Thursday, April 26, 2012

Events and News from St. John's




April 27, 2012



Sunday, April 29, 2012

Good Shepherd Sunday

8:00 and 10:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist at St. John the Divine


Psalm 23; Acts 4:5-12; 1 John 3:16-24; John 10:11-18


Come ye faithful; Savior like a shepherd led us;

The Lord is my shepherd; What wondrous love is this


Celebrant: The Rev Johanna-Karen Johannson

Usher:  Chloe Hatcher

First Lesson and Psalm:  Margot Haertel

Second Lesson: Spencer Ervin

Prayers: Ellen Gilmore

Chalice: Ted Fletcher

Acolyte: Rita Redfield (8:00); Ted Fletcher (10:00)

Altar Guild: Margot Haertel



12:30 – Holy Eucharist


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Vesta Kowalski

People of the Book: 21st Century Episcopalians and Their Prayer Book

April 29 -- What's Next?


Office Hours:

Monday – Tuesday – Thursday

8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Michele Daley, Parish Administrator (664-4237)

If you have questions or need assistance at other times,

call Ted Fletcher (244-3115) or Mary Mitchell (244-9951)






St. John’s:

Thursday Discussion with Debbie Little Wyman, from 1-2 pm; on the subject of the Resurrection. What does resurrection mean to me, to how I live, to how I anticipate my death? Come as you can. We invite topics for future Thursday discussions.


St. Saviour’s:

Thursday Conversation Group from 9:30 - 10:30 in the Library with Debbie Little Wyman on the topic “The journey from Resurrection to Pentecost: what does it mean for each of us and for our community?” Discussion will begin with experiences of the early Christians as well as our own.  Please join us. No preparation required. Came and go as you are able. The Rev. Little Wyman will also be available in the Rectory Study from 10:30-11:45 a.m. on Thursdays for anyone wishing a private conversation with a priest.


St. Mary’s and St. Jude’s

The 2012 General Convention of the Episcopal ChurchAdult Forums resume with a review of this important National Church meeting and the main issues that will be reviewed, discussed and voted on.  Come to find out what’s up for your church!

Apr. 29 – Introduction to General Convention

May 6 – The Anglican Covenant – what is it?  Will we approve it?

May 13 – the Blessing of same gender commitments – new liturgies to approve

May 20 – Proposed restructuring of the National Church – will we undertake this?

Forums meet after 9 am worship upstairs in the Parish Hall and last 45 minutes to an hour.


Church of Our Father

Holy Eucharist and Breakfast, Wednesdays at 7:00 a.m.; Healing Service on the fourth Wednesday.


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Keep in your prayers this week:  George, Tracy, Lois, Kay, Taylor, and Henry. Pray for the safe return of Adam Holt, Troy DeGolyer, Susan Falt, John Ourisman, and Carl Reed, who are among our armed forces serving overseas, and their families.


Military Casualties (April 11-22)

Afghanistan: Ramon Kaipat, Philip Schiller, Abraham Tarwoe, Tanner Higgins, David Nowaczyk, Aaron Faust, Michael Braden, Chris Workman, Don Viray, Dean Shaffer, Nicholas Johnson, Michael Metcalf, Jonathan Walsh, Joseph Fankhauser


Prayer for the Community of St. Andrew & St. John                       

Gracious God, we offer thanks for our parish, for your inspiration, and for the many generous open hearts whose donations will bring accessibility to all at St. John’s. Guide us all as the planned expansion of the facilities comes to reality. We thank you for the various trades and skills of those who work on the addition. Protect and guide them as they labor, that they may take pride in their accomplishments. Inspire us to share faithfully the love that you have revealed to us through the ministry and sacrifice of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.


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Our theology is an art form, not a law book

Paul Gibson, Diocese of Toronto






Wiring the offices









Stairs to Undercroft