Sunday, June 26, 2022


Worship Reminder from the Parishes of
St. Andrew and St. John,
Church of Our Father,
& St. Saviour

Join Us for Worship Sunday, June 26:
The Third Sunday after Pentecost 

9:00 am Holy Eucharist
Church of Our Father, Hulls Cove
Celebrant: The Rev. Jennifer Reece
click here for bulletin

11:00 am Holy Eucharist
St. Saviour's Parish, Bar Harbor
Celebrant: The Rev. Jennifer Reece
click here for bulletin

4:00 pm Holy Eucharist
St. John the Divine, Southwest Harbor
Celebrant:  The Rev. Dr. Regina Christianson
click here for bulletin

*= these services will be streamed to our YouTube channel: 


Shared Worship services on the island will resume in October.

You can always look to the online calendar to see the service schedule:

Worship at St. Andrew's by-the-Lake, Seal Cove begins on
Sunday, July 3 at 8 am. 

If you are looking for other online worship,
please visit (click on church name): 
St. Luke's Cathedral at 10 am
The National Cathedral at 11:15 am
To support prayer at home, we will distribute this order of service.
Many thanks to the Rev. Stephen Muncie and the parish of St. Mary and St. Jude for sharing this resource with us.

Worship at Home:
June 26, 2022

Pentecost 3

When life's circumstances prevent us from attending Church.
The Greeting
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord
Jesus Christ.    -Philippians 1:2
Let us confess our sins against God and our neighbor.
Silence may be kept.
Most merciful God,
we confess that we have sinned against you
in thought, word, and deed,
by what we have done,
and by what we have left undone.
We have not loved you with our whole heart;
we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.
We are truly sorry and we humbly repent.
For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ,
have mercy on us and forgive us;
that we may delight in your will,
and walk in your ways,
to the glory of your Name. Amen.
Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us all our sins
through our Lord Jesus Christ, strengthen us in all
goodness, and by the power of the Holy Spirit keep us in
eternal life. Amen.
Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness:
Come let us adore him.
Jubilate      Psalm 100
Be joyful in the Lord, all you lands; *
    serve the Lord with gladness
    and come before his presence with a song.
Know this: The Lord himself is God; *
    he himself has made us, and we are his;
    we are his people and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving;
go into his courts with praise; *
    give thanks to him and call upon his Name.
For the Lord is good;
his mercy is everlasting; *
    and his faithfulness endures from age to age.
The Lessons
The First Lesson
1 Kings 19:15-16,19-21
The Lord said to Elijah, "Go, return on your way to the wilderness of Damascus; when you arrive, you shall anoint Hazael as king over Aram. Also you shall anoint Jehu son of Nimshi as king over Israel; and you shall anoint Elisha son of Shaphat of Abel-meholah as prophet in your place."
So he set out from there, and found Elisha son of Shaphat, who was plowing. There were twelve yoke of oxen ahead of him, and he was with the twelfth. Elijah passed by him and threw his mantle over him. He left the oxen, ran after Elijah, and said, "Let me kiss my father and my mother, and then I will follow you." Then Elijah said to him, "Go back again; for what have I done to you?" He returned from following him, took the yoke of oxen, and slaughtered them; using the equipment from the oxen, he boiled their flesh, and gave it to the people, and they ate. Then he set out and followed Elijah, and became his servant.
The Response
Psalm 16
Conserva me, Domine
1 Protect me, O God, for I take refuge in you; *
I have said to the Lord, "You are my Lord,
my good above all other."
2 All my delight is upon the godly that are in the land, *
upon those who are noble among the people.
3 But those who run after other gods *
shall have their troubles multiplied.
4 Their libations of blood I will not offer, *
nor take the names of their gods upon my lips.
5 O Lord, you are my portion and my cup; *
it is you who uphold my lot.
6 My boundaries enclose a pleasant land; *
indeed, I have a goodly heritage.
7 I will bless the Lord who gives me counsel; *
my heart teaches me, night after night.
8 I have set the Lord always before me; *
because he is at my right hand I shall not fall.
9 My heart, therefore, is glad, and my spirit rejoices; *
my body also shall rest in hope.
10 For you will not abandon me to the grave, *
nor let your holy one see the Pit.
11 You will show me the path of life; *
in your presence there is fullness of joy,
and in your right hand are pleasures for evermore.
The Second Lesson
Galatians 5:1,13-25
For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for self-indulgence, but through love become slaves to one another. For the whole law is summed up in a single commandment, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." If, however, you bite and devour one another, take care that you are not consumed by one another.
Live by the Spirit, I say, and do not gratify the desires of the flesh. For what the flesh desires is opposed to the Spirit, and what the Spirit desires is opposed to the flesh; for these are opposed to each other, to prevent you from doing what you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not subject to the law. Now the works of the flesh are obvious: fornication, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, anger, quarrels, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these. I am warning you, as I warned you before: those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit.
The Gospel Lesson
Luke 9:51-62
When the days drew near for Jesus to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem. And he sent messengers ahead of him. On their way they entered a village of the Samaritans to make ready for him; but they did not receive him, because his face was set toward Jerusalem. When his disciples James and John saw it, they said, "Lord, do you want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them?" But he turned and rebuked them. Then they went on to another village.
As they were going along the road, someone said to him, "I will follow you wherever you go." And Jesus said to him, "Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head." To another he said, "Follow me." But he said, "Lord, first let me go and bury my father." But Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God." Another said, "I will follow you, Lord; but let me first say farewell to those at my home." Jesus said to him, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God."
