Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Events and News




JULY 27, 2010



Wednesday mornings

Holy Eucharist at 9:30 a.m.


Pentecost 10, August 1st  

8:00 a.m. – Eucharist at St. Andrew by the Lake, Seal Cove

10:00 a.m. – Eucharist at St. John the Divine, Southwest Harbor

The Rev. Jeffrey Lewis, Celebrant


Scripture Lessons:

Psalm 107:1-9, 43; Hosea 11:1-11; Colossians 3:1-11; Luke 12:13-21


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(to bring accessibility to St. John's)

Sunday, August 1st

5:00-7:00 p.m.

Causeway Club

10 Fernald Point Road · Southwest Harbor

PLEASE RSVP – 244-3229 or 244-3115


Farmer's Market – will be in St. John's parking lot from 9:00-1:00 each Friday until mid-October.


Love Letters will be presented by Chloe Hatcher and Phil Fox on Sunday, August 8th at 7:30 p.m. at St. John's. Tickets will be available at the church.


Free Ice Cream Socials hosted by St. Mary & St. Jude Church in front of the firehouse in Northeast Harbor every Thursday through the summer from 4-5 pm. Donations are welcome to help support the Food Pantry on MDI. Ice Cream and cones are generously donated by The Docksider.


Death and Dying Seminar - On Tuesday, July 27 from 6:30 to 8:00 PM, St. Andrew Lutheran Church in Ellsworth, will host the first of 3 seminars on death and dying. Dr. Reinke, Director of the Emergency Department at Maine Coast Memorial Hospital and Rev. Priscilla Hukki, Pastor with St. Andrew, will lead this month's discussion on advanced medical directives. How does one approach or prepare for death? Is it a welcome end to a good life or is it a bitter enemy to fight off for as long as possible – or is it somewhere in between? When does ―comfort care become an option? How do we prepare advanced medical directives, and who should have a copy? Keeping in mind the advances in medical care and intervention, how often should a directive be updated? When and how does one have conversations with family members about these issues? How does faith impact the choices made? How does God fit in the conversation?

Free and open to the public. No reservations needed. St. Andrew Lutheran Church is located at 175 Downeast High-way, the junction of Rts. 1 & 184 in Ellsworth. FMI 667-7641.


Summer Organ Series - Fridays at St. Savior's from 12:15-1:00 pm. These concerts are made possible by the St. Saviour's Friends of Music and will be followed by refreshments and tours of the historic building.  Admission is by donation.

The line-up of notable artists is:

August 6:  Kevin Birch, Director of Music, St. John's Catholic Church, Bangor.

August 13: Ray Cornils, Portland Municipal Organist and Director of Music, First Parish Church, Brunswick. In recognition of Friday the 13th Mr. Cornils will be performing Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor.

August 20:  Ann Sears (piano), Professor of Music at Wheaton College, with Marcella Calabi, soprano, and William Myers, 'cello.  This recital will be a celebration of 19th century German romanticism.

August 27:  Julia Morris-Myers, Organist and Choirmaster, St. Saviour's.


The 9th Annual Carol Dyer Memorial Luminaria Evening will be held on Saturday, August 7 from 7 – 10 pm on the Bar Harbor Village Green. The evening, which benefits the American Cancer Society, is a celebration of those whose lives have been touched by cancer. The event begins with the lining of the walkways of the Village Green with luminary candles honoring and memorializing loved ones who have had cancer. Music is provided throughout the evening by local musicians Chuck Donnelly and Emma Walsh.  The names of all those  represented by luminaries are read throughout the evening. Volunteers are welcome to help. FMI Contact Gail Leiser 288-9083 or gail.leiser@gmail.com. Donation forms are on the table in the Narthex.


The next Cursillo 3-Day Weekend in Maine will be September 9-12 at the Sky-Hi Conference Center in Topsham.  The deadline for signing up is August 9.

Q.  What is the duty of all Christians?

A.  The duty of all Christians is to follow Christ; to come together week by week for corporate worship; and to work, pray, and give for the spread of the kingdom of God

The purpose of the Cursillo \kú(ər)-̕-yō\ movement is to help Church members understand their callings to be Christian leaders.  The 3-Day Weekend is a time to focus on what is fundamental for being a Christian, and to learn the Cursillo method.  It is the springboard to living the Fourth Day—  a lifetime of living out one's Baptismal Covenant.  On the Weekend, a team of lay leaders and clergy presents a series of 15 talks on such topics as Grace, the Sacraments, and the foundations of the Cursillo method: piety, study, and action.  It is a time of worship, fellowship, singing, laughter, and good food, with blocks of time for solitary meditation and prayer, confession, and spiritual direction.


