August 14, 2014
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Pentecost 10
8:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist at St. Andrew by the Lake, Seal Cove
10:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist at St. John the Divine, Southwest Harbor
Thou, whose almighty word (371); Teach me, my God and King (592;
Herein Christ we gather (577); Jesus shall reign where-e’er the sun (544)
Psalm 133; Genesis 45:1-15; Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32; Matthew 15:10-28
Celebrant: The Rev. Vesta Kowalski
Usher: Sandy Watts
First Lesson/Psalm: Neela Zinsser
Second Lesson: Floy Ervin
Prayers: Jayne Ashworth
Chalice: Bob Theriault
Acolyte: (8:00) Bob Stanwood; (10:00) Elaine Theriault
Altar Guild: Joan Bromage
Vestry Member in charge: Jayne Ashworth
Thursday Holy Eucharist at 12:30 pm
August 21 – Bernard of Clairvaux
The Rev. Tim Fleck
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Office Hours:
8:30-2:30, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays
Michele Daley, Parish Administrator
(Michele will be out of the office the week of August 17)
Fr. Timothy Fleck will be at St. John’s (244-3229) on Tuesdays and Thursdays
and at St. Saviour’s (288-4215) on Mondays and Wednesdays
He can be reached at 812-8362 (cell) or
Sr. Warden, Bunny Watts (244-3699); Jr. Warden, Rita Redfield (244-4025)
The Rev. Vesta Kowalski and The Rev. Jenny Reece, Affiliate Clergy
St. John:
Monday, August 25, 5:00 p.m. – St. John Singers
Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. – Wednesday Explorers
Fridays, 9:00-1:00 – Farmer’s Market
Fridays, 1:00-3:00 – Mahjong (Come learn and play)
Friday, August 15, 7:00 p.m. – Recital to benefit Westside Food Pantry
Parish Meeting: Join us Monday evening, August 25 at 5:30 for a Parish Meeting, Dinner and Conversation. The official parish meeting will be short and will be confined to one question (see official notice at the end of this e-mail). After adjourning the official meeting, we will share Fr. Tim’s award winning chowder (Seacoast Mission Chowder Cookoff, 2014) and vestry members will present findings and proposed goals from our recent Mutual Study of Ministry process and open a discussion session. Please RSVP to Dianne McMullan (244-4582) for the meal.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors are licensed by the Bishop to carry Sunday Eucharist to church members who are unable to attend. A training and licensing session for Lay Eucharistic Visitors will be held Saturday, September 13th, 9AM to 1PM at St. Patrick's, Brewer. If you are interested, please check the Diocesan website ( for details and registration.
Wednesday Explorers is a weekly open discussion forum, facilitated by Vesta Kowalski, which meets in the St. John’s Common Room from 10:00 to 11:30 on Wednesday mornings. There’s a different topic each week; the topics are chosen by the group. Anyone is free to come once, occasionally, or regularly, and friends from outside the church community are welcome, too. Schedule of topics for August:
August 20 – Maturity and faith. A recent unscientific poll in Japan suggested that as people age, their faith becomes stronger and their belief in the afterlife diminishes. What do we think?
August 27 – The one who sings prays twice. We’ll talk about how music and poetry work to convey ideas and feelings, and how the music in our liturgies – particularly the hymns – help or disrupt our experience of worship. If there’s a particular hymn you love (or hate), we can talk about it.
Note: Wednesday Explorers meets on Wednesday mornings from 10:00-11:30 during August, and will move to Wednesday afternoons from 1:30-3:00 beginning September 3.
The Westside Food Pantry Recital Series continues Friday, August 15th, 7:00pm at St John. Southwest Harbor native, baritone Joshua Miller performs works by Donizetti, Vaughn Williams, Charles Ives, and Gilbert and Sullivan. Mr. Miller will be accompanied on the piano by Stephen Sampson. A reception will follow hosted by Dianne McMullen. Suggested donation-$15; ALL proceeds go to the Westside Food Pantry. FMI contact- Susan Buell-669-5482.
St. Saviour:
Brown Bag Book Group, Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. in the Library. Please bring your own brown bag supper, and a small snack to share with others. Drinks will be provided. Comments? Please call Pastor Jenny, our Affiliate Priest at 952-2363 or email her at
August 28—"Episcopal Mysteries". We will be discussing the works of mystery writers Julia Spencer-Fleming, Kate Gallison, and Mark Schweizer, all of whom write entertaining mysteries featuring Episcopal clergy and church members. Participants are invited to read at least one book of one or two of these authors (Great summer reading!). The entertaining work of these fiction writers may well spark some good conversation about serious topics of theology and Episcopal church life. And we'll have fun! Plan to come, and bring a friend.
Summer Organ Series: The eighth-annual series will be held on Fridays in August from 12:15-1:00. The church features a 27-rank Visser-Rowland tracker organ which is used in worship services each week as well as to support community choral and instrumental performances. The schedule for the recital series is as follows:
August 15: Ellen Jones, Athens TN and Julia Morris-Myers, St. Saviour’s, playing a recital of American organ duets and solos.
August 22: Ray Cornils, First Parish Church, Brunswick and City of Portland Municipal Organist.
The Summer Organ Series is made possible by the generous support of St. Saviour’s Friends of Music. Admission to the recitals is by donation and a reception will follow to meet the artists. The church is handicap-accessible. For more information please call the church at 288-4215 or visit the website:
Church of Our Father:
The Waste Not Want Not Thrift Shop is looking for clean and gently used clothes, linens, and knick-knacks. The shop is open on Wednesdays 3:30-6:00 and Saturdays 9:00-noon.