The Apostles' Creed
I believe in God, the Father almighty,
    creator of heaven and earth;
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
    He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
        and born of the Virgin Mary.
    He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
        was crucified, died, and was buried.
    He descended to the dead.
    On the third day he rose again.
    He ascended into heaven,
        and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
    He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
    the holy catholic Church,
    the communion of saints,
    the forgiveness of sins
    the resurrection of the body,
    and the life everlasting. Amen.
The Prayers
Prayers are offered for the whole world; for those we love; for the sick and the suffering; for those working to respond to the pandemic, especially all health care workers, physicians, nurses, emergency responders and support staff, and for scientists, researchers, and leaders of governments; for the poor, the homeless, and the uninsured; for the dying and the dead; for those who mourn; and for our communities, friends, and neighbors, and for other prayer concerns.
The Lord's Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven,
     hallowed be thy Name,
     thy kingdom come,
     thy will be done,
         on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
     as we forgive those
         who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
     but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
     and the power, and the glory,
     for ever and ever. Amen.
The Collect of the Day
Almighty God, you have built your Church upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone: Grant us so to be joined together in unity of spirit by their teaching, that we may be made a holy temple acceptable to you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Prayers of the People
Friends in Christ,
we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves,
and so we now offer our prayers
for the church and the world,
saying, Hear our prayer.
For the Church: that we may bear witness to the depths of God's love for all people; in your mercy… Hear our prayer.
For Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Thomas, our bishop; and for the parishes of Mount Desert Island: that we may be faithful servants of Christ; in your mercy…  Hear our prayer.
For an end to war, violence, and terrorism; for the people of Ukraine; and for those we find it hardest to love: that God will lead the human family to peace and reconciliation; in your mercy…  Hear our prayer.
For our political leaders; for Joe, our President; for Janet, our Governor, and for members of Congress: that they may govern with integrity and serve the best interests of our nation; in your mercy… Hear our prayer.
For an increase in civility in public discourse: that all may be committed to the truth and to mutual respect; in your mercy... Hear our prayer.
For the poor, the hungry, and the homeless; for the addicted, the abused, and the forgotten: that God will relieve their suffering and strengthen our care for them; in your mercy…  Hear our prayer.
For all who hunger for freedom in our world: that God will deliver those imprisoned unjustly, those who live under oppression, and all victims of human trafficking; in your mercy... Hear our prayer.
For all who are recovering from earthquakes, storms, and floods: that God will protect them from further harm, guide them to the resources that they need, and open the hearts of many to assist them; in your mercy... Hear our prayer.
For the sick and the suffering; for the hospitalized and the homebound; and for those we have been asked to remember: Jackie Agnese, Skye Brickley, R.V. Fulk, and Robert Mitchell; and for those on our Parish Prayer List;  I now invite you to offer the names of those you know who need our prayers….. (silence)….; in your mercy…  Hear our prayer.
At Church of Our Father we pray for those in our prayer list.
At St. Andrew & St. John we pray for Bob Stanwood, Charles Sellick, Mary Ann Mahoney, Liz, Elizabeth Ward, Bunny Watts, Anne Wetzel, Chuck Bradshaw, Ted Bromage, Jean Storace, Spencer Ervin, Geoff Schuller, Doris McCorison, Gail Leland, Michael Shook, Joyce and Jim Risser, Loretta Schmidt, Theresa Mitchell, Fred & Dollis Sprague, Sara Winchenbach, Richard Ramsdell, Dorothy & Jim Clunan, Bill & Barbara Loveland.
At St. Saviour's Parish we pray for Bill Scott, Gregory Berube, Connie Brush, Yolanda Ferrari, Cheryl Kolodziej, Julie Grindle, Geoff Schuller, Eleanor Raynes, Howard Brush, John Stewart, Ruth Westphal, Gretchen Westphal, Lucy Triplett, Gail Leland, Christopher Lebida, Christopher Walls, Linda Carman, Mary Smith, John Fibiger, Ray McDonald, Emily O'Connor, Sarah Cleaves, Nicholas, Janet Flood, Rachel, Mimi, Charlie, Sarah B., Dickie, Alex, Penny Ayer, Arletta Sullivan, and Anne Cleaves. 
For all who have died, we remember especially David Dohn; and for the victims of the earthquake in Afghanistan: that they may dwell forever in the presence of the God of Love; in your mercy… Hear our prayer.
For all who are grieving: that God will comfort them, fill their hearts with peace, and help them to experience the love and compassion of those around them; in your mercy... Hear our prayer.
In thanksgiving for our family members, friends, and neighbors; and in thanksgiving for the presence of our visitors and guests today; in your mercy…. Hear our prayer.
Concluding Collects
Redeeming Sustainer,
visit your people
and pour out your strength and courage upon us,
that we may hurry to make you welcome
not only in our concern for others,
but by serving them
generously and faithfully in your name. Amen.
 Revised Common Lectionary Prayers, copyright © 2002 Consultation on Common Texts, Augsburg Fortress. The online Revised Common Lectionary is a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, a division of the Jean and Alexander Heard Libraries.
For Those We Love
Almighty God, we entrust all who are dear to us to thy never-failing care and love, for this life and the life to come, knowing that thou art doing for them better things than we can desire or pray for; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Let us bless the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all evermore.
Amen.    2 Corinthians 13:14
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MDI Episcopal Website
MDI Episcopal YouTube
The MDI Episcopal Partnership 

