Thursday, April 14, 2011

Events and News from St. Andrew & St. John Episcopal Church




April 14, 2011



Palm Sunday, April 17

8:00 – Holy Eucharist at St. John’s

The Rev. Emily Blair Stribling

10:00 — Joint Service at St. Saviour’s


Psalm 22:1-21; Zechariah 9:9-10; Micah 1-2, 9-10; Isaiah 1:21, 23; Mark, 11-1-11a

Participants (from St. John’s):

Celebrant: The Rev. Jonathan Appleyard

Usher: Fred Benson

Penny Basket: Gracie and/or Bella Carreno

Third Lesson: Ellen Gilmore

Acolyte: Chloe Hatcher

Counter: Patsy Fogarty


Thursdays at 12:30 p.m. – A service that offers healing and hope to all.


Maundy Thursday, April 21

5:30 p.m. — Joint Service at St. Mary’s

Good Friday, April 22

12:00 noon — Joint Service at St. John’s

Easter Vigil, April 23

7:30 p.m. — Joint Service at Church of Our Father

Easter Sunday, April 24

10:00 — Celebration at St. John’s

The Rev. Emily Blair Stribling


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The church office will be closed until April 14. If you have questions or need assistance, please call Ted Fletcher (244-3115) or Ann Cox Halkett (288-5832).



MDI Episcopal Church Events


St. Mary’s and St. Jude’s:

Lenten Teachings: Wednesday evening soup supper (6:00) and study, For the Life of the World: Congregations Turned Inside-Out.  This newly designed curriculum walks us through how to go from having a “church-shaped mission to a mission-shaped church”. Designed to help us explore how all that we do is part of the mission of God.  Bring your Bible. April 13: Where in the world? Preparing for a mission audit.

Contemplative Prayer/Book Study is led by The Rev. Patricia Robertson, 4:30 p.m. on Wednesdays the Somesville Meeting House, Parish Hall. We are currently reading The Wisdom Jesus” by Cynthia Bourgeault. This study/prayer group is open to anyone interested. 

For the Life of the World - Wednesday evenings in the parish hall, a study drawn from a curriculum on mission by the Rev. Christopher Duraisingh. Supper at 6 pm, with the discussion starting at 6:30.


St. John’s:

Service at Sonogee this Sunday, April 17th. Two things to note: (1) It's Palm Sunday; (2) The service is at 10:30a.m. Call Michael Shook (244-4425) or e-mail him at  if you'd like to participate.

Westside Food Pantry: Open Sunday, April 17 from 12:00-1:00. Questions, call Susan Buell - 244-3124 or Dean Henry - 244-3539.

Easter Flowers: If you wish to remember or honor loved ones by making a contribution to the Easter flower fund at St John, please send a contribution to the church office or leave a check in the offering plate indicating "Easter flowers" in the memo.  On the forms provided at church, state who is being honored or remembered.  If you are sending a contribution from home, please include this information.  The names of those being remembered and honored will be listed in the church bulletin on Easter Sunday.


Church of Our Father:

Lenten Teachings: “Justice and the Poor,” a Lenten Study on the topic Justice and the Poor, led by The Rev. Mary-Carol Griffin in the parish hall, Thursdays at 1:15 p.m.


St. Saviour’s:

Lenten Study using Judy Cannato’s Radical AmazementFridays at 12 noon in the Rectory Library. Facilitated by Sarah Flynn and Jonathan Appleyard.



Outreach Easter Dinner Baskets. Christian congregations across MDI are joining with the Westside Food Pantry and Bar Harbor Food Pantry to provide Easter Dinner Baskets to our neighbors-in-need.  Shopping List: canned green vegetables, canned carrots, canned fruit, canned or boxed potatoes, stuffing mix, canned cranberry sauce, chicken broth, Jello, cake mix, cake frosting,  chocolate bunny. Fill a bag with items and bring to church by Sunday, April 17.


Hospice Patient Care Volunteer Training begins April 20.  The 9 week training meets in Ellsworth on Wednesday from 3:30 to 7:00 pm, for 9 weeks. Total training time is approximately 30 hours. Volunteers provide regular visits and emotional support so caregivers can take a break, do errands, make special appointments, go out for a meal with friends or take a nap. Volunteers provide companionship visits for people who reside in nursing homes or have been admitted to local hospitals. They accompany families who need support during the dying process.  To provide this care, volunteers learn about communication and support techniques, family dynamics, simple bedside care giving strategies, local resources and team care. Registration form and an interview are required.  Please call 667-3531 for more information.


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Keep in your prayers this week: Patti, Mark, Josh, Chelsea, Jim, Pete, Yoojin, and Marie.

Military Casualties (March 29-April 11)

Afghanistan: Bryan Burgess, Dustin Feldhaus, Jameson Faulkner, Frank Adamski, Ofren Arrechaga, Dennis Poulin, Robert Welch, Harry Lew, Michael Lammerts, Scott Burgess, Jeremy Smith, Benjamin Rast, Jason Rogers, Keith Buzinski, Jose Pietri, Brandon Pickering, Brent Maher.


Prayer for the Community of St. Andrew & St. John                       

Gracious God, we offer thanks for our parish, for your inspiration, and for the spirit of ministry which is our heritage. We acknowledge your call to continue serving each other and the people in our community through open hearts and open doors. Guide us all, especially our Capital Campaign and Design & Construction Committees and Vestry, as we seek funding and plan expansion of the facilities, including accessibility for all at St. John. Inspire us to share faithfully the love that you have revealed to us through the ministry and sacrifice of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.