Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Westside Food Pantry Recital


Dear Friends,

The final and fifth Westside Food Pantry recital for this summer is coming up very soon--Saturday, August 26th, 8:00pm;  St John Church

Islesford native, pianist Christina Spurling and violinist, Yi-Li Chang perform works by Beethoven, Brahms and Ravel.  Christina completed her Masters's in Collaborative Piano in May.  Last summer she and three vocal majors performed at St John in a beautiful and moving concert.  I am grateful Christina and YI-Li will share their musical gifts this year!

As always, the suggested donation is $10--ALL proceeds go to the food pantry

Again, thank you to Dianne McMullan for hosting a reception and to Michael Shook for his faithful work on the outdoor sign.

FYI:  Dean told me the money raised at our earlier summer recitals has been especially welcome because the spaghetti supper did not happen and Touch a Truck did not raise as much as usual.  With this in mind,  I hope you will help spread the word and urge friends and family to attend.

See you there!

love to all,

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