Bring your composting materials to church: St John Church has 2 compost bins at the rear of the church yard.  If you are not composting at home, we encourage you to bring compostable material from your kitchen to add to our compost bins.  Just place your material in our bins.  You need not mix, stir or add anything else.  Material suitable for adding to the compost bins includes:   banana peels, apple skins, coffee grounds, apple cores, and uncooked fruits and vegetables that are past their prime.   The hard ends of lettuce,

cabbage, broccoli and asparagus are welcome.  Please DO NOT ADD ANY MEAT, DAIRY OR COOKED FOOD to the bins.  Questions, call Susan Covino Buell, 244-3124


This week the church office will be open Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. If you have questions or need assistance at other times, please call Ted Fletcher (244-3115) or Ann Cox Halkett (288-5832).



Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lots of "Events and News" this week




JULY 20, 2010


Wednesday mornings

Holy Eucharist at 9:30 a.m.

Pentecost 9, July 25th

8:00 a.m. – Eucharist at St. Andrew by the Lake, Seal Cove

10:00 a.m. – Eucharist at St. John the Divine, Southwest Harbor

The Rev. Priscilla Grant, Celebrant

Scripture Lessons:

Psalm 138; Genesis 18:20-32; Colossians 2:6-19; Luke 11:1-13

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(to bring accessibility to St. John's)

Sunday, August 1st

5:00-7:00 p.m.

Causeway Club

10 Fernald Point Road · Southwest Harbor

Farmer's Market – will be in St. John's parking lot from 9:00-1:00 each Friday until mid-October.

The Second Annual Divine Luncheon on the Lawn will be held Saturday, July 24th from 11:30-1:30 to benefit the Westside Food Pantry and spotlight the work of the Victory Garden. Author Katie Moose will be on hand to offer tastings from her cookbooks and sign and sell her books. The most recent book entitled God's Bounty: 365 Days of Inspirational Cooking pairs biblical passages, hymns and inspirational writing with a recipe for each day of the year. Part of these proceeds will also go to the Pantry. As last year we will use herbs and edible flowers and rely on volunteers to help set up , take down, cook, chop, serve, clean, pick flowers, lend table cloths...etc. Please contact Mary Mitchell, Jean Rohrer, or Dianne McMullan. Cash donations are greatly appreciated.

Free Ice Cream Socials hosted by St. Mary & St. Jude Church in front of the firehouse in Northeast Harbor every Thursday through the summer from 4-5 pm. Donations are welcome to help support the Food Pantry on MDI. Ice Cream and cones are generously donated by The Docksider.

The All Area Episcopal and Lutheran Parishes Picnic at Thompson's Island, is this Sunday, July 25 from 1-4pm. (Rain date Sunday, August 1) Join your neighboring Episcopal and Lutheran church members for a day of food and fellowship! St. Saviour's will supply 2 gas grills, condiments, paper goods and cups. Each church will bring their own food and beverages and everyone who has folding chairs or tables is encouraged to bring them as well - picnic tables are limited. CARPOOLING IS IMPORTANT as parking is very limited and there may be other folk using the picnic area.

The American Red Cross is having blood drives at the following locations: Neighborhood House, 1 Kimball Rd Northeast Harbor, on July 22 from 11 AM to 4 PM; Swans Island School, 16 Rose Hill Rd. Swans Island, on July 28 from 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM; Friendly's Restaurant, 253 High St. Ellsworth, on July 28 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM . Please donate!

Summer Organ Series - For five consecutive Fridays, beginning July 30, St. Savior's exceptional Visser-Rowland tracker organ will be featured in concert from 12:15-1:00 pm. These concerts are made possible by the St. Saviour's Friends of Music and will be followed by refreshments and tours of the historic building. Admission is by donation.

The line-up of notable artists is:

July 30: Donald Ingram, Latham, New York, with Eugene Tobey, bass-baritone. They will perform music by Bach, Schumann, and noted American composer Alfred Fedak.

August 6: Kevin Birch, Director of Music, St. John's Catholic Church, Bangor.

August 13: Ray Cornils, Portland Municipal Organist and Director of Music, First Parish Church, Brunswick. In recognition of Friday the 13th Mr. Cornils will be performing Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor.

August 20: Ann Sears (piano), Professor of Music at Wheaton College, with Marcella Calabi, soprano, and William Myers, 'cello. This recital will be a celebration of 19th century German romanticism.