St. Andrew's and St. John's
PO Box 767
Southwest Harbor, ME 04679
GPS Location: 315 Main Street, Southwest Harbor, Maine 

207-244-3229       Email the Parish Office 
St. Andrew's and St. John's parish office is staffed Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 9 am to 2 pm. 

Church of Our Father 
P.O. Box 186
Hulls Cove, Maine 04644
GPS Location: 91 State Highway 3, Bar Harbor, Maine

207-288-4849      Email The Parish Office
The church office is staffed Wednesday from 10 am to 1 pm. At other times please call or email the office, and we will respond to your message soon.  

St. Saviour's 
41 Mt. Desert Street, Bar Harbor, ME 04609
207-288-4215   Email the Parish Office

St. Saviour's Parish office is staffed Tuesday from 10 am to 1 pm. At other times please call or email the office, and we will respond to your message soon.  

The sanctuary and parish hall of all churches are accessible.

For pastoral emergencies, please contact the Rev. Holly Hoffmann directly at 207-244-8144. 

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You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.

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Thursday, June 23, 2022

Worship Schedule, News, & More from the MDI Partnership!

Thursday, June 23, 2022 

Weekly News from the Parishes of
St. Andrew and St. John,
Church of Our Father,
& St. Saviour

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or Click "view entire message" at the bottom
if your browser does not display the whole message.
Join Us for Worship Sunday, June 26: The Third Sunday after Pentecost 

9:00 am Holy Eucharist
Church of Our Father, Hulls Cove
Celebrant: The Rev. Jennifer Reece

click here for bulletin

11:00 am Holy Eucharist
St. Saviour's Parish, Bar Harbor
Celebrant: The Rev. Jennifer Reece

click here for bulletin

4:00 pm Holy Eucharist
St. John the Divine, Southwest Harbor

Celebrant:  The Rev. Dr. Regina Christianson
click here for bulletin

*= these services will be streamed to our YouTube channel: 

Shared Worship services on the island will resume in October.

