St. Andrew & St. John Masks are required for in-door worship Sunday Worship Sunday, November 21, Pentecost 4:00 p.m. – St. John's The Rev. Holly Hoffmann, Celebrant PLEDGE CARDS TO BE BLESSED It is stewardship season. If you have not returned your pledge card, please plan to put it in the offering plate on Sunday, November 21st at the ingathering so that it can be received and blessed at the altar as a part of our worship.  Thanks to all the NEWTS who showed up on Wednesday to help clean up the grounds at St. John the Divine on a sunny (but cold) day. Thanks to Andrew and Dianne McMullan, Ward MacKenzie, Jim and Mary Vekasi, Mike and Amanda Smith, Marshall Whittlesey, and John Burton for all their hard work. Keep in your prayers this week: Rob Higgins, Susan Buell, Edie Stanwood, Elizabeth Ward, Bunny Watts, Anne Wetzel, Paul Haertel, Chuck Bradshaw, Ted Bromage, Jean Storace, Spencer Ervin, Geoff Schuller, Doris McCorison, Gail Leland, Jeremy Harkins, Michael Shook, Joyce and Jim Risser, Loretta Schmidt, Theresa Mitchell, Fred & Dollis Sprague, Sara Winchenbach, Richard Ramsdell, Dorothy & Jim Clunan, Bill and Barbara Loveland. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 22 – Ann Cox Halkett 25 – Spencer Ervin 26 – Michele Daley 29 – Floy Ervin Episcopal Worship Services on MDI - starting November 7 9:00 am - Church of Our Father 10:00 am - St. Mary & St. Jude 11:00 am - St. Saviour's Parish 4:00 pm - St. John the Divine The fourth Sunday of the month will be our island-wide service. For location and other details on the services, visit: BACKPACK PROGRAM You are invited to bring mac and cheese for the backpack program. Please place your donations in the front pew by the piano or you may bring them to the church office during the week. Each week the backpacks are assembled and given to 20 children at Pemetic and Tremont Elementary Schools. A CHRISTMAS CONCERT FOR THE COMMUNITY "People Look East" Sunday, December 12 at 2:00 p.m. St. John the Divine Southwest Harbor Festive music for the season with The Harborside Trio Cherie Magnello, Soprano Carl Wrubel, Baritone William Merrill, Piano A freewill offering is appreciated. Audience members must be masked. ADVENT WREATH MAKING November 28: Advent Wreath Making at St. John's at 2 pm Gather outside at St. John's at 2 pm on the first Sunday of Advent to make Advent wreaths with real candles and fresh greens. Hot cider to be served. This is a great activity for people of all ages! Consider inviting a young person in your life to join you in making advent wreaths to mark the weeks to Christmas Day. Questions? Contact Dianne McMullan or speak with Edie Stanwood. Sign up on line by using this form or calling the office at St. John's. Cost is $10 if you need both a wire candle ring and candles, $5 if you have either, $0 if you have both. Come join the fun! |