December 8, 2011
Third Sunday in Advent, December 11, 2011
8:00 and 10:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist at
Psalm 126; Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24; John 1:6-8, 19-28
Once He Came in Blessing, Thy Kingdom Come
Celebrant: The Rev. Deborah Little Wyman
Usher: Karen Craig
First Lesson and Psalm: Patsy Fogarty
Second Lesson: Elise Felton
Prayers: Elaine Theriault
Chalice: Bob Theriault
Acolyte: Rita Redfield (8:00); Spencer Ervin (10:00)
Altar Guild: Edie Stanwood
Flowers: Betsy Hewlett
12:30 – Holy Eucharist
The Rev. Deborah Little Wyman
December 18
Holy Eucharist, 8:00 a.m. at
Lessons & Carols, 10:00 a.m. at St. Saviour's in
Christmas Eve, December 24
4:00 p.m. – Lessons and Carols and Holy Eucharist
The Rev. Johanna-Karen Johannson
Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25
10:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist
The Rev. Johanna-Karen Johannson
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Sunday 9:00 Forums
December 11: Parish update and discussion
The church office has been relocated; Michele will work at home on Mondays (8:30-11:30); Tuesdays (8:30-2:30); and Thursdays (8:30-11:30) and can be reached at 664-4237 (during office hours). Then on Mondays and Thursdays (12:00-2:30) she will be in the undercroft. If you have questions or need assistance at other times call Ted Fletcher (244-3115) or Ann Cox Halkett (288-5832).
Dear Church Ladies (Jean, Mary V., Rita, Ellen, Joan, Chloe, Edie, Ann W., Doris, Patsy, Barbara, Ida, Karen, Michele and Mary M.) We have received two lovely thank you notes from Mimi and the Barnes Family for all you did to honor Frank. A generous gift has been given towards the Capital Campaign in thanks for your willingness to share your time and talents.
Peace, Dianne
Men's Gloves Needed
One of Debbie Little's ministries is with the homeless in the
Questions or Comments contact Debbie by email:
MDI Episcopal Church Events
In-Gathering Sunday—December 11. If you have not already returned your pledge cards, please bring them to church this Sunday.
Christmas Decorations: If you would like to contribute to the Christmas greens and flowers for the church, please send a check to the church at
The Westside Food Pantry is open the first (12:00 to 2:00) and third (12:00 to 1:00) Sundays at the Harbor House.
Community Bible Study at the Neighborhood House Living Room in
Holy Eucharist - Wednesdays - 7 a.m. followed by breakfast; healing service on fourth Wednesdays.
Festival Service of Lessons and Carols: at
Cookies for Shut-ins: Following the service on December 18th, you are invited to bring and fill cookie tins for the homebound. Please bring cookies to share during coffee hour and to fill the tins, and a plan for distributing the tins to your homebound folk.
Service of Remembrance and Hope: Thursday, December 8, at 5:30 p.m.
Congregational Pastoral Care (CPC): If you want to be one of a CPC team, or if you are just interested in incorporating more listening and caring skills into your daily life and ministry, pick up the book Christian Caregiving- A Way of Life from Muffet at St. Savior's. It only costs $6! The group will alternate between St. Saviour's and
December 14, 5:30-7:00 p.m. at St. Saviour's
December 28, 5:30-7:00 p.m. at
January 11, 5:30-7:00 p.m. at St. Saviour's
January 25, 5:30-7:00 p.m. at
February 8, 5:30-7:00 p.m. at St. Saviour's.
February 15, 5:30-7:00 p.m. at
You do not have to attend every meeting to be part of the team, but a commitment to the process and to the other members of the team will mean a sincere attempt to attend as many as possible. Please bring a simple "brown bag" supper that includes something for yourself and something to share. We will incorporate fellowship over a shared meal into each evening's learning and growing. Each session will combine a presentation and discussion of the ideas in the book with a hands-on practice of caring skills. Our prayer: Make us instruments of your healing, O Lord. Teach us to live in your hope so that others may know your love, in Jesus' name, Amen.
Keep in your prayers this week: Josh, Chelsea, Mark, Rick, Nancy, Amanda, Betsy, Jonathan, Aimee.
(Jonathan Appleyard has recently had additional surgery on his knee and will require more in the future. His address is
Military Casualties
Prayer for the Community of St. Andrew &
Gracious God, we offer thanks for our parish, for your inspiration, and for the generous open hearts making accessibility for all a reality at
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I love Anglicanism for its basic humanity, its sense of decency and order, its freedom of thought and its insistence on the corpus of faith, “those things necessary unto salvation.” I love it for its tradition and for the women and men of faith who have been lights of the generations in whose company we worship. I love it for its quirkiness, its untidiness, its comprehensiveness and for its ability to receive, accept, alter or jettison new things, while being always merely and astoundingly the Church.
Father Tony Clavier, Diocese of