You can always look to the online calendar to see the service schedule:

Worship at St. Andrew's by-the-Lake, Seal Cove begins on
Sunday, July 3 at 8 am. 

If you are looking for other online worship,
please visit (click on church name): 
St. Luke's Cathedral at 10 am
The National Cathedral at 11:15 am

Midweek Holy Eucharist on MDI
Wednesdays at Church of Our Father at 8 am

Using the readings appointed for the day in the Book of Common Prayer, 
we will have a service Holy Eucharist.
On the first Wednesday of the month, we will use a Rite I liturgy.
Covid Precautions:

If you are exhibiting any of the symptoms of Covid,
please choose to attend a service online. 

Our Covid protocols will be followed:
Vaccinations expected, unless medically prohibited
Everyone masked indoors
Socially distanced seating is available, not required
Communion in one-kind, bread only
Outdoor coffee hour, weather permitting
Sanitize your hands prior to receiving Communion. 

God bless you for keeping our church, our community, 
and our loved ones safe.
If you or a close contact tests positive for Covid, please let Mother Holly know so we can support you in your recovery and communicate with the community as necessary about their possible exposure to the virus while maintaining confidentiality and pastoral privacy.
Assisting at Services

If you are returning to MDI for the summer, perhaps you would enjoy serving on Sundays! We are currently working on the schedules for July through September and would love your support for our worship services: Acolytes, Greeters/Ushers, Lectors, Intercessors, Altar Guild, Flower Guild and Officiants for Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer (at St. John's). If you would like to help at any of our services, please contact the parish administrator of your church. Thank you!
Please Wear Your Name Tag to Church
Remember that wearing your name tag at worship is helpful to each other, Mother Holly, supply clergy, and to visitors! If you would like a new name tag, contact your Parish Administrator.
Pastoral Care Requests
Holy Communion: If you are unable to attend an in-person worship service and would like Holy Communion brought to you, please contact the church office (contact information is at the bottom of this email). We will arrange a time for the clergy, our Pastoral Care Associate Maribeth Payne, or a Eucharistic Visitors to bring the Sacrament to your home or hospital bedside.

Hospital Visits: If you or a loved one is in the hospital, please let Mother Holly know. She is glad to come visit you in the hospital or call you during your stay. 
Mother Holly is in Omaha, Nebraska 

Until July 2, Mother Holly is in Omaha, NE completing a second theological degree, a Masters Degree in Christian Spirituality from Creighton University. She will also earn a Certificate in Spiritual Direction and Directed Retreats. This June term completes her formal studies, and she hopes that you can attend the final prayer service for students in her program by Zoom. She spoke about this program in her sermon on Sunday, May 22 (linked elsewhere in this email). 

From now through July 2, please direct pastoral emergencies to Mother Holly or your senior warden. Mother Holly is available for pastoral phone calls after June 4 and will hold several parish meetings while in Omaha via Zoom.
Church of Our Father - Tony Sousa, see your directory
St. Saviour's - Linda Foster, see your directory
 St. Andrew & St. John - Ted Fletcher, see your directory
The four Episcopal Churches of Mount Desert Island are working to establish a new historical museum located in a beautiful, secured setting at St. Saviour's Church. We have found that there are many, many items of church history hidden away in boxes, closets, etc. that are never seen and should be displayed for all to see. The museum is well underway and will open this summer. This is quite exciting!
We are looking for donations of  bookcases, a glass china cabinet, a larger desk, old church history items hidden in parishioners' homes. We will need volunteer docents for times we are open this summer.  Please contact Diane Zito, Sue Blaisdell, Joanne Sousa or Lauri Fernald (all listed in the directory) if you can help with any of these items. 
Thank you so much!
Lay Minister Updating
You will find a list of those who currently volunteer for Lay Ministries posted on the bulletin boards of Church of Our Father and St. Saviour's. Please update your participation for the next quarter which will come up shortly! If you would like to join the list in any ministry, we would welcome you!
Upcoming Events and Dates
June 25: Memorial Service for Barbara Fleming
 Church of Our Father at 11 am at Church of Our Father with a reception following at Sue Olson's home, directions available at the service. 
June 25: Westside Food Pantry Benefit Concert
at 3:00 pm 

Kelley Farm will perform a benefit concert
at St. John the Divine, Southwest Harbor.