August 27: Julia Morris-Myers, Organist and Choirmaster, St. Saviour's.

"Hulls Cove Virtuosi" - Cellist Toshi Kono returns to the Church of Our Father on Saturday, July 24, at 7 pm. Mr. Kono will perform music by Bach, Brahms, Prokofiev, and Schumann, accompanied by flautist Dierdre McArdle and pianist Gena Raps. Mr. Kono, who lives in New York the rest of the year, considers Maine his second home. He presents these summer concerts as a token of love for his Down East neighbors. He has played in the Kyoto Symphony Orchestra, the Bar Harbor String Festival Orchestra, the New Orleans Philharmonic, and the American Symphony Orchestra (under the baton of Leopold Stokowski). Admission is free. A donation of $10 is suggested.

Seminars on Death and Dying - On Tuesday, July 27 from 6:30 to 8:00 PM, St. Andrew Lutheran Church will host the first of 3 seminars on death and dying. Dr. Reinke, Director of the Emergency Department at Maine Coast Memorial Hospital and Rev. Priscilla Hukki, Pastor, will lead this month's discussion on advanced medical directives.

How does one approach or prepare for death? Is it a welcome end to a good life or is it a bitter enemy to fight off for as long as possible – or is it somewhere in between? When does "comfort care" become an option? How do we prepare advanced medical directives, and who should have a copy? Keeping in mind the advances in medical care and intervention, how often should a directive be updated? When and how does one have conversations with family members about these issues? How does faith impact the choices made? How does God fit in the conversation? Free and open to the public. St. Andrew Lutheran Church is located at 175 Downeast Highway, the junction of Rts. 1 & 184 in Ellsworth. FMI 667-7641

The 9th Annual Carol Dyer Memorial Luminaria Evening will be held on Saturday, August 7 from 7 – 10 pm on the Bar Harbor Village Green. The evening, which benefits the American Cancer Society, is a celebration of those whose lives have been touched by cancer. The event begins with the lining of the walkways of the Village Green with luminary candles honoring and memorializing loved ones who have had cancer. Music is provided throughout the evening by local musicians Chuck Donnelly and Emma Walsh. The names of all those represented by luminaries are read throughout the evening. Volunteers are welcome to help. FMI Contact Gail Leiser 288-9083 or gail.leiser@gmail.com. Donation forms are on the table in the Narthex.

The next Cursillo 3-Day Weekend in Maine will be September 9-12 at the Sky-Hi Conference Center in Topsham. The deadline for signing up is August 9.

Q. What is the duty of all Christians?

A. The duty of all Christians is to follow Christ; to come together week by week for corporate worship; and to work, pray, and give for the spread of the kingdom of God.

The purpose of the Cursillo \kú(ər)-̕-yō\ movement is to help Church members understand their callings to be Christian leaders. The 3-Day Weekend is a time to focus on what is fundamental for being a Christian, and to learn the Cursillo method. It is the springboard to living the Fourth Day— a lifetime of living out one's Baptismal Covenant. On the Weekend, a team of lay leaders and clergy presents a series of 15 talks on such topics as Grace, the Sacraments, and the foundations of the Cursillo method: piety, study, and action. It is a time of worship, fellowship, singing, laughter, and good food, with blocks of time for solitary meditation and prayer, confession, and spiritual direction.

Bring your composting materials to church: St John Church has 2 compost bins at the rear of the church yard. If you are not composting at home, we encourage you to bring compostable material from your kitchen to add to our compost bins. Just place your material in our bins. You need not mix, stir or add anything else. Material suitable for adding to the compost bins includes: banana peels, apple skins, coffee grounds, apple cores, and uncooked fruits and vegetables that are past their prime. The hard ends of lettuce,

cabbage, broccoli and asparagus are welcome. Please DO NOT ADD ANY MEAT, DAIRY OR COOKED FOOD to the bins. Questions, call Susan Covino Buell, 244-3124.

Love Letters: Chloe Hatcher and Phil Fox will present Love Letters on Sunday, August 8 at 7:30 p.m. at St. John's. Tickets will be available at the church.

This week the church office will be open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:30-2:30; next week: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. If you have questions or need assistance at other times, please call Ted Fletcher (244-3115) or Ann Cox Halkett (288-5832).

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Events and News




JULY 13, 2010



Wednesday mornings

Holy Eucharist at 9:30 a.m.


