Join Us for Worship Sunday, May 29: 9 am Holy Eucharist* Church of Our Father Celebrant: The Rev. Dr. Jennifer Reece click here for bulletin 11:00 am Holy Eucharist St. Saviour's Parish, Bar Harbor Celebrant: The Rev. Dr. Jennifer Reece click here for bulletin 4:00 pm Holy Eucharist* St. John the Divine, Southwest Harbor Celebrant: The Rev. Claudia Smith click here for bulletin *= these services will be streamed to our YouTube channel: Shared Worship services on the island will resume in October. You can always look to the online calendar to see the service schedule: | | | Midweek Holy Eucharist on MDI Wednesdays at Church of Our Father at 8 am Using the readings appointed for the day in the Book of Common Prayer, we will have a service Holy Eucharist. On the first Wednesday of the month, we will use a Rite I liturgy. | | Covid Precautions: If you are exhibiting any of the symptoms of Covid, please choose to attend a service online. Our Covid protocols will be followed: Vaccinations expected, unless medically prohibited Everyone masked indoors Socially distanced seating is available, not required Communion in one-kind, bread only Outdoor coffee hour, weather permitting Sanitize your hands prior to receiving Communion. God bless you for keeping our church, our community, and our loved ones safe. If you or a close contact tests positive for Covid, please let Mother Holly know so we can support you in your recovery and communicate with the community as necessary about their possible exposure to the virus while maintaining confidentiality and pastoral privacy. | | Weekly Sermons and More Sermon Easter VI Sermon by the Rev. Holly Hoffmann Easter VI May 22, 2022 at St. Saviour, Bar Harbor, ME. "I have said these things to you while I am still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid." (John 14:23-29). Sermon begins 1:56. | | | Assisting at Services If you are returning to MDI for the summer, perhaps you would enjoy serving on Sundays! We are currently working on the schedules for July through September and would love your support for our worship services: Acolytes, Greeters/Ushers, Lectors, Intercessors, Altar Guild, Flower Guild and Officiants for Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer (at St. John's). If you would like to help at any of our services, please contact the parish administrator of your church. Thank you! | | Please Wear Your Name Tag to Church Remember that wearing your name tag at worship is helpful to each other, Mother Holly, supply clergy, and to visitors! If you would like a new name tag, contact your Parish Administrator. | | Pastoral Care Requests Holy Communion: If you are unable to attend an in-person worship service and would like Holy Communion brought to you, please contact the church office (contact information is at the bottom of this email). We will arrange a time for the clergy, our Pastoral Care Associate Maribeth Payne, or a Eucharistic Visitors to bring the Sacrament to your home or hospital bedside. Hospital Visits: If you or a loved one is in the hospital, please let Mother Holly know. She is glad to come visit you in the hospital or call you during your stay. | | Mother Holly is in Omaha, Nebraska Until July 2, Mother Holly is in Omaha, NE completing a second theological degree, a Masters Degree in Christian Spirituality. She will also earn a Certificate in Spiritual Direction and Directed Retreats. This June term completes her formal studies, and she hopes that you can attend the final prayer service for students in her program by Zoom. She will be leading a silent retreat in Iowa as a part of her studies May 26-June 4. She spoke about this program in her sermon on Sunday, May 22. From now through July 2, please direct pastoral emergencies to your senior warden who will either direct you to the priest Mother Holly has arranged for coverage while she is leading a retreat or to Mother Holly herself. Mother Holly is available for pastoral phone calls after June 4 and will hold several parish meetings while in Omaha via Zoom. Church of Our Father - Tony Sousa, see your directory St. Saviour's - Linda Foster, see your directory St. Andrew & St. John - Ted Fletcher, see your directory | | NEW MDI EPISCOPAL CHURCH MUSEUM! The four Episcopal Churches of Mount Desert Island are working to establish a new historical museum located in a beautiful, secured setting at St. Saviour's Church. We have found that there are many, many items of church history hidden away in boxes, closets, etc. that are never seen and should be displayed for all to see. The museum is well underway and will open this summer. This is quite exciting! We are looking for donations of bookcases, a glass china cabinet, a larger desk, old church history items hidden in parishioners' homes. We will need volunteer docents for times we are open this summer. Please contact Diane Zito, Sue Blaisdell, Joanne Sousa or Lauri Fernald (all listed in the directory) if you can help with any of these items. Thank you so