All proceeds go to the benefit of the Westside Food Pantry,
a ministry of St. Andrew's and John's. 

To learn more about the Westside Food Pantry, visit:
June 29: Join Mother Holly for the Christian Spirituality Program's "Missioning Mass"
(this is akin to a graduation) 
at 7 pm EST

To Join the Service via Zoom, click here.

For the service bulletin
(note the service time is 6 pm CST, which is what the bulletin says AND that time is 7 pm EST),
click here.
July 6: Outreach Meeting, 9 am 
The Outreach, Evangelism, and Mission committee meets every first Wednesday at Church of Our Father after 8 am worship. Please join us Wednesday, July 6! 

We will discuss plans for outreach this summer and look ahead to initiatives for the fall, too. 
Church of Our Father Parishioners

July 10: "Listening Session" immediately following the 9 am service
People can attend in person or online by clicking on this Zoom link 
St. Saviour's all hands on deck!

July 10: Please stay after the 11 am service to help move hymnals, prayer books, movable altar, etc. out of the Sanctuary into the Parish Hall.  
St. Saviour's Parishioners

St. Saviour's Annual Meeting, with "Listening Session" following the meeting
Sunday, July 17 after 11 am worship

In Person and On Zoom: 
click here to join this Zoom

Folks may attend in person or on Zoom. If you plan to attend on Zoom, please plan on attending worship online that day (separate links)
Click here for link to Partnership Reference Materials
St. Andrew and St. John Parishioners

"Listening Session"  
Sunday, July 24 after 4 pm worship

In Person and On Zoom: 
click here to join this Zoom

Folks may attend in person or on Zoom. If you plan to attend on Zoom, please plan on attending worship online that day (separate links)
Click here for reference material
Save the Date: Stained Glass Talks at CoOF on July 19 and at St. Saviour's on August 23

Outreach News
Ways to Support Those Suffering from Violence in Ukraine

Continue to pray for Ukraine and those in danger. 
Collect for Peace from the BCP:

Almighty God, kindle, we pray, in every heart the true love of peace, and guide with your wisdom those who take counsel for the nations of the earth, that in tranquillity your dominion may increase until the earth is filled with the knowledge of your love; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. 

Members of the Partnership parishes gathered in the first week of the month to discuss Outreach projects for the spring. There was a strong desire to focus our energies on promoting organizations that are helping those living in the Ukraine. Two organizations that are being recommended are:  

Episcopal Relief and Development
 is working closely with Anglican agencies and ecumenical partners to meet the urgent humanitarian needs of Ukrainian refugees in Europe. People quickly packed up and fled Ukraine to safety and are now in need of basic supplies and will need long-term support. Your contribution to the Episcopal Relief & Development International Disaster Response Fund will help provide clothing, food, water and other items. For more information on this organization, including instructions on how to give, visit: or call 1.855.312.4325

Save the Children: UKRAINE CRISIS RELIEF FUND Ukraine's children are in grave danger of physical harm, severe emotional distress and mass displacement. Save the Children is concerned for children caught in the middle of armed conflict, forced from their homes in freezing temperatures, and exposed to injury, hunger and cold. Your donation to Save the Children's Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund can help provide children and families with immediate aid, such as food, water, hygiene kits, psychosocial support and cash assistance. Together, we can protect children in crisis. For more information on this organization, including instructions on how to give, visit:
A helpful resource for evaluating charitable organizations is Charity Navigator:
Bar Harbor Food Pantry for Rest of June and July
Once again thanks to all who have given in these times.  Going forward, the Food pantry greatly appreciates our offerings of coffee/tea, cooking oil and jam and jelly.  They hope we still continue that.  However, they are also in need of the following from their Facebook  page:  (not surprising) diapers, baby food and snacks and formula. 
So I pose this to all:  Give to any and all I have listed. 
Thank you for your support.    Brad

Sunday Fellowship Outdoors

As the warm weather returns, we will be having time after the services of worship for fellowship outside.

If you are interested in assisting with refreshments for these times, please be in touch with the parish administrator of your church, and she will connect you with others assisting in this ministry within our community.

