Thursday, October 14, 2010

Events & News




OCTOBER 14, 2010



Wednesday mornings

Holy Eucharist at 9:30 a.m.


This Sunday is the MDI Marathon.

Therefore, we have changed our worship and forum time.

Pentecost 21, Sunday, October 17th

 8:00 a.m.  – Forum - Anne Mallonee

Glimpses of Grace: Holy Work to be done at Ground Zero”


 9:00 a.m.  – Eucharist at St. John the Divine, Southwest Harbor

The Rev. Anne Mallonee, Celebrant

Usher- Fred Benson
First Lesson, Psalm- Elaine Theriault
Second Lesson- Ashley Campbell
Prayers- Ann Cox Halkett
Chalice, Acolyte- Ted F.
Altar Guild- Joan Bromage


Scripture Lessons:

Psalm 119:97-104; Jeremiah 31:27-34; 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5; Luke 18:1-8


Sunday, October 24th we will join Church of Our Father and St. Saviour in the first joint service at 10:00 am at St. Mary’s by-the-Sea (20 South Shore Road) in Northeast Harbor in a celebration of the collaboration between the Mt. Desert Island Episcopal churches. Carpooling is strongly suggested and a sign up for the need of and to give rides is in the Undercroft.


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The St. John Singers meet the second and fourth Monday. All are welcome to join this group, which practices the hymns chosen to be sung on Sunday mornings and occasionally suggests alternative choices. Their next meeting will be October 25th at 5:30.


Service at Sonogee – St. John’s is responsible for the service at Sonogee on Sunday, October 31st at 10:45am. If you would like to participate, please contact Michael Shook, 244-4425 or




MDI Episcopal Church Events


St. Mary’s and St. Jude’s:

House Church is a family oriented service taking place at homes on the island facilitated by St. Mary and St. Jude’s Episcopal Church. It will take place at the home of Heather Jones in Somesville on Saturday, October 16 at 5pm. For more information and directions, call 244-9295.

Margarette Santilever returns! Come on Wednesday evening, October 20 at 7 pm in St. Mary’s Parish Hall (5 Kimball Road, Northeast Harbor) to meet with Margarette Santilever, a postulant from the Diocese of Haiti.  Margarette will be on MDI for a few days of Rest and Recreation and will be happy to update us on the Church in Haiti. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear about how we can continue to support Haiti!


Church of Our Father:

Class on Paul and his writings in the New Testament. The class meets Wednesday evening at 6:45 pm in the parish hall. The format includes a 30-minute lecture heard on audio CD (from the Teaching Company series) by Luke Timothy Johnson, followed by a discussion. Weekly readings in the New Testament will be assigned. Call 288-4849 for more information. 

International Evening: Welcoming supper to be held Friday, October 15 at 5:30 PM for all internationals in our communities! Delicious homemade food, entertainment, and good old fashioned hospitality! Church of Our Father Parish Hall, Route 3, Hulls Cove. For more information call: 460-7446


St. Saviour’s Parish:

Facing the Stress in Our Lives through Meditation:  A six-week course, led by Sandy Haggett, begins Monday, October 24 and ends November 29 from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm at St. Saviour’s Parish in the Rectory Common Library. Cost is a $1.00/session donation to St. Saviour’s. Open to all. For more information, call Sandy at 288-0085.

The Emerging Church continues Fridays at noon at St. Saviours in the Parish Library. What is The Emerging Church? Sometimes called "Emergent" Church, this is a multi-faceted, ecumenical movement made up of Christians who question how far traditional church practices can respond to the needs of people in the 21st century and who are exploring new ways of following Christ today. Jenny Reece and Sarah Flynn will facilitate.


New Christmas Cards Needed: Elder Reggie spreads hope and care within the prison where he works. We asked him if he had a wish list on ways for people to help him with his ministry and he said, "Yes!" He said he needs new Christmas cards to give to the inmates so they could send them to their families. Salvation Army used to give him cards but they can no longer do so. We told him we could do that. So the Christmas Card Project was launched. Our goal is to obtain 1,000 new cards to donate to the inmates. Thankfully, all of the Episcopal churches on the island are working together on this project. Please donate new cards and drop them off at the back of the church anytime. We will mail the cards to Elder Reggie the first of November. We need to have the cards by the end of October because it takes at least three weeks for the prison to process the package. Thank you for your help and donation!


Baked Bean Supper at St. John’s, Saturday, October 23, 5:30-7:00 p.m., $8/person (5 and under – free). To benefit the Westside Food Pantry.


MDI Hospital’s Health Fair at Birch Bay Village, Saturday, October 30th, 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Contact Kathy Mulligan at 288-5082, ext. 1624


The Ministry of Spiritual Nurturing - November 5-7, 2010 - This rare weekend with Rosemary Dougherty offers practicing spiritual directors and guides an opportunity to explore 'who gives and who receives' in this vocation that is ours. Weekend includes time for silence, teaching, and spiritual conversation in community. Having served for 25 years as Director of the Spiritual Guidance Program at the Shalem Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, Rose Mary Dougherty is one of the formative voices in our time in contemporary spiritual direction. Belonging to the School Sisters of Notre Dame for her entire adult life, she was also recognized a few years ago as a sensei (teacher) in the White Plum Asanga lineage of Zen tradition. Cost: Tuition ($150) plus $85 per night (full board and double room at The Alcyon Center) To register, please contact Joan Jordan Grant and Kathryn Booth at The Alcyon Center, 207/244-1060 or email  


The church office will be open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. If you have questions or need assistance at other times, please call Ted Fletcher (244-3115) or Ann Cox Halkett (288-5832).


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Keep in your prayers this week: Ray, Bob, Norm, Phillip, Paul, Cindy, Ginny, Judy, Molly, Caleb, Vonnie, Beth, Marjorie, Elizabeth, Ian, Susan, Patti, Ron, Scott, Sam, Pete, and Ted.


Military deaths [September 24 – October 1]

(Iraq): Gebrah Noonan, John Carillo Jr., Marc Whisenat            

(Afghanistan): Anthony Rosa, Jaysine Petree, William Dawson, Clinton Springer II [Maine],

Mark Simpson, Donald Morrison, Ralph Fabbri, Mark Forester, Calvin Harrison, Justin Officer, and Timothy Jackson


Prayer for the Community of St. Andrew & St. John                       

Gracious God, we offer thanks for our parish, for your inspiration, and for the spirit of ministry which is our heritage. We acknowledge your call to continue serving each other and the people in our community through open hearts and open doors. Guide us all, especially our Capital Campaign and Design & Construction Committees and Vestry, as we seek funding and plan expansion of the facilities, including accessibility for all at St. John. Inspire us to share faithfully the love that you have revealed to us through the ministry and sacrifice of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.