November 20, 2014
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Christ the King
8:00 and 10:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist at St. John the Divine, Southwest Harbor
All people that on earth do dwell (377); Ubi caritas (WLP 831)
Let all mortal flesh keep silence (324); The King of love (645)
Psalm 100; Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24; Ephesians 1:15-23; Matthew 25:31-46
Celebrant: The Rev. Tim Fleck
Usher: Chloe Hatcher
First Lesson/Psalm: Ann Cox Halkett
Second Lesson: Patsy Fogarty
Prayers: ________
Chalice: _______
Acolyte: _________
Altar Guild: Margot Haertel
Flowers: Ellen Gilmore
Vestry Member in charge: Chloe Hatcher
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Advent 1
8:00 and 10:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist at St. John the Divine, Southwest Harbor
The King shall come when morning dawns (73); O come, Emmanuel, vv 1-2 (56)
Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life (487); Signs of endings (WLP 721)
Psalm 80:1-7, 16-18; Isaiah 64:1-9; 1 Corinthians 1:3-9; Mark 13:24-37
Celebrant: The Rev. Tim Fleck
Usher: ______
First Lesson/Psalm: Chloe Hatcher
Second Lesson: Floy Ervin
Prayers: Margot Haertel
Chalice: Bob Theriault
Acolyte: Elaine Theriault
Altar Guild: Jayne Ashworth
Flowers: Floy Ervin
Vestry Member in charge: Jayne Ashworth
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Thanksgiving Day
Holy Eucharist – 11:00 a.m.
The Rev. Vesta Kowalski
Thursday, Holy Eucharist at 12:00 noon
December 4 – Nicholas of Myra
December 11 – John of the Cross
December 18 - Thomas
The Rev. Tim Fleck
v v v v v v v v v v v
Office Hours:
8:30-2:30, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays
Michele Daley, Parish Administrator
Michele will be out of the office until December 8
Fr. Timothy Fleck will be at St. John’s (244-3229) on Tuesdays and Thursdays
and at St. Saviour’s (288-4215) on Mondays and Wednesdays
He can be reached at 812-8362 (cell) or
Sr. Warden, Bunny Watts (244-3699); Jr. Warden, Rita Redfield (244-4025)
The Rev. Vesta Kowalski and The Rev. Jennifer Reece, Affiliate Clergy
St. John:
Mondays, November 24, 5:00 p.m. – St. John’s Singers
Wednesdays, 1:30 p.m. – Wednesday Explorers
Fridays, 1:00-3:00 p.m. – Mahjong
This Sunday, November 23 is the last day to order hand-decorated wreaths, to be delivered Sunday, November 30. Wreaths are $20 each; sign up on the clipboard in the undercrofgt, and indicate what color bow you would prefer. Questions? Contact Karen Craig or Sue Newman,
WEDNESDAY EXPLORERS Wednesday Explorers is a weekly open discussion forum, facilitated by Vesta Kowalski, which meets in the St. John’s Common Room from 1:30 to 3:00 on Wednesday afternoons. There’s a different topic each week; the topics are suggested and chosen by the group. Anyone is free to come once, occasionally, or regularly, and friends from outside the church community are welcome, too. The group will not meet on November 26, the day before Thanksgiving.
Upcoming topics:
December 3 – Are our children our future or our present? As the average age of church members increases, we keep trying to figure out how to involve young people in the life of the church. What are appropriate roles for young people? When should they be involved in the processes of decision-making? Is there a conflict between maintaining the forms of worship that are important to the older generation and inspiring a younger generation to be active in church affairs?
December 10 – How did we come to faith? We often find ourselves lamenting that the coming generations are not receiving the religious background that we did, and therefore don’t have the foundation for faith that we do. Is that true? Does our faith stem from Sunday School, personal experience, continuing education? Have we taken many different paths to faith?
December 17 – How do we cast out fear? It is increasingly clear that as a nation as well as individuals, we make many of our decisions based on fear. What is it that we fear? How might we live a life without fear? Does our faith help?
Thanksgiving Dinner: The second annual Thanksgiving dinner will be held in the Undercroft following the 11:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Day service. Reservations are appreciated but not required. Leave a message by calling the church office (244-3229) or sign up in the Undercroft. If you would like to help in any way (help serve, clean up, bake pies, etc.), please contact Dianne McMullan (244-4582) or Chloe Hatcher (244-4436).
Advent Wreath Making: Join Dianne McMullan in the Undercroft on Sunday, November 30th at 5:30 for a fun evening of Advent Wreath making! Delicious soup and cider will be provided! Bring a sandwich (or whatever) to share. Please bring your wreath form/candles and some "tipped" pine, cedar or other material to weave into your form. Please RSVP to Dianne 244-4582. If you need a wreath form let me know ASAP. I have 3 left from last year’s gathering. This is a fun way to start Advent and keep it visible each day.
Net Tender: The deadline for the articles to be included in the December/January issue of the newsletter is December 8.
