Friday, February 17, 2017

weekly e-mail from St. John's Church

February 16, 2017

Sunday, February 19, 2017
Epiphany 7
9:00 a.m. – St. John the Divine

Christ is made the sure foundation (518)
Jesu, Jesu (602)
Blest are the pure in heart (656)
Go forth for God (347)

Psalm 119:33-40; Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18; 1 Corinthians 3:10-11, 16-23; Matthew 5:38-48

Celebrant: The Rev. Kathleen Killian
Usher: Fred
First Lesson/Psalm/Second Lesson: Joan
Prayers: Ann B
Chalice and Acolyte: Sandy
Altar Guild: Margot
Flowers: Betsy
Vestry Member in Charge: Bunny

Weekday Holy Eucharist—Thursdays at 12:00 noon
February 23 - Polycarp

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The Rev. Timothy Fleck, Rector (207-812-8362)
The Rev. Kathleen Killian, Assistant Rector (718-775-6069)
Stephen Sampson, Music Director
Michele Daley, Parish Administrator (244-3229)
Sr. Warden, Bunny Watts (244-3699)
Jr. Warden, Rita Redfield (244-4025)
The Church Office is open Monday through Thursday


St. John:
February Forums: “Expressing the Inexpressible” through body and movement, through music and through image. Sundays, February 19, 26 at 10:30 a.m.

DEADLINE for March Net Tender: Since both editors will be going OT the end of the month, we have decided to do the March newsletter on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23.
Please send your articles to by 9:00 AM Thursday, February 23.
Thanks, Michele and Anne

Shrove Tuesday: Free Community pancake supper (with sausage and all the trimmings) on Tuesday, February 28, 5:30 p.m. Hosted (and cooked) by the men of the parish. Sign up in the undercroft.

Meditation on Tuesdays at 4:00 at St. John’s. Please join us for 30 minutes of shared silence and “prayer of the heart,” an ancient meditative practice of the Christian tradition. All are welcome! We meditate sitting on chairs, though if you prefer to sit on the floor, feel free to bring a mat or cushion. If you are new to meditation, have questions or concerns, or would like more information, please contact Mother Kathleen.

Do you like to color?  Coloring is not just for children; many adults find it very meditative. This Lent, St. Andrew & St. John is offering a collaborative coloring project as a spiritual practice.  Eight pre-printed panels depicting the Scriptural Stations of the Cross will be laid out on a table in the Undercroft beginning March 1, and will be available for quiet coloring any time the Undercroft is open.  Come and color as little or as much as you want, when you want.  Markers will be provided.  During Holy Week, we will mount and hang the colored panels in the church, where we can use them for the Devotion of the Stations of the Cross.

St. John and St. Saviour:
PDFs of Mother Kathleen’s sermons and video recordings of Fr. Tim’s sermons are now available on St. Saviour’s website (; Fr. Tim’s videos are also available at St. John’s website at (

Confidential Prayer Chain: Unlike our published prayer lists, prayer requests that come into the Prayer Chain remain private to the prayer chain itself, which will pray devotedly for one week unless an updated request is made. If you’d like to know more about this or our Pastoral Care Team, please contact our office administrators or Mother Kathleen.

St. Saviour:
Holy Eucharist is celebrated on Wednesdays at noon in the Chapel, in a simple, non-musical service.  We plan to commemorate saints and seasons using the church’s published calendar, as well as focusing on healing for ourselves and for the world.

St. Mary & St. Jude:
Prayer Shawl Ministry, Thursdays at 10:00 a.m.
Contemplative Prayer Group: Tuesdays at 4:30, join Deacon John in exploring the practice of Christian meditation and contemplative prayer. Meetings will take place in St. Mary's Chapel and will include instruction and practice in this ancient form of prayer. While not required, recommended supplemental reading is Into the Silent Land: A Guide to the Practice of Contemplation by Martin Laird.

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Alcyon Center Schedule:
Quiet Days/Soul Friends: March 3
March 9-12 - Silence and the Heart:  Engaging culture, inner work and practice
Meditation/Silent Mondays (please call ahead) - 1:00-2:00 pm - 20 minute sit, 5 minute walk, 20 minute silent sit

Keep in your prayers this week: Marcia Murphy, Mary K. Parkman, Sophie Pooler, Pete and Anna Welles, Joan Preble, Andrea Horner, Robert Dudley, Nicole Burnett, Steve Bell, Eileen Dunn, Karen Pike, Sherry Warner, Adam Temple, Malcolm Hughes, Herb Hasenbalg, Jack Weisner, John Cronin, Bob Theriault, Ron Martin, Lydia Thayer, George Swanson and Sharon Dayana Salazar, our sponsored child in Costa Rica.