Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Events & News from St. John's




AUGUST 6, 2013



Sunday, August 11, 2013

Pentecost 12

8:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist at St. Andrew by the Lake

10:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist at St. John the Divine


How wondrous and great; Put forth, O God;

When from bondage; Come with us, O blessed Jesus


Psalm 40:1-8, 23-24; Isaiah 1:1, 10-20; Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16; Luke 12:32-40


Celebrant: The Rev. Vesta Kowalski

Usher:  Marilyn Mays

First Lesson/Psalm: Patsy Fogarty

Second Lesson: Neela Zinsser

Prayers: Susan Buell

Chalice: Chloe Hatcher

Acolyte: Ted Fletcher (8:00); Chloe Hatcher (10:00)

Altar Guild: Margot Haertel (8:00); Edie Stanwood (10:00)

Vestry Member in charge: Patsy Fogarty

Flowers: Susan Buell

Coffee Hour: _______


Thursdays at 12:30 p.m.

August 8, 15, 22, 29 – Holy Eucharist


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Office Hours:

8:30-2:30, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays

Michele Daley, Parish Administrator

(Michele will be on vacation from August 7-15)

Fr. Timothy Fleck will be at St. John’s (244-3229) on Tuesdays and Thursdays

and at St. Saviour’s (288-4215) on Mondays and Wednesdays

He can be reached at 812-8362 (cell) or tim@mdi-episcopal.org 

Sr. Warden, Bunny Watts (244-3699); Jr. Warden, Mary Mitchell (244-9951)








St. John:

Piano Recital--Stephen Sampson and Deborah Swanger Fortier play four hand music by Mozart, and solo pieces for piano by Chopin, Finzi, and Grieg on Wednesday, August 7th, 7:00, at St. John Church.  Suggested donation is $15.00.  All proceeds go to the Westside Food Pantry.  For more information:  Susan Buell 244-3124.


The Fabulous Baker Boys in concert at St. John on Friday, August 9, 5:00 PM,  Bill Baker’s talented grandsons will be presenting a concert of a cappella and accompanied vocal music in honor of their late grandmother, Tina Baker.  If you heard these young men at Tina’s memorial service, you know what a gift this is.  Donations will be accepted for the Tina Baker Scholarship Fund.


Festive Evensong (sung Evening Prayer), Saturday, August 10th at 6:30, to welcome The Rt. Rev. Stephen T. Lane, Bishop of Maine. This is Bishop Lane’s regular visit to the Parish of St. Andrew and John. He will be meeting with the Vestry that afternoon, then leading us in worship at a festive Evensong service at St. John, followed by an opportunity for informal conversation with him over dessert.  A special collection will be taken at the Evensong for the Bishop’s Discretionary Fund.  The BDF supports a number of urgent pastoral needs throughout our diocese, much as the Rector’s Discretionary Fund functions within our parish.   Both are always in need of support.  Checks should be made out the St. Andrew and St. John, with “BDF” in the memo line. Worship on Sunday, August 11, will follow our regular summer schedule.


Raffle--Seal Cove artist, Judy Taylor has donated a signed, original watercolor painting titled "View From Flying Mountain" for the Westside Food Pantry raffle.  The painting is matted and framed with archival glass.  Raffle tickets are sold every Friday at the Farmers' Market or from Susan Buell anytime!  Tickets are $5.00 each and 6/$25.00.


St. Saviour:

The Summer Organ Concert Series will be held on Fridays, August 9, 16 and 23 from 12:15-1:00.  The church’s 1973 Visser-Rowland organ is a colorful, mechanical action instrument with 27 ranks and a magnificent trompette-en-chamade.

August 9--Douglas Beck, Director of Music at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Waterville.

August 16--Ray Cornils, Portland Municipal Organist and Director of Music at First Parish Church in Brunswick

August 23--Julia Morris-Myers, organist and choirmaster at St. Saviour’s, will finish the series.

These recitals are made possible by the Friends of Music.  Admission is by donation and a reception to meet the artists will follow each program.  St. Saviour’s is handicap-accessible.  For more information please call 288-4215 or visit the church’s website: stsaviours.me.


Taizé an Ecumenical Prayer Service: Thursday, August 22nd at 7pm. Give peace to every heart. By candlelight and in stillness…we make our pilgrimage. Experience the spirituality and the meditative songs of the Taizé community of France, an interdenominational and ecumenical monastic order known around the world for its message of trust, peace and reconciliation. All are welcome!


Church of Our Father:

Thrift shop is open Wednesdays 3:30 – 6:30 pm and Saturdays 9 – 12 noon.  They are in need good clean men’s and children’s clothing. Call their office at 288-4849 if you have questions.

Holy Eucharist is celebrated on Wednesday mornings at 8:00 followed by a light breakfast.


St. Mary and St. Jude:

Entrée Casseroles (enough to feed 4-6 people) will again be sold on Thursday, August 8th, beginning at 8:30 a.m. Sales will occur on Main Street in front of Carter’s Real Estate in Northeast Harbor. Proceeds from the casserole sales will benefit the St Mary and St Jude ECW outreach program, serving local food pantries and Island charities.



Community Events

William Bigelow (Mac) will offer a talk on Wednesday August 14th entitled, "Outer Companion, Inner Beloved: A Jungian Perspective on Attraction and Relationship."

The talk will be held at The Northeast Harbor Library and is free and open to the public.


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Keep in your prayers this week: Bill Krueger, Boyd McFarland, Sarah Flynn, Ruth and Bob Zachary, Sachi Mallack, Carolyn Bowman, Martha Thompson, Karen Floyd, Lydia Thayer, Martha Masiello, Gary Dunlap, Penelope Place, Kay and Bill Barney, Matt Fisher, George Swanson, Jennie Cline, Julie Russell and Sharon Dayana Salazar, our sponsored child in Costa Rica. Pray for the safe return of Shawn Reed and Andy Young, who are among our armed forces serving overseas, and their families.


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Our church service is called a “Celebration,” and most of the time we do.

Linda Strohmier, Diocese of New Jersey