St. John’s and St. Saviour’s:
Advent Discussion Series: The O Antiphons
This year, on the four Sundays of Advent (November 30, December 7, 14, 21), Tim, Jenny, and Vesta will be leading discussions of the seven ancient titles for the coming Messiah which have been sung as antiphons to the Song of Mary at Evening Prayer in Advent since at least the sixth century. We perhaps know them best as they are paraphrased in Hymn 56, “O come, O Come Emmanuel.” What did it mean for the early Church to call Christ by the name “Wisdom?” What does it mean for us? How about “Root of Jesse” or “Key of David?” Explorations of these questions will be during Forum time (9:00-9:45) at St. John, and after the 10:00 service (11:30-12:15) in the Parish Hall at St. Saviour, and will be led by the priest celebrant at each church. No advance reading is required; each conversation can stand alone, but attending all would be an enriching Advent discipline.
St. Dunstan:
Holiday Fair with special events for Kids! Saturday, November 22 from 9 am to 1:30 pm!
Please come for a wonderful day and help support THAW, the WHCA Heating & Warming Fund. The event will feature local artisan’s handmade gifts, St. Dunstan's most excellent pies and baked treats, and new cookbook, a silent auction and snack bar. Special activities for children include Santa's Workshop and Elf Activities where kids can buy special gifts for the special adults in their life for $1.00.
Mondays, 3-6 p.m., Everybody Eats, in the Parish Hall of St. Dunstan’s Church, 134 State Street, Ellsworth.
Wednesdays, 3-6 p.m., Welcome Table, First Congregational Church, 2 Church Street, Ellsworth.
Thursdays, 4-7 p.m., Holy Redeemer Church, 21 Ledgelawn Avenue, Bar Harbor.
At Home Southwest Harbor: Would you like to remain in your own home as long as it is safe? Would you like to participate in a conversation about ways that could support this wish for yourself, your neighbors, friends and relatives? The At Home SWH Steering Committee is sponsoring this conversation on November 22, 2:00-3:00 at Harbor House Community Room.
Island Pastors Offer Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service
Sponsored by MDI Clergy Association and Maine Sea Coast Mission
Thanksgiving is a time when we remember the many blessings in our lives, and a group of MDI pastors are sponsoring an ecumenical service of scripture, prayer, hymns, and thanksgiving on Tuesday, November 25 at 5:30 PM at St. Saviour’s Church in Bar Harbor.
The service is a collaboration among clergy from several different congregations, and is intended as an opportunity for the whole community to gather across the lines of individual denominations and traditions. The Maine Seacoast Mission is sponsoring the service, along with the MDI Clergy Association.
The Rev. Jane Cornman of The Episcopal Parish of St. Mary & St. Jude will be preaching. Singing will be accompanied by Robin Ann Barron of Bar Harbor Congregational Church at the organ. The Rev. Rob Benson of Bar Harbor Congregational Church, the Rev. Suzanne Cole of The Church of Our Father in Hull’s Cove, The Rev. Tim Fleck of St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church Bar Harbor and the Episcopal Parish of St. Andrew & John, Southwest Harbor, and The Rev. Dr. Deborah Jenks of the United Church of Christ of Northeast Harbor and Seal Harbor, will also be participating.
The Rev. Scott Planting, President of the Maine Seacoast Mission, says, “Thanksgiving is a holiday that does not belong to any one religion or tradition, so it is an excellent opportunity for this sort of shared community service. We hope that it may have something to offer every person of faith, no matter their background.”
Riverside Café and Emmaus Shelter to Offer Free Community Thanksgiving Meal
This is the 17th Annual FREE Community Thanksgiving Dinner. The Emmaus Shelter is partnering with Riverside Cafe to offer a free Thanksgiving Dinner to those in need of a hot meal or some companionship this Thanksgiving.
Volunteers will serve a “turkey and all the fixins” from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. at Riverside Cafe, located on Main Street in downtown Ellsworth. This is a tradition Sister Lucille MacDonald began in 1997 at the shelter, making this the 17th year the Emmaus Shelter has offered this free holiday meal to not only those in need but for those just looking for some good company as well. This annual event has seen anywhere from 150 to 250 people in attendance.
The Emmaus Homeless Shelter and Riverside Café are seeking volunteers to cook turkeys and donate fully prepared side dishes and desserts. Volunteers to work on and before Thanksgiving Day and entertainment are also needed. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Nichole or Dawn with the Emmaus Shelter at 667-3962.
Keep in your prayers this week: Jim Schreiber, Herb Hafenbalg, Carter Frank, Lillian Leighton, Marilyn Mays, Evan Bruggman, Jack Weisner, Mo Moser, John Cronin, Mary Burden, Sarah Moore, Bill Baker, Sara Etta Dudley, Ephron Catlin, Sarah Flynn, Pamela Theodore, Lance Funderburk, Emily Frazier, Bruce Blake, Trisha Roy, Shelley Hoover Payne, Molly Lyman, Dorothy Smith, Bob Theriault, Norman Shaw, Ron Martin, Joseph and Kimberly Pratt family, Ruth and Bob Zachary, Gary Dunlap, Kay and Bill Barney, Lydia Thayer, George Swanson, Jennie Cline and Sharon Dayana Salazar, our sponsored child in Costa Rica.
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