July 21, 2016
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Pentecost 9
8:00 a.m. – St. Andrew by-the-Lake
10:00 a.m. – St. John the Divine
O God of Bethel by whose hand (709)
The Lord will come and not be slow (462)
For the bread which you have broken (341)
Praise my soul the King of heaven (410)
Psalm 85; Hosea 1:2-10; Colossians 2:6-19; Luke 11:1-13
Celebrant: The Rev. Kathleen Killian
Usher: _____
First Lesson/Psalm/Second Lesson: Ellen
Prayers: Margot
Chalice and Acolyte: Spencer
Altar Guild: Margot
Flowers: Susan
Vestry Member in Charge: Michael DaCosta
Weekday Holy Eucharist—Thursdays at 12:00 noon
July 28 – Bach, Handel & Purcell
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The Rev. Timothy Fleck, Rector (207-812-8362)
The Rev. Kathleen Killian, Assistant Rector (718-775-6069)
Stephen Sampson, Music Director
Michele Daley, Parish Administrator (244-3229)
Sr. Warden, Bunny Watts (244-3699)
Jr. Warden, Rita Redfield (244-4025)
The Church Office is open Monday through Thursday
Mother Kathleen will be in the office Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday;
Friday, available by appointment.
St. John:
Quietside Festival THANK YOU
A BIG THANK YOU to all…those who donated items (pies, cookies, baskets, silent auction pieces); helped set up and tear down; worked on Saturday; made phone calls to the winners, etc. etc. Plus we were blessed with a beautiful sunny day.
Kneisel Hall will present a concert at St. John’s tonight, July 21, at 7:00 p.m. The concert is free, a gift to the community. It will feature several different ensembles performing works by Beethoven, Mozart, Dvorak and other well-loved composers. All are welcome.
Meditation on Thursdays at 4:15 at St. John’s. Please join us for 30 minutes of shared silence and “prayer of the heart,” an ancient meditative practice of the Christian tradition. All are welcome! We meditate sitting on chairs, though if you prefer to sit on the floor, feel free to bring a mat or cushion. If you are new to meditation, have questions or concerns, or would like more information, please contact Mother Kathleen.
Bishop Lane will be visiting MDI in a few weeks, and will be meeting with St. Andrew & John’s Vestry on Friday, August 12. To prepare for that meeting, the Bishop has published the attached list of topics; St. John’s Vestry would like to hear your input on these topics as well, so that when they meet with +Steve they will be representing the mind of the parish.
After both services on August 7, during coffee/lemonade time, vestry members will convene informal conversation about “what you want Bishop Lane to know about St. Andrew & St. John” – either from these questions or other directions entirely.
2. Think back over the last year or so of life in your congregation. What have been the high points, the experiences of God’s wondrous grace, the events and observances which have deeply stirred you all? What stands out?
3. Do you have a Mission Statement? Are you working on one? Tell me about it. What are the goals you have identified to pursue that Mission? How are you progressing on those goals and how can I or my staff support and assist you in pursuing them? Where are you finding stumbling blocks or obstacles? What plan(s) do you have for overcoming them?
4. Tell me about your community involvement? what partnerships has the congregation made? what work are you looking forward to? anything in the way or items of concern? how can the diocese help?
5. What do you especially appreciate about your priest? Other staff members? How do you support your priest/deacon in his/her ministry? How do you build and nurture open lines of communication as leaders, with one another, with your priest, deacon and with the people you serve?
6. Let’s talk about whatever else is on your minds. Anything at all.
St. John and St. Saviour:
Pastoral Care Team: Did you know that the parishes of St. Andrew and St. John, and St. Saviour share in the ministry of pastoral care? Our Pastoral Care Team is made up of members of both parishes who reach out across the island to parish members in need, as well as providing pastoral outreach to the community. Our ministry includes giving rides to and from doctor appointments, providing a listening ear, a home cooked meal, or help with various tasks. The team also sends notes and cards to former parish members no longer living on the island or those unable to get to church. We fellowship “formally” four times a year, getting together to learn, pray, share, and have a little fun!