much! | | SAVE THE DATE Annual Meeting Dates are: Church of Our Father, June 19 after 9 am worship In Person and On Zoom: click here to join this Zoom St. Andrew's and St. John's, June 19 after 4 pm worship In Person and On Zoom: click here to join this Zoom St. Saviour's, July 17 after 11 am worship In Person and On Zoom: click here to join this Zoom Folks may attend in person or on Zoom. If you plan to attend on Zoom, please plan on attending worship online that day (separate links) | | Lay Ministers You will find a list of those who volunteer for Lay Ministries at this time posted on the bulletin boards of Church of Our Father and St. Saviour's. Please update your participation for the next quarter which will come up soon! If you would like to join the list as a reader or usher, we would welcome you! | | Island-wide Shared Worship Resumes in October Island-wide worship on the fourth Sunday of the month will resume in October 2022. Services on 5/22 will be: Holy Eucharist at 11 am at St. Saviour's and 4 pm Evening Prayer at St. John the Divine, Southwest Harbor. Please join us for worship! | | Your Prayers Requested: Statement from the Bishop of West Texas [Episcopal News Service] West Texas Bishop David Reed requested prayers on May 24 after a deadly shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, left at least 18 children and two adults dead. Reed's letter to the San Antonio-based diocese follows. You can read the letter in the Episcopal News Service, by clicking here. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Earlier today, a teenage gunman murdered at least 14 elementary-aged students and a teacher in their school in Uvalde. Not somewhere far off, but within the Diocese of West Texas. Not strangers, but children in a close-knit community of which the beautiful parish family of St. Philip's is a vital part. People we know and love are heart-broken and grief-stricken tonight, even as they seek ways to care for and comfort the devastated families and their town. This is so utterly wrong. Words of outrage are not enough to express our hatred of this evil done to little children who simply went to school this morning. Expressions of sorrow scarcely touch the depth of families' grief tonight. There is nothing we can say today to comfort the parents, siblings, and grandparents whose lives were left in ruins by this evil violence. What we have to offer is ourselves. To turn ourselves, our hearts and minds, to those who are suffering in Uvalde – to reach out our hands to lift up and to extend our arms to embrace – this is what we have to offer, following the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, and following him in whatever ways are available into the pain and brokenness of our brothers and sisters in Uvalde and at St. Philip's Church. We have received power to love and to resist hatred. And we can pray. We must pray. Ignore the cynics, and pray with all your heart. Let your cries reach to the heavens. Let your anger and despair be your prayer. And listen to God answering in return. Look for God's tears revealed and listen for his perfect and righteous anger. Give yourself over to opportunities to join in the Spirit's work of binding up and healing. Love with all you've got, and never, ever surrender to the darkness. In the few hours since the news broke, I have already received so many emails, texts, and phone calls from around the Diocese and around the country, offering to do whatever they can, send whatever is needed, to support Uvalde. Episcopal Relief and Development has reached out and offered resources. The Presiding Bishop's office has been in contact. Bishops have called me, including Bishop Scott Mayer of neighboring Northwest Texas and Connecticut's Bishop Ian Douglas, whose diocese suffered the horrific Sandy Hook massacre. Clergy and people within West Texas are standing by, offering love, support, and prayers. As more information becomes available, we will do all we can to uphold our brothers and sisters of St. Philip's, looking to them and their rector, the Rev. Mike Marsh, for guidance as to how we can support their community. Because I believe in Jesus, I am convinced that sin and death are defeated and darkness will never prevail over the light of resurrection. Because I believe in eternal life, I trust that the senseless murder of these innocent children is not the final thing to be said about them. If the Gospel is true, it is true in all times and in all places, including in Uvalde tonight. If God is with us, then he is with us even in those times and places where it seems that death and darkness have prevailed. Jesus loves the little children. He tells the disciples to move aside and make room for them, and he takes the children in his arms and blesses them. In your prayers, make room for the children of Uvalde—all of them, and of all ages—and pray for all victims of violence that the Peace of Christ will be known and welcomed. Let us pray. O God our Father, whose beloved Son took