JUNE 27, 2013
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Pentecost 6
8:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist at St. Andrew by the
10:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist at
God of the prophets; He who would valiant be;
Swing low, sweet chariot; Jesus calls us o’er the tumult
Psalm 77:1-2, 11-20; 2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14; Galatians 5:1, 13-25; Luke 9:51-62
Celebrant: The Rev. Dean Henry
Usher: Jim Vekasi
First Lesson/Psalm: Ann Cox Halkett
Second Lesson: Candy DaCosta
Prayers: Chloe Hatcher
Chalice: Floy Ervin
Acolyte: Rita Redfield (8:00)
Acolyte: Jayne Ashworth (10:00)
Altar Guild: Mary Vekasi
Vestry Member in charge: Doris Walton
Flowers: Chloe Hatcher
Coffee Hour: ______
Thursdays at 12:30 p.m.
June 27 – Holy Communion
June 20 – Morning Prayer
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Office Hours:
8:30-2:30, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays
Fr. Timothy Fleck will be at
and at St. Saviour’s (288-4215) on Mondays and Wednesdays
He can be reached at 812-8362 (cell) or
Sr. Warden, Bunny
Quietside Festival: July 13….Start bringing your items for the Basket Raffle, Silent Auction, Boutique, and Treasure Trove to the church NOW. Sign up in the undercroft if you plan to bake Pies and Cookies, and let Karen Craig know if you have any Plants you plan to donate. If you would like to volunteer before, during or after the festival, call the church office, 244-3229.
St. Saviour:
On Saturday, June 29, there will be an MDI Search and Rescue Benefit - 8-11 a.m. There will be SAR demonstrations and a bake sale. Come and support the volunteers who rescue the stranded and injured on MDI.
At 1:00 pm, there will be a piano concert to benefit MDI Search and Rescue. Deborah Govenor will share piano pieces from various genres. All welcome!! For information about donations to MDI SAR, call 288-2739.
Taizé an Ecumenical Prayer Service: Thursday, August 22 at 7pm. Give peace to every heart. By candlelight and in stillness…we make our pilgrimage. Experience the spirituality and the meditative songs of the Taizé community of
Please join us on Sunday, June 30th at 4:00 at
one year anniversary of their arrival at
Holy Eucharist is celebrated on Wednesday mornings at 8:00 followed by a light breakfast.
St. Mary and St. Jude:
Entrée Casseroles (enough to feed 4-6 people) will again be sold on Thursdays, July 18 and August 8, beginning at 8:30 a.m. each day. Sales will occur on
Community Events
Why Do You Believe That? A Faith Conversation: Bible Study for Women. How confident do you feel in talking about matters of faith? Do you wish you could express your beliefs with more effectiveness? Join us in a practical 4 week session study to gain understanding and skill in sharing Jesus effectively with others and in better understanding your own faith. Answer your doubts. Build your confidence. Start changing lives. The learning begins on Tuesday, July 9 (16, 23, 30) at 7:00PM at Southwest Harbor Congregational Church,
Downeast Spiritual Life Conference: Remember to register for the Second Annual Downeast Spiritual Life Conference which will be on August 23 & 24. This year’s conference is conveniently being held at The Atlantic Oceanside in
Keep in your prayers this week: Joseph and Kimberly Pratt Family, Ruth and Bob Zachary, Sachi Mallack, Carolyn Bowman, Martha Thompson, Karen Floyd, Lydia Thayer, Martha Masiello, Gary Dunlap,
Give thanks for the life of Emmet Finlay Whittlesey, who died June 8th. Keep his family and friends in your prayers
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Episcopalians don’t tend to be demonstrative, no one expects you to shout Amen or hallelujah! On the other hand, it’s OK if you do.
Donna H. Barthle, Diocese of