Under the auspices of the Pastoral Care team, we are launching a new ministry, a confidential Prayer Chain also comprised of members of both parishes. Unlike our published prayer lists, prayers that come into the Prayer Chain remain private to the prayer chain itself, which is geared towards more immediate and acute need.
If you’d like to know more about these ministries, or are in need of their care and prayers, please contact our office administrators, or Linda Foster from St. Saviour, Joan Bromage from St. Andrew and St. John, or Mother Kathleen.
St. Saviour:
Summer Organ Series will be held on Fridays in August from 12:15-1:00. The church features a 27-rank Visser-Rowland tracker organ which is used in worship services each week as well as to support community choral and instrumental performances.
The schedule for the 2016 recital series is as follows:
August 5: Timothy Jon Olsen
August 12: Douglas Beck
August 19: Ray Cornils
August 26: Julia Morris-Myers
Holy Eucharist is celebrated on Wednesdays at noon in the Chapel, in a simple, non-musical service. We plan to commemorate saints and seasons using the church’s published calendar, as well as focusing on healing for ourselves and for the world.
Church of Our Father:
Mother Kathleen is the speaker this evening at Church of our Father’s healing service on at 6pm. She will be speaking about healing, and Jesus as healer, as portrayed in the Bible. The service will continue with laying on of hands and prayers for healing. All are welcome.
The “Waste Not, Want Not Thrift Shop” is open on Saturdays from 9:00 to noon and Wednesdays from 3:30-6:00 p.m. Our little Thrift Shop is an important ministry in our community. We welcome donations of good clean clothing for all ages, household bedding and fine linens, decorator pillows (popular), yarn and glassware collectables for the Knick Knack Corner. Please leave donations in the Parish Hall or Thrift Shop.
St. Mary & St. Jude:
Casserole sales will be held on Main Street in Northeast Harbor on August 11. Men and women who would like to help by providing homemade casseroles and/or setting up and assisting in sales may sign up on the clipboard lists at both churches. Proceeds are used in ECW outreach programs (Food Pantries, Nursing Association, etc.)
Prayer Shawl Ministry, Thursdays at 10:00 a.m.
Summer Morning Prayer: Once again, the clergy of the parish will be offering Morning Prayer every Tuesday, 10 am, at St. Mary's by-the-Sea. Join us for a time of quiet, communal prayer in the Anglican tradition. What better way to start your day?
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The Spirit of Acadia, celebrates its Spiritual Connection with Place and Park on Wednesday, July 27th at 5 pm at Fabbri Memorial, Otter Cove, Loop Road in Acadia Park where they will gather for an interfaith service of word, song and movement.
Mittens are needed for The Maine Seacoast Mission Christmas Program: Lap robes, hats and scarves, too! Yarn is available. Contact Marilyn Nickson, 546–5867, nickson@seacoastmission.org ; or Douglas Cornman on the Sunbeam, 479-0707, dcornman@seacoastmission.org
Beauty, Peace, Resistance: Barefoot Artists in Palestine: Lily Yeh, Philadelphia-based community artist and founder of Barefoot Artists, along with Dud Hendrick and Rob Shetterly, will discuss and show images of their recent work in three areas of the Palestinian West Bank. Yeh uses art to build community, peace, and hope among some of the world’s most oppressed people. Sponsored by Episcopal Peace Fellowship, Maine Chapter. Event will be held on Thursday, July 21, at 7:00 p.m. at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Brunswick and Friday, July 22, at 7:00 p.m. at St. Francis Episcopal Church in Blue Hill. The public is most welcome; refreshments will be served.
Keep in your prayers this week: Betty McMullan, Gracie Martinez, Bob Jackson, Bettina Dudley, Barbara Loveland, Karen Pike, Scott and Debbie Hammond, Sherry Warner, Adam Temple, Jamie Li, Malcolm Hughes, Nancy Kincaid, Herb Hasenbalg, Jack Weisner, John Cronin, Sarah Flynn, Trisha Roy, Bob Theriault, Ron Martin, Lydia Thayer, George Swanson and Sharon Dayana Salazar, our sponsored child in Costa Rica.