children into his arms and blessed them: Give us grace to entrust your beloved children of Uvalde to your everlasting care and love, and bring them fully into your heavenly kingdom. Pour out your grace and loving-kindness on all who grieve; surround them with your love; and restore their trust in your goodness. We lift up to you our weary, wounded souls and ask you to send your Holy Spirit to take away the anger and violence that infects our hearts, and make us instruments of your peace and children of the light. In the Name of Christ who is our hope, we pray. Amen. Love in Christ,+David Reed Bishop of West Texas This Sunday we will include in our prayers during worship A Litany in the Aftermath of Gun Violence by the Rt. Rev. Stephen T. Lane, Episcopal Bishop of Maine. It is linked here also for your personal use. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry led an adaptation of this prayer on Facebook Tuesday evening in a short prayer service. You can watch it here. | | | Upcoming Events and Dates | | | May 27: Music Concert Series Continues at St. Saviour's at 12 Noon Evening Music at St. Saviour's presents a special concert, on Friday , May 27, at 12:00 noon. This special concert, "Dueling Clavichords." Dr. Kevin Birch and Dr. Gregory Crowell will take us on a journey of musical discovery performing keyboard music of the 17th and 18th Centuries on clavichords by Dutch builder Koen Vermeij (1988) after Christian Gottlob Hubert (1784) and German builder Martin Kather (2020) after Praetorius (1621). A favorite instrument of Johann Sebastian Bach, according to his earliest biographer Forkel, that "both for practice and intimate use he regarded the clavichord as the best instrument for study and preferred to express on it his finest feelings." Birch and Crowell will introduce the program with a description and historical overview of the clavichord. | | June 1: Outreach Meeting, 9 am The Outreach, Evangelism, and Mission committee meets every first Wednesday at Church of Our Father after 8 am worship. Please join us Wednesday, June 1! We will discuss plans for outreach this summer and look ahead to initiatives for the fall, too. | | | June 3 - 5, 2022: Wear Orange to End Gun Violence  As we face yet another mass shooting, this time at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, it's more important than ever to speak out against gun violence. Every year in June, members of the movement against gun violence in every state across the country come together to honor survivors of gun violence and to demand a future free from this crisis. This year's observance is June 3-5. Wear Orange originated on June 2, 2015—what would have been Hadiya Pendleton's 18th birthday. Just one week after performing at President Obama's 2nd inaugural parade in 2013, she was shot and killed at the age of 15. In the aftermath, teenagers in Chicago who wanted to honor their friend wore orange to raise awareness around gun violence. The Episcopal Peace Fellowship of Maine wishes to honor Hadiya and the more than 110 people shot and killed every day in the United States. Every parishioner in the Diocese of Maine is encouraged to join in National Gun Violence Awareness Day and Wear Orange Weekend June 3-5. Show our support for prevention of gun violence! If you would like to integrate this theme into worship that weekend, you are free to use Bishop Lane's A Litany in the Aftermath of Gun Violence, written in 2018. To learn more about the ministry of the Episcopal Peace Fellowship (EPF) in the Diocese of Maine, visit their webpage on the diocesan website by clicking here. | | June 18: Evening Music Concert Series Continues at St. Saviour's at 4 pm Baroque Orchestra of Maine's mission is to present dynamic world class period instrument performances to the rural Downeast Maine area featuring local artists. The group strives to engage and educate a wide audience about historically informed performance by presenting concerts in accessible, eclectic, non-traditional concert venues. For more information, visit: | | June 19: Annual Meetings for CoOF and SASJ Church of Our Father, June 19 after 9 am worship In Person and On Zoom: click here to join this Zoom St. Andrew's and St. John's, June 19 after 4 pm worship In Person and On Zoom: click here to join this Zoom Attend in person or on Zoom (if on Zoom, attend worship via the YouTube Channel) St. Saviour's Annual Meeting will be July 17 after 11 am worship. | | June 25: Memorial Service for Barbara Fleming at Church of Our Father at 2 pm. Please join us and her family. | | June 25: Westside Food Pantry Benefit Concert at 2:30 pm Kelley Farms will perform a benefit concert at St. John the Divine, Southwest Harbor. All proceeds go to the benefit of the Westside Food Pantry, a ministry of St. Andrew's and John's. To learn more about the Westside Food Pantry, visit: | | Save the Date: Stained Glass Talks at CoOF on July 19 and at St. Saviour's on August 23  | | Ways to Support Those Suffering from Violence in Ukraine Continue to pray for Ukraine and those in danger.  