Thursday, August 20, 2015

News & Events from St. Andrew & St. John




August 20, 2015



Sunday, August 23, 2015

Pentecost 13

8:00 a.m. – St. Andrew by-the-Lake

10:00 a.m. – St. John the Divine



Alleluia, sing to Jesus (460); Blessed Jesus, at thy word (440);

Bread of heaven on thee we feed (323); Put forth, O God, thy spirit’s might (521)



Psalm 83; 1 Kings 8:1, 6, 10-11, 22-30, 41-43; Ephesians 6:10-20; John 6:56-69

Celebrant: The Rev. Kathleen Killian

Usher: Karen Craig

First Lesson/Psalm: Spencer Ervin

Second Lesson: Floy Ervin

Prayers: Michael DaCosta

Chalice: Chloe Hatcher

Acolyte: Chloe Hatcher

Altar Guild: Chloe Hatcher

Flowers: Floy Ervin

Vestry Member in Charge: Michael DaCosta


Thursday Holy Eucharist – 12:00 noon

August 27 (Thomas Gallaudet & Henry Winter Syle)

The Rev. Kathleen Killian


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The Rev. Timothy Fleck, Rector (207-812-8362)

The Rev. Kathleen Killian, Curate (718-775-6069)

Stephen Sampson, Music Director

Michele Daley, Parish Administrator (244-3229)

Sr. Warden, Bunny Watts (244-3699)

Jr. Warden, Rita Redfield (244-4025)

The Church Office will be open Monday through Thursday





St. John:


Monday, August 24, 5:00 p.m. – St. John’s Singers

Thursdays, 12:00 noon – Holy Eucharist

Fridays, 1:00-3:00 p.m. – Mahjong

Saturday, August 29, 6:30 p.m. – Evensong


Evensong at St. John’s August 29:  As part of the worldwide celebration of the 75th Anniversary of Episcopal Relief and Development (ER-D), St. Andrew & John will be welcoming Dr. Robert Radtke, President of ER-D, to preach at a service of Evensong (sung Evening Prayer) at St. John, Saturday, August 29 at 6:30 PM.

Also as part of the anniversary celebration, a traveling photo exhibit will be on display at St. Saviour from August 15 to August 30, and Dr. Radkte will be preaching at St. Saviour on Sunday, August 30.

Episcopal Relief and Development is the international and domestic disaster relief and community development arm of The Episcopal Church.  It was founded at the start of the Second World War as the Presiding Bishop’s Fund for World Relief to assist European refugees.  Since then, its mission has expanded to include emergency relief following natural disaster and war, as well as sustainable development of communities in economically disadvantaged regions.  Learn more at

Dr. Robert W. Radtke has served as president of Episcopal Relief & Development since 2005.  Prior to that he served in various senior-level posts at the Asia Society. At Episcopal Relief & Development, Rob has overseen a number of major initiatives, including NetsforLife®, the agency’s award-winning, flagship malaria prevention program; and the US Disaster Preparedness and Response Program, which helps Episcopal dioceses, congregations and other church institutions to both prepare for and respond to disasters in their local communities.


St. Saviour:

Summer Organ Series: Fridays in August from 12:15-1:00.

August 21:  Ray Cornils

August 28:  Don Ingram with Eugene Tobey, baritone


St. Saviour’s Hosts Episcopal Relief & Development Photo Exhibition

In celebration of Episcopal Relief & Development’s 75th Anniversary, St. Saviour’s is hosting the organization’s traveling photo exhibition from Sunday, August 16 to Monday, August 31. Featuring 33 iconic photos of Episcopal Relief & Development’s work around the globe, the exhibition leads viewers through a vivid, intimate exploration of the organization’s history and programs.


The Rev. Tim Fleck says, “Bar Harbor is a place where paths cross from all over the earth.  That’s why it’s so important and appropriate for St. Saviour’s to host this exhibit: to remind us and all our visitors of the ways that we are all connected through shared needs and resources.”


Through compelling images and insightful descriptions, the photo exhibition builds meaningful connections to Episcopal Relief & Development’s four core program areas: alleviating hunger, promoting health, creating economic opportunities and responding to disasters.  Photos come from five continents and were chosen from over 20,000 images by curator Johanna Lehan, who has worked for The New Yorker and Newsweek.


As a capstone to the exhibit, Episcopal Relief and Development President Dr. Robert Radtke will be visiting MDI, preaching at a service of Evensong at St. John’s in Southwest Harbor at 6:30 PM on Saturday August 29, and preaching at the regular Sunday services at St. Saviour’s at 7:30 and 10:00 AM on Sunday, August 30.


