Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Weekly News from St. Andrew & St. John Episcopal Church





Sunday Services: Sunday, September 14th: Both 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. services will be at St. John’s in Southwest Harbor.


Lectionary readings for September 14th: Psalm 114; Exodus 14:19-31; Romans 14:1-12; Matthew 18:21-35.


Rally Sunday: September 14th after the 8:00 and 10:00 services in the Undercroft. Learn and ask about parish ministries. Sign up to help out. Please call or email Joan Bromage to confirm if you'd like to take part and/or if you haven't heard from her about this great opportunity.


Sunday School: Godley Play lessons will be used during the 10:00 service in the undercroft.


Weekday Morning Eucharist: Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m.


Finance Committee: Tuesday, September 9th at 4:00 p.m.


Capital Campaign Committee: Tuesday, September 9th at 5:00


Vestry: Thursday, September 18th at 6:00 p.m.


Sunday Forums will begin on September 21st at 9:00 in the Undercroft with Becky Buyers-Basso, "Singleness of Heart:  Lessons Learned in Caring for a Dying Loved One."


Food Pantry Committee: Wednesday, September 24th at 5:30 p.m.


Driver Wanted:  Sue Myers, Barry Pollard's daughter, is looking for a driver she can pay to bring Barry to church regularly for the 10 a.m. service.  We've had some wonderful volunteers but Sue thinks Barry might feel less "beholden" by handling it this way.  If you know of someone appropriate for this job, please call Sue at 203-981-7808.


Farmer’s Market: open each Friday from 9:00-1:00 in St. John’s parking lot.


Camp Coast Care: The Rev. Canon Bill Livingston, Pastor/counselor/spiritual director to coastal clergy and consultant to coast parishes (those leveled by Hurricane Katrina) and his wife Diane, Camp Director at Camp Coast Care, will be giving a presentation on the needs and activities at Camp Coast Care on Tuesday, September 23 at 7 pm at Church of Our Father. Anyone interest in the upcoming Mission to Camp Coast Care in GulfportMS in November and again in 2009 should attend this presentation.


End of Summer Picnic: Bill Weir and the Bar Harbor Savings & Loan are sponsoring the Island Connections End of Summer Picnic. Chef Bill will be providing all the great food that makes a cookout a success.  All seniors and disabled on the Island are welcome to this FREE picnic. It will be held at Grant Park in Albert Meadows on Thursday, September 11th (rain date Friday, September 12th) at 12 pm. Entertainment is not finalized at this time, but will be announced soon. Transportation will be available from Malvern Belmont in Bar Harbor or Ridge Apartments in Southwest Harbor. Please RSVP by September 8th by calling Island Connections at 288-4457. (PS there will be two ships in port to make the view spectacular).


Common Ground Fair: Let’s all go to the MOFGA Common Ground Country Fair in Unity, ME on Friday, September 19th. This is a rain or shine fun day.  Island Connections invites all Island seniors who enjoy a day of fun and walking, eating & shopping to join us. The price for the bus trip and ticket to the fair is $10. We will be departing Malvern Belmont at 8 am, picking up at Somesville Fire Station at 8:25am and returning home around 4 pm. This is a large Cyr Bus with a restroom. Please RSVP by Monday, September 15th 288-4457


Office hours this week: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 to 2:30.