Collect for Peace from the BCP: Almighty God, kindle, we pray, in every heart the true love of peace, and guide with your wisdom those who take counsel for the nations of the earth, that in tranquillity your dominion may increase until the earth is filled with the knowledge of your love; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. Members of the Partnership parishes gathered in the first week of the month to discuss Outreach projects for the spring. There was a strong desire to focus our energies on promoting organizations that are helping those living in the Ukraine. Two organizations that are being recommended are: Episcopal Relief and Development is working closely with Anglican agencies and ecumenical partners to meet the urgent humanitarian needs of Ukrainian refugees in Europe. People quickly packed up and fled Ukraine to safety and are now in need of basic supplies and will need long-term support. Your contribution to the Episcopal Relief & Development International Disaster Response Fund will help provide clothing, food, water and other items. For more information on this organization, including instructions on how to give, visit: or call 1.855.312.4325 Save the Children: UKRAINE CRISIS RELIEF FUND Ukraine's children are in grave danger of physical harm, severe emotional distress and mass displacement. Save the Children is concerned for children caught in the middle of armed conflict, forced from their homes in freezing temperatures, and exposed to injury, hunger and cold. Your donation to Save the Children's Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund can help provide children and families with immediate aid, such as food, water, hygiene kits, psychosocial support and cash assistance. Together, we can protect children in crisis. For more information on this organization, including instructions on how to give, visit: | | Bar Harbor Food Pantry for May 2022 Thanks to all who gave so generously last month. The need for May is the same. The Pantry has difficulty getting these items from charitable food suppliers. The BH Food Pantry Facebook page says they now are in considerable need of jams, jellies coffee and tea. Bring to basket at COOF if able. Thank you. | | Sunday Fellowship Outdoors As the warm weather returns, we will be having time after the services of worship for fellowship outside. If you are interested in assisting with refreshments for these times, please be in touch with the parish administrator of your church, and she will connect you with others assisting in this ministry within our community. At St. John's, speak with Dianne McMullan. At Church of Our Father, speak with Joanne Sousa. At St. Saviour's, speak with Linda Foster. | | Our MDI Covid Task Force meets regularly to discuss our protocols. Updates: - An area (not the whole worship space) will be marked off for Social distancing for those who want to sit in an area designated for this seating arrangement
- Guests and visitors will be invited at announcements to provide their contact information, should they want to be notified of a possible exposure to Covid-19 at worship service.
- Due to being in a high transmission rate according to the CDC, masking will required at all indoor gatherings for all people in attendance in addition to worship.
Note: Full vaccinations expected, unless medically prohibited. | | COVID Guidelines Reminder from Bishop Brown Click on the video below for an update from Bishop Brown as several of our counties are now back in yellow and red community status (a reminder of the guidelines from the CDC regarding community levels is here). | | | Age 5+ eligible to schedule COVID-19 vaccination, Age 12+ eligible for booster COVID-19 vaccination and booster shots are available by appointment at the Community Health Center, Cooper Gilmore, Trenton Health Center, and Carroll Drug Store. The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is the only vaccine currently authorized for children ages 5-17. Everyone age 12+ is eligible for a booster shot. You must be 5 months past your second dose of Pfizer/Moderna or 2 months past your first dose of Johnson & Johnson to receive a booster dose. If you would like to schedule a COVID-19 vaccination or booster, please call one of our vaccination sites below or check our Bar Harbor Regency Clinic calendar. COVID-19 vaccines and boosters are also available by appointment at local pharmacies in Bar Harbor, Southwest Harbor and Ellsworth. Call now to schedule your vaccine or booster (Pfizer/Moderna/J&J): Cooper Gilmore Health Center: 207-288–5024 17 Hancock Street, Bar Harbor, ME 04609 Community Health Center: 207-244–5630 16 Community Lane, Southwest Harbor, ME 04679 Trenton Health Center: 207-667–5899 394 Bar Harbor Road, Trenton, ME 04605 Carroll Drug Store 3 Village Green Way, Southwest Harbor, ME 04679 | | | ** Get free at-home COVID-19 tests ** 1) Every home in the U.S. is eligible to order 4 free at-home