At St. John's, speak with Dianne McMullan.
At Church of Our Father, speak with Joanne Sousa.
At St. Saviour's, speak with Linda Foster.
Covid Task Force Update
Our MDI Covid Task Force meets regularly to discuss our protocols.
  • An area (not the whole worship space) will be marked off for Social distancing for those who want to sit in an area designated for this seating arrangement
  • Guests and visitors will be invited at announcements to provide their contact information, should they want to be notified of a possible exposure to Covid-19 at worship service.
  • Due to being in a high transmission rate according to the CDC, masking will required at all indoor gatherings for all people in attendance in addition to worship.
Note: Full vaccinations expected, unless medically prohibited. 
COVID Guidelines Reminder from Bishop Brown

Click on the video below for an update from Bishop Brown as several of our counties are now back in yellow and red community status (a reminder of the guidelines from the CDC regarding community levels is here).
Age 5+ eligible to schedule COVID-19 vaccination,
Age 12+ eligible for booster

COVID-19 vaccination and booster shots are available by appointment at the Community Health Center, Cooper Gilmore, Trenton Health Center, 
and Carroll Drug Store.

The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is the only vaccine currently authorized for children ages 5-17. Everyone age 12+ is eligible for a booster shot. You must be 5 months past your second dose of Pfizer/Moderna or 2 months past your first dose of Johnson & Johnson to receive a booster dose. If you would like to schedule a COVID-19 vaccination or booster, please call one of our vaccination sites below or check our Bar Harbor Regency Clinic calendar. COVID-19 vaccines and boosters are also available by appointment at local pharmacies in Bar Harbor, Southwest Harbor and Ellsworth.

Call now to schedule your vaccine or booster (Pfizer/Moderna/J&J):
Cooper Gilmore Health Center: 207-288–5024 17 Hancock Street, Bar Harbor, ME 04609
Community Health Center:  207-244–5630 16 Community Lane, Southwest Harbor, ME 04679
Trenton Health Center: 207-667–5899 394 Bar Harbor Road, Trenton, ME 04605
Carroll Drug Store 3 Village Green Way, Southwest Harbor, ME 04679

** Get free at-⁠home COVID-⁠19 tests **

1) Every home in the U.S. is eligible to order 4 free at-⁠home COVID-⁠19 tests. 
The tests are completely free. Orders will usually ship in 7-12 days.

Order your tests now so you have them when you need them:

Project ACT 
2) Additional Free Tests can be ordered for those living in some communities in Hancock County. Search by Zip Code:

Growing in Faith
Youth & Family Formation

Children's Faith Formation at Home on MDI

Brad Berry and Chris Krenicki of Church of Our Father send home materials to support faith formation at home monthly for elementary and middle school aged youth. If you would like to receive these materials or be notified when in person events are happening here for youth in this age range, please be in touch with the parish office. Contact information is at the bottom of this email. 

All monthly programming, including the Pray, Play, Connect group for middle and high schoolers, the Let's Talk About It group for high schoolers, and the Formation Folk gathering is on summer vacation. Play, Pray, Connect will start up again in September. We'll be switching to Third Fridays, so mark your calendars. Our new musician, Pyam Morin, will lead this amazing group! We'll keep up our theme of Role Playing Games, so feel free to spend the summer dreaming up new characters!

Connect with other Episcopal Maine households walking the path of faith via this private Facebook group. Our team will provide curated resources, and we will be resources for one another.

Episcopal Maine Youth of all ages 
All monthly programming, including the Pray, Play, Connect group for middle and high schoolers, the Let's Talk About It group for high schoolers, and the Formation Folk gathering is on summer vacation. Play, Pray, Connect will start up again in September. We'll be switching to Third Fridays, so mark your calendars. Our new musician, Pyam Morin, will lead this amazing group! We'll keep up our theme of Role Playing Games, so feel free to spend the summer dreaming up new characters!

Celebrate the end of summer at Camp Bishopswood
Start thinking about summer! Families and households from the Diocese of Maine are invited to celebrate the end of summer together at Camp Bishopswood. Spend a night or two cabin or tent camping while you swim, boat, hike, rest, and worship on scenic Lake Megunticook. All meals included.

There will be free diocese-wide programming during the day on Saturday, August 27 including worship with Bishop Brown. Come for the day or stay for the weekend!

Scholarships are available. Click here to register for Summer Finale. Cabins and tenting available.
Adult Formation
New Faith In Maine Podcast Available 

New Faith in Maine podcasts are ava