The “AllHands75” e-docent app, available for iPhone and Android, provides enrichment while experiencing the exhibition in person, and acts as a virtual tour for remote viewing.  The app features a variety of voices – including the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church and the President, staff and supporters of Episcopal Relief & Development – giving deeper detail and background for each image.


“It is incredibly moving to stand in front of these powerful images and hear from someone who was there in the midst of amazing transformation, or whose faith in the importance and impact of our work inspires deeper connection,” said Sean McConnell, Episcopal Relief & Development’s Director of Engagement. “Striving together with local partners, our programs truly engage communities in realizing their vision of a thriving future.  I hope that this exhibition helps people to see what we can do when we act together to heal our hurting world.”


Episcopal Relief & Development works with more than 3 million people in nearly 40 countries worldwide to overcome poverty, hunger and disease through multi-sector programs that utilize local resources and expertise. An independent 501(c)(3) organization, Episcopal Relief & Development works closely with Anglican Communion and ecumenical partners to help communities rebuild after disasters and develop long-term strategies to create a thriving future. In 2014-15, the organization joins Episcopalians and friends in celebrating 75 Years of Healing a Hurting World.


For publication-ready photos, logos, and other information on Episcopal Relief and Development and on the 75th Anniversary photo exhibition, visit



Church of Our Father:

The Waste Not, Want Not Thrift Shop is open Saturdays from 9 am - 12 pm, Wednesdays 3:30 pm - 6 pm. We are accepting, good clean clothing & linens. Think of us when you are cleaning out your closets. Leave donations in Church Parish Hall. Call for more information 288-3674


Thursday evening Bible Study: Through September 10 at 7 pm. using the study titled The Bible in 90 days. There is a participant’s guide which will help to keep the group on track.


St. Mary & St. Jude:

Prayer Shawl Ministry: Thursdays at 10:00 a.m.

Ice Cream Social: Thursdays at 4:00 p.m. on Main Street


St. Andrew Lutheran:

Turkey Dinner: Friday, August 21, 5:30-7:00 p.m. at St. Andrew Lutheran, 175 Downeast Highway, Ellsworth. All proceeds will be given to Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry. No set fee, give as you are able.


Lachen und Weinen (Laughing and Crying), Songs of the tragicomedy that is life: The Schoodic Summer Chorus directed by Anna Dembska will present a concert on Saturday, August 22 at 7:00 p.m. Suggested donation: $10 adults, $5 students, children free.



Birch Bay Village presents ALIVE INSIDE: A Story of Music and Memory on Thursday, August 27 at 6:00pm in the Birch Bay Village Library.

Alive Inside is a joyous cinematic exploration of music’s capacity to reawaken our souls and uncover the deepest parts of our humanity.  The film chronicles the astonishing experiences of individuals around the country who have been revitalized and awakened by the simple act of listening to the music of their youth. Melissa Violette, Board Certified Music Therapist & Director of the Music Therapy program at Birch Bay Village will present an introduction to the film. For more information call 288-8014.


Emmaus Homeless Shelter is now open to anyone in Hancock County. Their FREE Clothing Closet is open Monday-Saturday, 10:00-2:00 p.m., featuring gently used clothing for men, women and children. No appointment is necessary. Their FREE Food Pantry is open Monday-Friday, 10:00-2:00 and Saturday, 9:00-11:00. Call the shelter (667-3962) to sign up. FREE housewares, linens and furniture. Come to shelter to sign up.


Singing for Those at the End of Life: Saturday, October 24, 8:30-4:00 at Maple Hill Farm, Hallowell. Kathy Leo, founding member of the Hallowell Singers, will be the keynote speaker. Don’t miss this great opportunity to expand your knowledge and resources to establish and nurture a bedside singing group. Network and sing with others who comfort and support the ill and dying at bedside through music and song. FYI:


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Keep in your prayers this week: Keith Storm, Jamie Li, Malcolm Hughes, Adam Harkins, Nancy Kincaid, Trevor Agar, Herb Hasenbalg, Jack Weisner, John Cronin, Sarah Flynn, Trisha Roy, Bob Theriault, Ron Martin, Joseph and Kimberly Pratt family, Gary Dunlap, Lydia Thayer, George Swanson, Jennie Cline and Sharon Dayana Salazar, our sponsored child in Costa Rica.


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