COVID-19 tests. The tests are completely free. Orders will usually ship in 7-12 days. Order your tests now so you have them when you need them: Project ACT 2) Additional Free Tests can be ordered for those living in some communities in Hancock County. Search by Zip Code: | | | Youth & Family Formation Children's Faith Formation at Home on MDI Brad Berry and Chris Krenicki of Church of Our Father send home materials to support faith formation at home monthly for elementary and middle school aged youth. If you would like to receive these materials or be notified when in person events are happening here for youth in this age range, please be in touch with the parish office. Contact information is at the bottom of this email. Connect with other Episcopal Maine households walking the path of faith via this private Facebook group. Our team will provide curated resources, and we will be resources for one another. Episcopal Maine Youth of all ages are gathering online | | | All 6th-12th grade youth are welcome to join in for prayer, song and community on third Mondays, the next being June 20 from 6:30- 8 pm. If you haven't yet joined us on our Dungeons & Dragons-style epic adventure, we invite you to hop on! You don't need to know anything about D&D to attend. We'll welcome you into a co-created mystical realm of mischief and magic. Click here to join us on Zoom. | | High schoolers and young adults (21 and younger) are invited to gather for conversation and prayer online. They can click here to join on Zoom on the first Monday of each month. The next meeting is Monday, June 6 at 6:30 pm. The group will talk about current events, their faith, God, and everything in between - wherever the conversation goes! | Celebrate the end of summer at Camp Bishopswood | | | Start thinking about summer! Families and households from the Diocese of Maine are invited to celebrate the end of summer together at Camp Bishopswood. Spend a night or two cabin or tent camping while you swim, boat, hike, rest, and worship on scenic Lake Megunticook. All meals included. There will be free diocese-wide programming during the day on Saturday, August 27 including worship with Bishop Brown. Come for the day or stay for the weekend! Scholarships are available. Click here to register for Summer Finale. Cabins and tenting available. | | | | | | | | New Faith In Maine Podcast Available New Faith in Maine podcasts are available regularly, and currently are focusing on the themes from the 2021 diocesan convention: Listen, Connect, Adapt, and Hope. You can download the Faith in Mainepodcasts from whatever podcast hosting service you prefer: Google Podcasts, Podbean, Apple, Pocketcasts, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, and more! Just a reminder for your church community - especially for your church members in rural, tech-challenged areas or who are elderly and may not have good connectivity, smart devices, or computers - that the Faith in Maine podcast (always the most recent episode) is also accessible by telephone. The permanent phone number to listen to the Faith in Maine podcast is: 207-223-6402 This is a number you can publish in your church bulletins, as it will never change. The content that people will listen to will change each time a new podcast is published. Please feel free to call and test it out! The tech behind this is low-cost and easy to learn. If you are interested in providing a solution like this to your church members (such as allowing them to call in and listen to a recording of your latest sermon), connect with Katie Clark, Canon for Communications. | | Contemplative Prayer Group: Mother Regina Christianson and the Rev. Dr. Jenny Reece are gathering those who have or would like to learn a centering prayer practice every Friday at 1:00 p.m. at the Oranbega Retreat Center in Orland, Maine. Beginners are always welcome, as are the more experienced, so long as they have "beginner's mind"! Participation via Zoom will be available for those who live too far away to come to Orland for an hour on Fridays. To receive a link, use the above contact info. If you intend to come to Orland in person, please call or text Jenny at 207-952-2363 for the schedule (or if you need directions), as the meeting will be Zoom only on the weeks when she is absent and Mother Regina is leading the group. | | We pray for the victims of the recent natural disasters around the world. We pray for all essential services personnel, the first responders and healthcare workers affected by the pandemic. Church of Our Father Please let us know if we don't have your birthdate or anniversary date to celebrate! | | Birthdays: May 27 Liz Libby | Anniversaries: Are we missing yours? | | St. Saviour We pray for Bill Scott, Gregory Berube, Connie Brush, Yolanda Ferrari, Cheryl Kolodziej, Julie Grindle, Geoff Schuller, Eleanor Raynes, Howard Brush, John Stewart, Ruth Westphal, Gretchen Westphal, Lucy Triplett, Gail Leland, Christopher Lebida, Christopher Walls, Linda Carman, Mary