Thursday, April 3, 2008

News from St. John's: March 27, 2008

March 27, 2008


This Sunday March 30th – Holy Eucharist: 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Lectionary readings: Acts 2:14a, 22-32; Psalm 16; 1 Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31.

Sundays in April, Holy Eucharist:– 8:00 and 10:00.

Church Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 8:30-2:30.

Downeast Transportation offers YEAR ROUND public bus transportation around SWH and one or two stops in Bass Harbor on Wednesday (only) for $1.00. All buses are accessible with wheel chair lifts. Trips to and from Ridge Apt, the library, SWH medical center, Kozy Kove, Norwood Cove apt., the Food Mart, Double J, Bass Harbor post office, Birchwood Apt. etc. can be made (on Wednesday) without a car. Downeast Transportation also offers trips to and from Bar Harbor to Ellsworth and Bangor EVERY Monday and Friday (year round). The cost is $9.00 round trip. Downeast Transportation buses are available to ALL of us--They are not just for the elderly or those living in housing. They also have schedules that could be handed out at the food pantry. (A schedule is currently posted on the bulletin board in the undercroft)

Come Home for Supper on Friday, April 4! If you're willing to be a host (a very easy and lovely opportunity) please contact Barnes...244-7985, Bromage...244-3227, or Craig....244-5267, and remember to sign up this Sunday, March 30th, so the committee can plan for this always enjoyable evening.

The Best Ever Spaghetti Dinner, held at the S.W. Harbor Congregational Church on the High Road, will benefit the Westside Food Pantry and will be on Saturday, April 5th from 4:30-7:00p.m. The cost is $5.00 for adults; $3.00 for children 12 and older and no more than $15.00 for a family. Children under 12 are free!

Tired of the same old faces at church? Invite a friend! Invite a neighbor! Welcome a stranger!

Between the Services:

Dear SJ Member, In response to my recent note regarding our Sunday Forum, I have had several good replies with useful comments and suggestions. If you have not weighed in with your views/wishes, please do so at

This Sunday, March 30, Jean Rohrer and Mary Mitchell will present "Medical Missions in Ecuador," based on their recent work there.

For the month of April, the following schedule has nicely taken shape:

April 6: Bible Study: "St. Luke: The Gospel for All People" (Please read afresh the entire Gospel of Luke by April 6.)

April 13: Mary Anna Fox, "Compassion International: Ministering to Children in the Dominican Republic." Ms. Fox is a member of the Southwest Harbor Congregational Church.

April 20: Mary and Jim Vekasi, "'Create in Me a Clean Spirit': Non-Violent Communication."

April 27: Joan Grant, "Spiritual Hospitality: A Seal Cove Retreat and Training Center for the Spiritual Life."

Please join us in the undercroft at 9-10 a.m. each Sunday.

Yours, Bill Baker