Friday, January 24, 2025

Fwd: Stay Warm!

Weekly News from the

MDI Episcopal Partnership!

Map of island with churches marker

"The Artist and his Family" Carlo Francesco Nuvolone, 1609- c.1662

Jacobean Consort Music

Saturday January 25th at 4pm!

Evening Music, the series of FREE

chamber-music concerts presented by the

Friends of Music at St. Saviour's,

continues on Saturday 25 January at 4:00 pm.

The ensemble Harmonie Universelle

will perform Jacobean Consort Music:

chamber music from the time of the Stuart kings of England (1604-1714) for harp, organ, and strings. Harpist Phoebe Durand will play on a

reproduction of a 17th-century Italian triple harp, a harp with three rows of strings that was

designed to play the chromatic music of the Baroque era, 150 years before the invention of the modern pedal-harp.

She will join organist Daniel Pyle, who will play on a small portable organ designed for chamber-music of the 15th - through the 18th centuries. Also performing will be

violinists Heidi Powell and Sylvia Schwartz and cellist Raffael Scheck.

The program is centered on works by Henry Purcell, William Lawes, and Giovanni Coperario.

The last composer, in spite of his name, was an Englishman who was born John Cooper, but

changed his name because he thought that Italian musicians were favored over their English


Harmonie Universelle has been performing music of the 17th and 18th centuries using

historically-appropriate instruments and playing styles for over four decades. It was founded by American musicians working and studying in Amsterdam in the Netherlands in 1982.

They returned to the United States in 1986, and since then have been performing throughout the U.S. and western Europe.

And~~~ the TIME HAS COME!

THIS SUNDAY, Jan. 26th

Worship at 9 AM at St. John's

followed by coffee and conversation!

Thank you, Deacon Tracy,

for sharing your meditations & prayer ideas

with us for Epiphany.

You are a blessing and gift to us all!

Read Tracy's Epiphany Practice HERE!

Canoeing the Mountains

conversation will meet

at 9AM at St. John's on

Thurs. Jan 30th

and again on Feb 13th.

No class on Feb 6th.

You've heard about it...

You've wondered about it...


Watch the video below, as people laugh all over the world.

It's Free! It's Fun! It's Evidence-Based!

Wear anything- bring a friend!

No "yoga postures", just laughter and breathing.

Come to one class or all- each is freestanding.

Stop in and try it AT NOON

Tuesdays at St John's (Sanctuary)

Wednesdays at St Saviour's (Library)

led by Cricket, who is a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader

From now through February!

Seriously... don't you need a good laugh?

Watch Laughter Yoga HERE!

Southwest Harbor:

Let's welcome Robin Barron!

Robin will be our "supply" organist

for the next few months,

while we search for our next

permanent musician.

Robin plays at St. Jude's, Northeast Harbor,

in the summer, and also fills in at

St. Mary's as needed.

Pipe up with a hearty welcome!

Episcopal Relief & Development

is helping with

resources needed in Los Angeles,

following the wildfire devastation there.

Donate Here to Help!

Looking forward to Lent...???

You will be once you get hooked

on Lent Madness!

It's Educational! Competitive!


The format is straightforward:

32 saints are placed into a tournament-like single elimination bracket. Each pairing remains open for a set period of time and people vote for their favorite saint. 16 saints make it to the Round of the Saintly Sixteen; eight advance to the Round of the Elate Eight; four make it to the Faithful Four; two to the Championship; and the winner is awarded the coveted Golden Halo. The first round consists of basic biographical information about each of the 32 saints. Things get a bit more interesting in the subsequent rounds as we offer quotes and quirks, explore legends, and even move into the area of saintly kitsch.

You can sign up on their blog now,

and you'll receive your daily

reminder of the Saints competing that day,

and the button to cast YOUR vote!

Lent Madness Blog Subscribe!

It's a good time to remember

the Bar Harbor

Food Pantry!

What to donate:

Consider donating items we are not always able to purchase, such as:

  • Household cleaners
  • Coffee and tea
  • Pet food
  • Condiments, dressings, and spices
  • Baking items
  • Hygiene and personal care items
  • Gluten-free items

Other non-food items we are happy to receive are egg cartons (to repackage bulk eggs) and reusable grocery bags for customers to use in the pantry.

We cannot accept donations that are expired, opened, or unlabeled

Your REWARD for scrollllllllling

All The Way Down?


March 2nd!

(more info to come!)

(WHAT could it be???)

(all revealed NEXT week!)

Visit our Website

The MDI Episcopal Partnership 

St. Andrew's and St. John's

PO Box 767

Southwest Harbor, ME 04679

315 Main Street, Southwest Harbor, Maine 

207-244-3229  Email Us!

St. Saviour's 

41 Mt. Desert Street, Bar Harbor, ME 04609

207-288-4215   Email the Parish Office


The sanctuary and parish hall of all churches are accessible.

St Saviour's Church | 41 Mount Desert St | Bar Harbor, ME 04609 US

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