Smith, John Fibiger, Ray McDonald, Emily O'Connor, Sarah Cleaves, Nicholas, Janet Flood, Rachel, Mimi, Charlie, Sarah B., Dickie, Alex, Penny Ayer, Arletta Sullivan, and Anne Cleaves. Please let us know of any updates. Please let us know if we don't have your birthdate or anniversary date to celebrate! | | Birthdays: May 31 Eliza Vallette | Anniversaries: Are we missing yours? | | We pray for Pamela Hattem, Katharine Thompson, Bill Merrill, Mary Ann Mahoney, Liz, Elizabeth Ward, Bunny Watts, Anne Wetzel, Paul Haertel, Chuck Bradshaw, Ted Bromage, Jean Storace, Spencer Ervin, Geoff Schuller, Doris McCorison, Gail Leland, Michael Shook, Joyce and Jim Risser, Loretta Schmidt, Theresa Mitchell, Fred & Dollis Sprague, Sara Winchenbach, Richard Ramsdell, Dorothy & Jim Clunan, Bill and Barbara Loveland. Please let us know if we don't have your birthdate or anniversary date to celebrate! | | Birthdays: May 19 - Anne L. Welles May 21 - Stephen Byers Sampson May 28 - Fred Benson May 29 - Doris Walton | Anniversaries: May 19 - Steve and Wanda Fernald | | A Prayer for Ukraine from Archbishops Justin Welby & Stephen Cottrell | | | | Mother Holly's Office Hours Resume in July. Email her in the meantime. Sunday as scheduled and where needed Monday at St. John's Tuesday at St. Saviour's Wednesday at Church of Our Father Thursday where needed and sermon preparation She is happy to schedule an appointment on Zoom or in person, if you would like to see her! Call the parish office or E-mail her For pastoral emergencies, call her at 207-244-8144 and leave a message, if you do not reach her immediately. | | | IN CASE YOU MISSED IT . . . | | | Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont bishops to assist each other's dioceses | | Episcopalians from across Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire participated via Zoom at Maine's Spring Training event on May 14. The bishops of the three dioceses had the opportunity to discuss their collaboration and announced that they will serve as assisting bishops in each other's dioceses as part of an effort to increase collaboration in the region. Starting in September, Maine Bishop Thomas J. Brown, New Hampshire Bishop A. Robert Hirschfeld and Vermont Bishop Shannon MacVean-Brown, in addition to serving as diocesan bishops and ecclesiastical authorities in their respective dioceses, each will be able to preach, teach, and provide sacramental rites in the other dioceses. Read the full joint letter in which they shared this announcement here. Read more in the Episcopal News Service here. | | | | The Presiding Bishop released the pastoral statement below on the mass shooting in Buffalo, New York: "My heart is heavy with the news that a white supremacist gunman took the lives of 10 children of God in Buffalo on Saturday. I grew up walking distance from the scene of this hateful crime, and my friends and I used to ride our bikes around the neighborhood. Buffalo's Black community raised and formed me. I grieve with the city and people I love. The loss of any human life is tragic, but there was deep racial hatred driving this shooting, and we have got to turn from the deadly path our nation has walked for much too long. Bigotry-based violence—any bigotry at all—against our siblings who are people of color, Jewish, Sikh, Asian, trans, or any other group, is fundamentally wrong. As baptized followers of Jesus of Nazareth, we are called to uphold and protect the dignity of every human child of God, and to actively uproot the white supremacy and racism deep in the heart of our shared life. Please join me in prayer for the shattered families in Buffalo. Please also join me in expressing profound gratitude for the intervention by Buffalo police that likely saved many other lives. Even amid tragedy, even when manifestations of evil threaten to overwhelm, let us hold fast to the good. It is the only way that leads to life." If you would like to reach out and help directly, click here to read Bishop Sean Rowe's statement and learn more about the FeedMore WNY emergency fund. | | An Invitation to Pray: Transformation Northeast David Janssen. Email questions to here to "start to pray". Sign up for a time slot that isn't yet taken. You will receive an automatic reminder to let you know your prayer time is coming. Find prayer guidesClick hereJoin them in praying 24/7 for Church and regional renewal, transformation, and awakening. Tony Sousa, Senior Warden of Church of Our Father in Hulls Cove, encourages churches in our diocese to become involved. is a nondenominational effort to renew Christianity in New England. Transformation Northeast | | Praying Compline in the Diocese Monday-Friday at 8 pm A core community at the Cathedral of St. Luke, Portland have been praying the service of Compline together for sometime. They would now like to invite anyone in the diocese to come and pray with them! Follow this Zoom link to join them Monday through Friday at 8:00pm. They look forward to meeting you as they end the day