Pentecost 8, July 18th

8:00 a.m. – Eucharist at St. Andrew by the Lake, Seal Cove

10:00 a.m. – Eucharist at St. John the Divine, Southwest Harbor

The Rev. George Swanson, Celebrant


Scripture Lessons:

Psalm 52 or 15; Amos 8:1-12 or Genesis 18:1-10a;

Colossians 1:15-28; Luke 10:38-42


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July 13 – St. John Singers at 5:30 p.m.

July 15 – Vestry at 6:30 p.m.


THE QUIETSIDE FESTIVAL  on Saturday was a huge success. Thanks go to Mary Mitchell and Ida Smallidge for coordinating everything; and thanks to all the volunteers who went that extra mile to make it a great day!


Farmer's Market – will be in St. John's parking lot from 9:00-1:00 each Friday until mid-October.


The Second Annual Divine Luncheon on the Lawn will be held Saturday, July 24 from 11:30-1:30 to benefit the Westside Food Pantry and spotlight the work of the Victory Garden. Author Katie Moose will be on hand to offer tastings from her cookbooks and sign and sell her books. The most recent book entitled God's Bounty: 365 Days of Inspirational Cooking pairs biblical passages, hymns and inspirational writing with a recipe for each day of the year. Part of these proceeds will also go to the Pantry. As last year we will use herbs and edible flowers and rely on volunteers to help set up , take down, cook, chop, serve, clean, pick flowers, lend table cloths...etc. Please contact Mary Mitchell, Jean Rohrer, or Dianne McMullan as the Quietside Festival fades from your calendar. 


Free Ice Cream Socials hosted by St. Mary & St. Jude Church in front of the firehouse in Northeast Harbor every Thursday through the summer from 4-5 pm. Donations are welcome to help support the Food Pantry on MDI. Ice Cream and cones are generously donated by The Docksider.


Save the Date! All area Episcopal and Lutheran parishes picnic at Thompson's Island, Sunday, July 25 from 1-4pm. (Rain date Sunday, August 1) Join your neighboring Episcopal and Lutheran church members for a day of food and fellowship! St. Saviour's will supply 2 gas grills, condiments, paper goods and cups. Each church will bring their own food and beverages and everyone who has folding chairs or tables is encouraged to bring them as well - picnic tables are limited. CARPOOLING IS IMPORTANT as parking is very limited and there may be other folk using the picnic area.


The American Red Cross is having blood drives at the following locations:  Eastern Maine Medical Center, 489 State St. Bangor, on July 14 from 9 AM to 3 PM; Neighborhood House, 1 Kimball Rd Northeast Harbor, on July 22 from 11 AM to 4 PM; Swans Island School, 16 Rose Hill Rd. Swans Island, on July 28 from 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM; Friendly's Restaurant, 253 High St. Ellsworth, on July 28 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM .  Please donate!


Seminars on Death and Dying - On Tuesday, July 27 from 6:30 to 8:00 PM, St. Andrew Lutheran Church will host the first of 3 seminars on death and dying. Dr. Reinke, Director of the Emergency Department at Maine Coast Memorial Hospital and Rev. Priscilla Hukki, Pastor, will lead this month's discussion on advanced medical directives. 

How does one approach or prepare for death?  Is it a welcome end to a good life or is it a bitter enemy to fight off for as long as possible – or is it somewhere in between?  When does "comfort care" become an option?  How do we prepare advanced medical directives, and who should have a copy?  Keeping in mind the advances in medical care and intervention, how often should a directive be updated?  When and how does one have conversations with family members about these issues?  How does faith impact the choices made?  How does God fit in the conversation? Free and open to the public.  St. Andrew Lutheran Church is located at 175 Downeast Highway, the junction of Rts. 1 & 184 in Ellsworth.  FMI 667-7641


The next Cursillo 3-Day Weekend in Maine will be September 9-12 at the Sky-Hi Conference Center in Topsham.  The deadline for signing up is August 9.

Q.  What is the duty of all Christians?

A.  The duty of all Christians is to follow Christ; to come together week by week for corporate worship; and to work, pray, and give for the spread of the kingdom of God

The purpose of the Cursillo \kú(ər)-̕-yō\ movement is to help Church members understand their callings to be Christian leaders.  The 3-Day Weekend is a time to focus on what is fundamental for being a Christian, and to learn the Cursillo method.  It is the springboard to living the Fourth Day—  a lifetime of living out one's Baptismal Covenant.  On the Weekend, a team of lay leaders and clergy presents a series of 15 talks on such topics as Grace, the Sacraments, and the foundations of the Cursillo method: piety, study, and action.  It is a time of worship, fellowship, singing, laughter, and good food, with blocks of time for solitary meditation and prayer, confession, and spiritual direction.


