May 28, 2015
Sunday, May 31, 2015 – 9:00 a.m.
St. Andrew by-the-Lake
Episcopal Church
1358 Tremont Road, Seal Cove, Maine
All Are Welcome!
There will be NO service at St. John the Divine
Christ is made the sure foundation (518); Let saints on earth in concert sing (526);
Holy, Holy, Holy (362); Jesus calls us o’er the tumult
Deuteronomy 30:11-14; Psalm 19:1-6i; Romans 10:8b-18; Matthew 4:18-22
Celebrant: The Rev. Timothy Fleck
Usher: _____
First Lesson: Spencer Ervin
Psalm / Second Lesson: Chloe Hatcher
Prayers: Floy Ervin
Chalice: Spencer Ervin
Acolyte: Floy Ervin
Altar Guild: Edie Stanwood
Flowers: Ginny Agar
Thursday Holy Eucharist – 12:00 noon
The Rev. Timothy Fleck
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Office Hours:
Michele Daley, Parish Administrator
Fr. Timothy Fleck will be at St. John’s (244-3229) on Tuesdays and Thursdays
and at St. Saviour’s (288-4215) on Mondays and Wednesdays
Sr. Warden, Bunny Watts (244-3699); Jr. Warden, Rita Redfield (244-4025)
The Rev. Vesta Kowalski and The Rev. Jennifer Reece, Affiliate Clergy
St. John:
Monday, June 8 & 22, 5:00 p.m. – St. John’s Singers
Fridays, 1:00-3:00 p.m. – Mahjong
Sunday, May 31, 9:00 a.m. – St. Andrew Centennial Jubilee (no service at St. John)
Yard Sale: Come join us at the Second Annual Indoor/Outdoor Yard Sale at St. Andrew’s on Friday June 12 and Saturday June 13 from 8:00-3:00. We have an exceptional array of wonderful treasures: kitchenware, gardening equipment, furniture, housewares and many other treats. We can guarantee that there are fine items that you never knew you needed. You may even find something you regretted donating and want to buy back.
If you would like to help organize and set up or work the days of the sale, please let me know. It will take many hands to make the Yard Sale a success. It is also a lot fun!
Barbara Campbell, 244-9087
Annual Meeting, Part Two, June 14, 11:15 a.m.
At an official Parish Meeting on August 25, 2014, we passed two resolutions amending our Bylaws to move our Annual Parish Meeting from January to June, and allow seasonal members voting rights at that meeting, and to allow seasonal Vestry members voting rights on the Vestry. Since any change to the Bylaws requires passage by a majority of those present at two successive Parish Meetings, we took these resolutions up at our regularly scheduled Parish Meeting on January 11, 2015. After hearing reports on ministries and on the budget, we voted on these two resolutions. The meeting then went into recess and will reconvene on Sunday, June 14, 2015 for Part Two of the Annual Meeting. At this meeting we will conduct elections and all other business. Reports from the various guilds, officers, etc. are due June 8.
St. Saviour:
Contemplative Prayer Group meets for one hour at noon on Fridays to pray together in silence and to share resources and experiences from their prayer journeys. The hour will begin with gathering in silence, then the leader will share a resource or an insight about contemplative prayer, then there will be a time of silent prayer, and finally a short time to share our thoughts and experiences in group discussion. Everyone is invited to come to this group.
American Guild of Organists Recital. On Sunday, May 31 at 4 pm, the Bangor Chapter of the American Guild of Organists will hold a Recital by its members at St. Saviour's Episcopal Church in Bar Harbor. Works for organ solo, organ duet, and organ plus harp and 'cello will be featured on the church's colorful Visser-Rowland tracker organ. The public is welcome and the recital is free of charge, although donations to benefit the chapter's scholarship fund will be accepted.
Church of Our Father:
Wondering what to do with your used clothes? The ECW is now accepting donations for the Thrift Shop. Please donate your gently used clothing. You can place your donation under the tables by the door in the Parish Hall.
