Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Weekly e-mail from St. Andrew & St. John Episcopal Church





Sunday, September 6: Holy Eucharist—8:00 a.m. at St. Andrew by the Lake and 10:00 a.m. at St. John the Divine; last service at St. Andrew will be September 13th.

On Sunday, September 6th, The Right Reverend Frank T. Griswold, III, 25th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, will present an icon of St. John the Divine to St. John’s. He also has been invited to preach at the 10:00 service.

Scripture: Psalm 125; Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23; James 2:1-17; Mark 7:24-37

Taize Service: Please join us at St. Andrew’s on Sunday, September 6th at 5:00 p.m.  This will be a reflective time of prayer and music as summer turns into autumn, and we hope many of you will bring friends and family.  Please call Joan Bromage (244-3227) if you want to help plan, set up, and/or take part in the service.

Weekday Eucharist:  Wednesday mornings at 9:30 at St. John.


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The Victory Garden is thriving. Please consider bringing some of your garden vegetables to add to our bounty. We are distributing on Wednesdays, so delivery to St. John's on Tuesday or Wednesday morning is ideal. Any questions—call Cass Wright at 244-5459. Pamela VanWechel is making jam and pickling items from the garden and would welcome any of the following items: white vinegar, sugar, Sure Jell, Knox unflavored gelatin, Gulf Wax, small jars (ie. baby food jars or juice glasses).


Island Connections needs volunteer drivers, social event organizers, and office workers. Contact Chris Keefe, 288-4457, e-mail director@islconnections.org, for more information.


Prayer List: Please contact the church office (244-3229) or saints315@myfairpoint.net to add to or remove names on the prayer list.


The Rev. Tom Ward will lead two events: A Prayerful Conversation at the Alcyon Center in Seal Cove on Friday, September 4th, 2-5 p.m. and A Centering Prayer Workshop on Saturday, September 5th, 9-3 at St. Francis by the Sea, Blue Hill. The Rev. Tom Ward has been an Episcopal priest for over 30 years. Cost is $35 for each event or $50 for both. Registration at the door or you may contact the Northeast Guild for Spiritual Formation at 244-5168 or seerickson@roadrunner.com.


Green & Lean is a free series of monthly lectures which focuses on ways to save money and resources.  They have adopted a very pragmatic approach – no technical jargon, no complicated concepts, just straightforward information you can put to use in your own home or place of work. Next meeting will be Wednesday, September 16th at 7 PM, Eating Local, Organic & Cheap.  This event will feature a tasting of dishes made with locally grown ingredients. Held at St. John Episcopal Church; sponsored by ROOTs, St. John Episcopal Church, & Downeast Group of the Sierra Club. Contact Erika Shriner, 244-3532 for more information.


Office Hours: This week the office will be open on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30-2:30; next week the office will be open on Labor Day, and closed on Tuesday.