Thursday, February 3, 2011

Events and News from St. Andrew & St. John Episcopal Church




February 3, 2011




Sunday, February 6, 2011 – 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.


Psalm 112:1-10, Isaiah 58:1-12; 1 Corinthians 2:1-16; Matthew 5:13-20


Celebrant: The Rev. Vesta Kowalski

Usher: Karen Craig

First Lesson & Psalm: Susan Buell

Second Lesson: Patsy Fogarty

Prayers:  Nicole Carreno

Chalice: Floy Ervin

Acolyte: Rita Redfield (8:00); Spencer Ervin (10:00)

Altar Guild: Edie Stanwood

Flowers: Susan Buell


Thursdays at 12:30 p.m. – A service that offers healing and hope to all.

Sunday Forums at 9:00 a.m.

The public is invited.

February 6:  The Emerging Church, How we got here, Jennifer Reece

February 13: The Emerging Church, Where we go from here, Ted Fletcher

February 20Life in Coal Country: The Movement to Stop Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining, Sarah Vekasi

February 27: A Resilient View of Addiction, Ed Oechslie and Michelle Marx


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MDI Episcopal Church Events


Appreciating Our Gifts: What exactly does it mean to be the Episcopal Church on MDI?  As we struggle with this question, it makes sense to identify the strengths of each individual parish and its unique ways of doing God's work.  What does each parish on MDI bring to the island community?  We don't know—we need your help!  Corinthians speaks of the body of Christ thus:  “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.  The body does not consist of one member, but of many.”  (I Corinthians, 12, 14)  


A gathering is being planned for Saturday, March 5, from 10:30 am until around 1 pm, at the Somesville firehouse, (bad weather date of March 6 in St. Savior's parish hall, following the combined service).  The purpose of this meeting will be to: identify strengths, to learn from each other, identify resources, and brainstorm ideas of how we can work collabor-atively.  We know that there are things we could do together that we could not do as individual parishes, with limited resources and overworked individuals.  The Christmas card collection is an example of a project that showed us how much more can be done when we work together. It does not seem coincidental that the date available to us is still in the Epiphany season.  Perhaps we will have an 'epiphany', a revealing of God's purpose for the church of MDI.  We know that the whole is greater that the sum of its parts.  We as a whole, the Episcopal presence on MDI, the body of Christ, can accomplish much in bringing Christ's light to others!  Bring your ideas and join us for discussion and a light lunch on March 5th.


St. Mary’s and St. Jude’s:

Contemplative Prayer/Book Study is led by The Rev. Patricia Robertson, 4:30 p.m. on Wednesdays the Somesville Meeting House, Parish Hall. We are currently reading Richard Rohr’s “Everything Belongs”. This study/prayer group is open to anyone interested. 


St. John’s:

Bean Supper - Saturday February 26, 5:30-7 PM to benefit the Capital Campaign for the Church. Beans/fixins/beverage/pie included for a donation to the fund. Volunteers needed to bake/set up/serve/clean up - see sign up sheet in the undercroft. Cash donations to defray the cost of ingredients always welcome.

The church office is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30-2:30. If you have questions or need assistance at other times, please call Ted Fletcher (244-3115) or Ann Cox Halkett (288-5832).

The 2011 Quietside Fair @ St. John’s will take place on Saturday, July 16th.  There will be an organizational meeting on Saturday, March 5th at 9:00 in the Undercroft to get this year's fair set up.  Please think about how you might make this year's fair a grand success.

Westside Food Pantry: Open the first Sunday (12:00-2:00) and third Sunday (12:00-1:00) of the month. Questions? Susan Buell - 244-3124 and Dean Henry - 244-3539.


Church of Our Father:

The Alpha Course will meet in the Neighborhood House, Northeast Harbor, on Sunday evenings, 5-7:30 pm, starting Sunday, February 27 and lasting for 10 weeks, with an overnight getaway in the middle. FMI contact the Rev. Chuck Bradshaw at the Church of Our Father, 288-4849.


St. Saviour’s:

The community is invited to a Valentine potluck dinner, Sunday, February 13, 6 pm at St. Saviour's.  Come on your own or bring your sweetheart ©©© good food, fun and company for entire community, singles, couples and families. Beverages will be provided; all who are able are encouraged to bring a dish to share. The dinner is free and open to the public. Donations to St. Saviour's Fire Fund welcome.

Stress Reduction Through Meditation facilitated by Sandy Haggett, returns for 6 weeks starting Monday, February 7. Using the wisdom of your body and mind to face stress, pain and illness, it is possible to relate to these unwanted parts of our life in a very different way. Open to the public – a $1.00 per session donation to St. Saviour’s is the fee.


Bar Harbor UCC

Guided meditation group meets in the library at 2:00 on Tuesdays and Wednesday evenings at 7:00.  On the fourth Wednesday of each month the group meets at 6:00 PM. Please come if you have a desire to study Scripture more closely and learn some positive techniques for relaxation.

Community Supper – sponsored by the Outreach Board for any and all of our neighbors on Tuesday March 15th. There will be no cost, just an opportunity to eat together with old and hopefully new friends.


Episcopal Relief and Development:

Haiti One Year Report may be viewed at

News from US Disaster Program may be viewed at


Community News:

Island Connections – Volunteer drivers are needed to deliver meals and groceries, to drive neighbors to healthcare appointments, and to shopping and community centers. As MDI's population ages Island Connections is getting more requests than ever. Often it’s just a short drive to a healthcare appointment or grocery store and back.  Island Connections match neighbors' requests with drivers' availability and geographic preferences. Call Mary Parker at 288-4457 for more information.


Hospice Volunteers of Hancock County fundraiser.  Well-known Maine vocalist Sarah Schneider will present a concert on Friday, February 11, at 7:30 p.m. at the Blue Hill Congregational Church.  The concert will feature the Evensong hospice singers and benefit Hospice Volunteers of Hancock County.  Admission will be a suggested donation at the door of $15.  Ms. Schneider will be accompanied by pianist Win Pusey and will perform a wide selection of songs including the soprano aria, Rejoice from Handel’s Messiah, German and French art pieces and contemporary American music.  She will also be joined by some of the Evensong singers in Mendelssohn’s exquisite O For the Wings of a Dove and by her mother, Justine Schneider, in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Pie Jesu.  Rob McCall will offer his talent in Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing.  Evensong is a group of volunteer singers who provide the gift of music at the bedsides of hospice patient.  For more information about the February 11 concert, or about Evensong and the other services available through Hospice Volunteers of Hancock County, please call the HVHC office at 667-2531.


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Keep in your prayers this week: Gary, Barbara, Vonnie, Patti, Ron, Scott, Mark, Josh, Chelsea, Jim, Pete, Elizabeth, Ian and Oren, Jonathan, Ezra, Stella, Cuff, Ted, Bob, Yoojin, and Terri.


Military Casualties (January 25-29)

Afghanistan: Joshua Campbell, Shawn Muhr, Anthony Venetz Jr., Leslie Williams


Prayer for the Community of St. Andrew & St. John                       

Gracious God, we offer thanks for our parish, for your inspiration, and for the spirit of ministry which is our heritage. We acknowledge your call to continue serving each other and the people in our community through open hearts and open doors. Guide us all, especially our Capital Campaign and Design & Construction Committees and Vestry, as we seek funding and plan expansion of the facilities, including accessibility for all at St. John. Inspire us to share faithfully the love that you have revealed to us through the ministry and sacrifice of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.