Bring your composting materials to church: St John Church has 2 compost bins at the rear of the church yard.  If you are not composting at home, we encourage you to bring compostable material from your kitchen to add to our compost bins.  Just place your material in our bins.  You need not mix, stir or add anything else.  Material suitable for adding to the compost bins includes:   banana peels, apple skins, coffee grounds, apple cores, and uncooked fruits and vegetables that are past their prime.   The hard ends of lettuce,

cabbage, broccoli and asparagus are welcome.  Please DO NOT ADD ANY MEAT, DAIRY OR COOKED FOOD to the bins.  Questions, call Susan Covino Buell, 244-3124


The church office will be open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30-2:30. If you have questions or need assistance at other times, please call Ted Fletcher (244-3115) or Ann Cox Halkett (288-5832).



Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Events and News




JULY 1, 2010



Wednesday mornings

Holy Eucharist at 9:30 a.m.


Pentecost 7, July 11th

8:00 a.m. – Eucharist at St. Andrew by the Lake, Seal Cove

                                                                                               The Rev. Dean Henry                     

10:00 a.m. – Eucharist at St. John the Divine, Southwest Harbor

The Rev. Jonathan Appleyard, Celebrant


Scripture Lessons:

Psalm 82 or 25:1-9; Amos 7:7-17 or Deuteronomy 30:9-14;

Colossians 1:1-14; Luke 10:25-37


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JULY 10th QUIETSIDE FESTIVAL – Bring your baskets, silent auction items, treasures, to the office by Thursday so they can be priced and tagged; pies, baked goods, plants anytime. Call Mary Mitchell (244-9951), Ida Smallidge (244-7266), or the church office (244-3229) if you have questions.



July 6 – St. John Singers at 5:30 p.m.


Farmer’s Market – will be in St. John’s parking lot from 9:00-1:00 each Friday until mid-October.


John Chryssavgis, one of the world's experts on the early Christian Desert Fathers and Mothers will be speaking on July 10 at St. Andrew By-the-Lake, Seal Cove, 9 am to 3 pm. He will describe a simpler form of Christianity than what we have inherited from the last 1500 years.  The Northeast Guild for Spiritual Formation is sponsoring this.  For information contact Eric Erickson at 244 5168, seerickson@roadrunner.com or check out www.northeastguild.org.  


The Second Annual Divine Luncheon on the Lawn will be held Saturday, July 24 from 11:30-1:30 to benefit the Westside Food Pantry and spotlight the work of the Victory Garden. Author Katie Moose will be on hand to offer tastings from her cookbooks and sign and sell her books. The most recent book entitled God's Bounty: 365 Days of Inspirational Cooking pairs biblical passages, hymns and inspirational writing with a recipe for each day of the year. Part of these proceeds will also go to the Pantry. As last year we will use herbs and edible flowers and rely on volunteers to help set up , take down, cook, chop, serve, clean, pick flowers, lend table cloths...etc. Please contact Mary Mitchell, Jean Rohrer, or Dianne McMullan as the Quietside Festival fades from your calendar. 


Free Ice Cream Socials hosted by St. Mary & St. Jude Church in front of the firehouse in Northeast Harbor every Thursday through the summer from 4-5 pm. Donations are welcome to help support the Food Pantry on MDI. Ice Cream and cones are generously donated by The Docksider.


Save the Date! All area Episcopal and Lutheran parishes picnic at Thompson’s Island, Sunday, July 25 from 1-4pm. (Rain date Sunday, August 1) Join your neighboring Episcopal and Lutheran church members for a day of food and fellowship! St. Saviour’s will supply 2 gas grills, condiments, paper goods and cups. Each church will bring their own food and beverages and everyone who has folding chairs or tables is encouraged to bring them as well - picnic tables are limited. CARPOOLING IS IMPORTANT as parking is very limited and there may be other folk using the picnic area.


The American Red Cross is having blood drives at the following locations:  Eastern Maine Medical Center, 489 State St. Bangor, on July 14 from 9 AM to 3 PM; Neighborhood House, 1 Kimball Rd Northeast Harbor, on July 22 from 11 AM to 4 PM; Swans Island School, 16 Rose Hill Rd. Swans Island, on July 28 from 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM; Friendly’s Restaurant, 253 High St. Ellsworth, on July 28 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM .  Please donate!


The church office will be open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30-2:30. If you have questions or need assistance at other times, please call Ted Fletcher (244-3115) or Ann Cox Halkett (288-5832).