Thursday evening Bible Study June 4 –September 10 at 7 pm. We will use the study titled “The Bible in 90 days”. There is a participant’s guide which will help to keep the group on track. Please let Mother Sue know if you are interested in this class, so she knows how many books to order.
St. Mary & St. Jude:
Prayer Shawl Ministry: 10:00 a.m. on Thursdays.
MDI Episcopal Churches:
Men's Bible Study Group meets on a monthly basis. The group focuses on selected Bible readings and discusses how these passages affect our lives and our relationships with others. The group meets on the second Wednesday of every month. Meeting locations alternate among Church of our Father, St. Mary, St. Saviour and St. John. For more information, contact Ward MacKenzie by phone at 244-7313 or at mackenziegw@earthlink.net.
The Emmaus Center in Ellsworth is looking for volunteers for the Shelter. In particular, it is really hard to keep our Clothing Closet open on Saturdays now that summer is here and many volunteers are off to their summer jobs. Contact Dawn Coffin, Volunteer Coordinator, 667-3962, volunteer@emmausshelter.org
Sign up now for delicious, locally grown, organic vegetables! Bar Harbor Community Farm, a certified organic farm on Mount Desert Island, is signing up members for its sixth annual CSA program. Receive a weekly box of fresh produce for 16 weeks from June through October. Boxes are delivered to St. Saviour’s Church on Tuesdays; or can be picked up at the farm on Fridays. The cost is $450 (about $28 per week) for enough produce to feed a family of four. Email Glenon Friedmann for more information: barharborfarm@gmail.com. Our web address is: www.barharborfarm.com
Keep in your prayers this week: Yuki, Charles, Kento and baby Kowalski, Mike Healy, Malcolm Hughes, Adam Harkins, Don Waddington, Nancy Kincaid, Clara Levin, Trevor Agar, Bill Loveland, Herb Hasenbalg, Jack Weisner, John Cronin, Mary Burden, Sarah Moore, Sarah Flynn, Bruce Blake, Trisha Roy, Molly Lyman, Bob Theriault, Ron Martin, Joseph and Kimberly Pratt family, Gary Dunlap, Lydia Thayer, George Swanson, Jennie Cline and Sharon Dayana Salazar, our sponsored child in Costa Rica.
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St. Andrew & St. John and St. Saviour
Welcomes new Curate
the Rev. Kathleen E. Killian
Kathleen+ is a cradle Episcopalian originally from Miami, Florida. Her first professional training is in dance, and she has had careers as a professional dancer, as a dance and music teacher, and as the owner of a yoga studio in Rhinebeck, New York. More recently she was trained as a Lay Chaplain through Community of Hope, a program of Benedictine pastoral spirituality, which led her toward a call to ordination. She graduated this spring from The General Theological Seminary in New York, and was/will be ordained to the Priesthood in Miami on May 30th.
Some of you may have met Kathleen+ when she visited MDI in April with her fiancé, The Rev. John Allison. Kathleen+ will be moving into the Dolliver House in Southwest Harbor in June, and will start work officially on July 1st. Her first Sunday as our Curate will be July 5th at St. Saviour and July 12th at St. Andrew and St. John, and there will be plenty of opportunity to get to know her at coffee hour.
As you may remember from the May Voice / Net Tender, Kathleen+ is joining our parishes as Curate under a two-year agreement, which may be extended for a third year if all parties agree. She will be serving us as Celebrant on alternate Sundays, as well as assisting with pastoral care, adult formation and all other aspects of priestly ministry. As part of the agreement, the parishes agree to support Kathleen’s+ development and formation as a new priest.
So let us raise a glad alleluia and welcome to The Rev. Kathleen Killian!
By the Grace of God and the people consenting
The Right Reverend Leo Frade, Bishop of Southeast Florida
Will ordain
The Rev. Kathleen Killian
To the Sacred Order of Priests
In Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church
Saturday, May 30, 2015
10:30 a.m.
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
464 NE 16th Street, Miami, Florida
Your prayers and presence are requested