministry and sacrifice of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.


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God loves you, and there’s not a thing you can do to change that..

The Rev. Tim Van Culin, Diocese of Hawaii



New door to the undercroft and the awesome kitchen!