Father Chuck and Beth Bradshaw will be in the area from August 19 until September 2. This will be a time with scheduled events to welcome them back, interact and hear of their activities as missionaries in Year 1 in Mityana, Uganda.
Fabulous Ladies Hat Sale!! Gorgeous hats from the Betty Tiedemann 1950's-60's collection. A Three-Day Hat Sale Event: August 22, 23, 24, with a Preview Party on Thursday, August 21, 4 to 6 pm; at The Maine Coast Exchange, 18 Main Street, Seal Harbor. To benefit the Outreach Programs (near & far) of the Episcopal Church Women at Church of Our Father. Contact Gail Leland at 288-3474 for more information.
St. Mary and St. Jude:
Celebration of New Ministry: The Wardens, Vestry and People of the Parish of St. Mary and St. Jude warmly welcome your prayers and presence for a Celebration of new Ministry with the Institution of The Reverend Jane E. Cornman as their Rector on Sunday, August 17 at 5:00 pm. The Right Reverend Stephen T. Lane, Bishop of Maine, Presiding.
Community Events
Award: Paul Haertel is one of only six finalists (out of dozens of nominations) in the running to receive the Natural Resources Council of Maine People's Choice Award this year, for outstanding volunteer contributions to the care of our wonderful Maine environment. The descriptions of each finalist are taken from their written nominations. You may only vote once, but please encourage family, friends, and colleagues to place their votes as well! Voting is open until Labor Day, Monday, September 1st. You need not be a member of NRCM to vote. Here is the link for you to follow:
YMCA MDI Events:
On Tuesday, August 19, the UCC of Northeast Harbor and Seal Harbor, Next Step Domestic Violence Project, International Partners in Mission, and YWCA MDI are sponsoring a Community Forum, “The Hidden Hurt: Domestic Violence in our Community”. The Forum begins at 6:30 pm at the Parish House in Northeast Harbor, next to the Union Church. A 3-person panel will provide information and be available for questions. Refreshments will be served. Jackie Davidson 288-5008,
Natural Causes Killed Victor – A Death in Solitary – George Swanson’s opera will premiere at St. Saviour’s Parish Friday and Saturday, August 22 and 23 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available at St. Saviour’s or St. John’s. Donations accepted.
Local Solutions is creating an independent lifestyle for young adults with special needs who are connected to the MDI community. You’re invited to a Garden Party at St. Saviour’s Church in Bar Harbor! Please join us to learn about Parish House Renovations. August 27, 5:00–7:00 PM. In case of rain we will be inside the St. Saviour’s Parish Hall. RSVP appreciated
Keep in your prayers this week: Susan McCellan, Ken Cochrane, Ephron Catlin, Sarah Flynn, Jean Martinez, Marie Seavey, Pamela Theodore, Lance Funderburk, Emily Frazier, Bruce Blake, Trisha Roy, Shelley Hoover Payne, Molly Lyman, Angelina Sharpe, James Stanton, Dorothy Smith, Bob Theriault, Norman Shaw, Ron Martin, Joseph and Kimberly Pratt family, Ruth and Bob Zachary, Gary Dunlap, Kay and Bill Barney, Lydia Thayer, George Swanson, Jennie Cline and Sharon Dayana Salazar, our sponsored child in Costa Rica.
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In accordance with Article V, Paragraph 4 of the Constitution and Bylaws of St. Andrew and St. John Episcopal Church (as adopted January 28, 2007), notice is hereby given of a Special Parish Meeting to be held Monday, August 25, 5:30 PM at St. John’s Church.
The subject matter of the meeting is two proposed changes to the Constitution and Bylaws.
Proposal #1: Paragraph 8 of Article IV (Wardens, Vestry, Officers, and Delegates to Diocesan Convention) shall be amended as follows:
4.8 Following the annual meeting the rector and wardens (or the wardens if there is no rector) shall appoint for a three-year term as an associate member of the vestry a person who worships at St. Andrew and St. John, but who is in residence for less than half a year. A person so appointed shall only serve while in residence for less than a half-year. An associate member of the vestry may participate and vote in all meetings of the vestry, but is not entitled to vote unless a member of the parish. Upon completion of a full three-year term, an associate member of the vestry shall not be eligible for reappointment until after an interval of one year
The intent of the first proposed change is to extend voting rights to associate members of the vestry, with the larger aim of giving greater representation to seasonal worshippers.
Proposal #2: The first two paragraphs of Article V (Parish Meetings) shall be amended as follows:
5.1 Right of voting shall extend to persons who are at least fifteen years of age and who have, during three of the previous three twelve months, been stated worshippers in this church and stated contributors to its support. Twenty members of the parish shall constitute a quorum at any meeting; and, a quorum being present, a majority shall control.
5.2 The annual meeting of the parish shall take place on the third Sunday in January or on such other date in January June as the wardens and vestry shall determine.
The intent of the second proposed change is to move the Annual Parish Meeting to June, with the hope that it will allow more of our seasonal worshippers to participate. The change to the voting requirements is intended to make it clear that seasonal worshippers may vote if they have been faithful in the last year.
This change would not change the fiscal or budget year of the parish. It is anticipated that the budget adopted by the Vestry would be presented at a Parish Meeting in January called for that purpose.
Any change to the constitution and Bylaws requires the vote of a majority of members present at two successive meetings of the parish. This is the first proposal of these changes; if they are accepted at this meeting, they will be proposed again at the Annual Parish Meeting scheduled for January 18, 2015. If accepted then, the Annual Meeting would be placed in recess until a Sunday in June, 2015, at which point elections would be held and other parish business would be conducted as usual.