in prayer together. | | $$ No Frills Oil Discount $$ No Frills Oil gives a discount to all Episcopalians for a private home: 8 cents off the cash price. Inquire directly with No Frills and contact Andrew McMullan, Junior Warden of St. Andrew and St. John, with questions. | | | Support Your Church Online Giving To facilitate stewardship, the Diocese of Maine has an online giving site at no charge to the parishes. The Diocese will transfer the funds you give to your church or summer chapel using this online payment system. If you would like to set up automatic payments for your pledge, simply select your church and set up your one-time or recurring gift or establish automatic weekly or monthly donations to the parish, either charged to your credit card or to your personal checking or savings account. You can also name your gift in memory or honor of someone through this site in the memo section. Congregation names begin with their town; chapels begin with "Chapel" followed by town and chapel name. Click here to visit the online giving portal of the Diocese or click the button below. As always, the church accepts other forms of donations (cash, check, etc.). | | Stewardship: If you haven't returned your pledge card, please do so now. If you did not receive a pledge card and would like to, please contact the parish office. | | | Devotional Materials to Support Prayer at Home - Teen Simple Daily Devotional This resource is used by teens across the country. It walks you through simple daily devotionals (sort of like meditations). You could use it any day, to strengthen you on your faith journey.
- Forward Movement has the daily office (morning prayer, noonday prayer, evening prayer, or compline) on the Forward Movement Daily Prayer website.
- There is also a daily podcast, A Morning at the Office, with various people leading the prayers and reading the scripture lessons for the day.
- The popular daily devotion Forward Day by Day is posted each day online, and it too is available as a podcast.
- Hardcopies of the Day By Day readers are available by contacting the church office or stopping by when the parish office is open.
| | Community Resources AA recovery groups, online and in person, in Downeast Maine can be found by clicking here. Downeast Community Partners DCP brings community resources together to help people in Washington and Hancock counties achieve self-sufficiency and a better quality of life. Our Housing division helps people maintain safe, affordable, energy-efficient housing (including heating assistance through the THAW program). Our Transportationdivision staff travels over a million miles each year, helping people get to medical appointments, senior food programs and other important services. Helping Hands Garage helps people buy affordable roadworthy vehicles. Friendship Cottage in Blue Hill offers an Adult Day Service Program. Our Energy Services division provides a variety of services to prevent hunger, hypothermia, and homelessness. At Home provides services to assist seniors aging in place. Everybody Eats! provides a free community meal each week to Ellsworth area residents. Our Early Care and Education program provides Head Start, Early Head Start, Pre-K and Childcare services to local families. Our Supportive Services division provides support to individuals and families working to make changes in their lives. Nurse Bridging and Maternal and Child Health services provide caring nurse support to families with infants and small children. Peninsula Free Health Service provides free medical care to the uninsured on the Blue Hill Peninsula. Everybody Eats Free Community Meal is a project whose goal is to provide free, healthful and wholesome meals to the Ellsworth community. Visit their Facebook page at Open Table MDI exists to inspire strong, loving, and inclusive communities by bringing people together to share in nourishing food. For more information visit their website here. Westside Food Pantry Distribution of vouchers at St. John the Divine in Southwest Harbor occur on the first Sunday (12:00-2:00) and third Sunday (12:00-1:00) of each month from November through April and beyond, if necessary. We invite you to visit the facebook page where you will find periodic announcements and information about the Westside Food Pantry. Please visit the page at: and like it. | | Warning about email, phone and text scams. Neither the Rev. Holly Hoffmann nor any member of the church staff or leadership will solicit gifts, specifically gift cards, via email, phone or text directly. Neither will we ask if you are "free now" and request only an email or text response. Always check the actual email address from the sender to see if it matches Mother Holly's email and do not respond to the email, text or call. Please report these emails as phishing/scam attempts and block the sender or caller from your inbox or phone . If you are in doubt, or need more information, please contact the parish office. We will return your call. | | | |